Tuesday, December 30, 2008

This Years Christmas Harvest

Once every full moon families come together, and reap what they sow. It's so beautiful you could cry! Anyway... This year's crop harvest was rather plentiful. I received.... and that's quite a lot!

From my two bestest friends: - A Purple waistcoat (that TOTALLY rocked my pants!) and a heart shaped necklace with the letter M for murder.. I mean Merete.. he..heee...

From Green Ninja: - Purple soap, purple towel, purple everything! There was so much purple I nearly drown. Its was great, such greatness I've never known.

From Wenche, her Boo and their rat: - A pair of earring, they're so cute.

My Aunt, Uncle & Cousin: - A fleece blanket and money, ain't it honey!

My Grandmother x2: Christmas card, chocolate, and money. Yay! Oh, and a BIG hug! (Which is K. E. Y.)

My Uncle, his "fiance", and her kid: - Coins for my collection *giggle*, a book " Hvordan Sage En Dame I ToP?", and candy for my sweet tooth. Yummy.

My Brother: - Cube Zero, part three of The Cube "trilogy" he got me hooked. The thing is thou, they're out of production so I was lucky he found one.

My Parents: Drawing utensils; watercolor, acrylic, and charcole, (I can't wait to use them!) an external hard-drive, candy and some films; The Producers (with Gene Wilder, you know the one I talked about earlier), and Alice in Wonderland( I think I posted a link on my previous blog, gene wilder plays The Mock Turtle, and as The Mad Hatter we have Martin Short, can it get any better than that? I think NOT)

I might post some pictures... who am I kidding? we all know I'm to lazy for that nonsense...
What Did You Guys Get?

Tomorrow.. Or I should say today, is the celebration we've all been waiting for... Yes, New Years Eve. I've already asked about 5 other people what their plans are for this special, and yet somewhat over the top, exaggerated event... So I might as well ask you. Oh please, do share you're lives detail with my since I'm trying to live vicariously through you all. If you're sensing a slight hint of sarcasim, I can assure you that is not my intention. How do you plan to end this year, with a bang? Or perhaps a bottle of vino and you 99 cats, if I may be so bold?

I'm gonna hang out with my dear friends, and watch some fireworks. I think fireworks are best at wintertime. When it's dark, and cold, and everything's filled with mystery. The perfect time to light up the sky especially when with friends.

This time I decided not to make any New Year's Resolutions. I mean it's not like I'm going to follow-through on them anyway, so why even bother? Still I do like making lists and cheacking them twice. So here goes:

- Watch more films
- Listen to more music
- Say Yes to everything for a whole day, atleast once in the upcomming year.
-Instead of planning to be spontaneous, I just do it. Oh my.. What a paradox that one is...
- Worry less, and have more fun...
On second thought, maybe I'll be able to follow-through this time. For once in my life I think I've finally found something do-able.
How about you? Dish out the goods, I challenge you all to a duel. Muhahahaaa!

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Santa's Workshop

Jeg har ikke nevnt dette før, men de fleste vet det alt fra før. Jeg er deltids ansatt på ICA nær og har vært det siden november blablabla... Det morsomme er kundene. noen vil man slå ihjel med en mini pariser, mens andre vil man hoppe i armene til og aldri slippe. Man må virkelig ta det gode med det onde. Jeg har tre favoritter, hundre haters og resten er helt nøytrale. Mine tre kjærester er en høy pappa som alltid har et smiler, nesten som han lukter rainbows and unicorns han er så hyggelig. så har vi gammer'n hvis han ser deg blir du stående å prate i flere timer. sist snakket vi om pepperkaker og Sverige det var helt bisart, unnsett han er veldig morsom og vi har det veldig gøy sammen, alle på jobben liker han. så er det Shorty en lav, litt rund mann med rødt hår prater om fotball, pils og guttaboys. av og til har han annet å tilby men som oftest går det i fotball. Jeg prater ikke så mye med han men han sprer gleden.
ÅH vent! Det er fire favoritter, jeg glemte en utrolig hyggelig dama som også er en av ICA's faste. Hun kommer minst to ganger hver dag smiler og ler og prater om masse rart hele tiden. Hun jobber på er eldrehjem og virker som hun faktisk bryr seg om mennesker. Disse fire nye vennene mine har HELT forandret synet mitt på menneskeheten, det er faktisk håp. Jeg var bekymret for at kollegene mine skulel være skikkelige sære og noen av de er de to sjefene mine og "Danny" (names have been changed for their own protection) Danny tar pause når som helst uten å si ifra, resultatet blir at jeg får masse kjeft av kundene. når han skal rydde på lageret tar han heller en røyk i fryseren, resultatet blir at jeg får masse kjeft av sjefen. Han kommer høy på jobb, han kjefter på kunder så de begynner å gråte, han har en ekkel/ skummel personlighet og han skaper bare problemer. Det er et under han fremdeles har jobb der. Sjef 1&2 er sære, men koselige jeg vet ikke helt hva jeg kan si om de to rakkerne de må bare oppleves. Resten er fun fun fun! idag hadde vi kassemøte, som er dekknavn for pause m/prat mens jeg sitter i kassen. Very nice!

Nå skal du få høre om dagens intriger.
Intrige nr. 1
En eldre kvinne kom inn i butikken med fryktelig vondt i foten, så jeg henter jeg henne en stol og går tilbake til køen. Plutselig begynner stolen og trille og hun falle bakover, det var nesten som i film med slow-motion and everything, jeg trodde hjerte mitt skulle stoppe. Jeg var så redd hun hadde skadet seg eller det som verre var. Så der lå hun på ryggen mellom kasse 1 og 2, slik en skilpadde når den er blitt endevendt. Det var vrient og få henne opp igjen, third time's a charm. det gikk greit heldigvis hun skadet seg ikke.

Intrige nr. 2
Sjef 1&2 er dratt på juleferie, uten og fortelle resten hva som må gjøres. So needless to say. vi manglet uhyrlig mange varer. varen eller mangel på varen, som skapte mest problemer var H-melk, alle skulle plutselig lage grøt IDAG av alle dager. Jeg sitter i kassa og hører en kunde begynne og skjelle ut Julie fordi vi ikke har H-melk, da jeg kom dit hørte jeg " Nei da går jeg til Østerås" og blodårene hennes pulserte, hun var som en skummel Hulk. Det ender med at hun kaster hun fra deg kurven, som er full av varer midt i butikken og stormer ut. Det var sylteagurk, nøtter, frukt og brød overalt. hva slags oppførsel er det? Alt dette på grunn av en liter melk. HÅPLØST! Hun har sikkert hatt en dårlig jul, fikk sikkert kull i strømpen sin...

Well there's no use crying over spilt milk so...
Intrige nr. 3
Det var en veldig merkelig start på dagen, en middelaldrene mann skulle kjøpe noen varer. nei vent det er bedre å bare gi deg dialogen...Mann: Du er veldig pen.Moi: Takk... *awkwark laugh*Mann: Ja, nå skal jeg ikke prøve å sjekke deg opp men... *lurt smil*Moi: *Really awkward laugh, moves in seat* (Thinking: Say something!) Nei, hadde jeg vært litt eldre kunne det nok gått fint det...
The End
Det var så awkward... but F-en hilarious!

Friday, December 26, 2008

Silent Day

Første juledag og jeg er alt kommet inn i en litt tvilsom sirkel, klokken er 15.17 og jeg har nettopp stått opp, en liten flause fra min side. MEN jeg har faktisk ikke overslept jeg la meg bare veeeeeldig tidlig idag.

Jeg kan vel fortelle deg litt om julefeiringen min. Unkelen min kom ikke alikevel, han hadde dratt opp til Tronheim for å feire julen med moren sin. Så jeg tok feil men, de hadde glemt å informere meg så det er ikke helt min skyld. Ellers var det en helt vanlig juledag with bells on. Alt var veldig koselig, maten var god, treet lyset, tradisjonene var på plass og gavene var wicked. vi avsluttet dagen med å se på "Alice in Wonderland" var det perfekt? Ehh, JA!

... det plager meg at jeg sto opp så sent...

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Jack Frost nipping at your nose

Nå er det jul igjen og nå er det jul igjen og jula varer helt til påske! Yay!
Nå er alt klappet og klart og jeg sitter og ser på The L Word<3>

I år tar vi det hjemme, det vil si at bestemor, tante, unkel og fetter kommer til vår lille chabby chic Bærum. It's so retro. I know, right?
Holy cracker nå er det helt utrolig med drama på The L Word! Bare en liten sidenote.
Julen er egentlig ganske stressende, gjorde unna den siste julehandelen igår. Mamma og pappa ga meg en fin liten juleliste og sende meg og bror til Sandvika. Vi var innom Platekompaniet og den køen startet utenfor butikken. Mennesker tar helt av i julen. People! Chill! Julen handler ikke om penger og gaver og hva man skal få. Jeg blir litt sprø av julen av og til, men blir fremdeles trukket inn i den. Hva er nå julen uten litt stress?

Dette ble veldig kort men slik er det. Jeg tok noen bilder igår så tenkte jeg skulle spre julegleden min! Ble veldig fornøyd, not to blow my own horn or anything.

Find Waldo!

Dette ser vel alle hva er...

Juletreet mitt <3

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

It's Hard To Be A Nisseman!

Ja nå er det hele TO uker siden sist jeg blogget, så nå er det ganske mye press på meg. Må blogge, men om hva? Jo nå skal du høre! Tenkte jeg kunne blogge litt om alt og ingenting. Du har kanskje alt lest random thougts innlegget mitt lenger nede... Nå kommer random thoughts part 2. Lights! Camera! ACTION!

Gikk igjennom bildene fra America, og fant denne lille rakkern her. bilde av en helt random plakat. It's calls to me!

Ja nå er det jo snart jul, (norge er kul fordi vi feirer den 24 istedenfor den 25 slik som alle de andre sell-out'ene dere ute i verden, yes you all know who you are!) det er hele 7 dager igjen og flink som jeg er startet jeg på julegavene igår. So one down seven to go, bestemte meg for å ikke kjøpe gaver til hver eneste sjel jeg kjenner i år, har jo ikke råd til slikt spesielt ettersom jeg FREMDELES ikke har fått lønn. Et evig slit, spør du meg, men gleder meg til imorra. For da skal jeg handle ferdig julegavene, sammen med Mrs. Mebumbelbee Igor. Snart juleferie og vet du! Det blir bra ladde opp batteriene og kose seg med familie og venner.

Liker dette bildet Arthur Miller and his love Marilyn Monroe

Hadde engelsk tentamen idag det er den morsomste tentamen jeg har hatt på lenge. Vi kunne skrive om filmer så jeg var jo i himmelen. skrev om "The Crucible" av Arthur Miller. Elsker det skuespillet! Andre ting jeg elsker er Herr. Gene Wilder. Har nettopp kjøpt to filmer med han; "The Poducers" og "Young Frankenstein". Noe av det morsomte jeg har sett, aldri i mine lange dager har jeg noen gang sett maken til skrøner, det ene gullkornet etter det andre. Gleder meg til de ligger i postkassen, nesten som et lite barn på juleaften! Når det gjelder the producers liker jeg både den orginale fra 1968 og den fra 2005, men tenk om det to kunne blandes en film med Gene Wilder OG Nathan Lane! Hellig kopp kaffe der har vi drømmen...

Young Frankenstein en helt FANtastisk scene<3

The Producers- 1968 The Blue Blanket

The Producers- 2005 The Blue Blanket

Sunday, November 30, 2008


Have you ever had one of those days? it starts average basically a perfectly boring day where you just relax, listen to music, and catch up on homework? Then out of the blue it all turns to crap? Well, today has been one of those days... I've basically just been hanging, just came back from the cinema with my dad. We saw "Burn after reading" with Brad Pitt, George Clooney and some other people, basically a piontless and completely random movie. Still it was funny and I supose it had som point about, doing anything, and everything you can to be beautiful. It's not gonna go down in history, but it had it's moments. Anyway today's just been a fugly day, and I'm glad it's over.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

*Insert Title Here*

I know I said I'd leave you alone... So I lied, sue me! Have your people call my people, hopfully we'll come to some sort of agreement, and we can leave the suits out it. Sound good? Great!

The reason I'm still bothering you IS.. Drum roll please! I wanted to share another song with you. Does anyone remember "Steady as she goes"? By the way that's not the song I wanted to share. Anyway I do, it's a personal favorite, by "The Raconteurs". You know Jack White's band, of the White Stripes totally awesome.

So guess what, you survived my boring intorduction. And now your feature presentation, brought to you by Youtube:
The Raconteurs - Salute Your Solution

*batteries not inclued.
So what do you think? Yay or Nay?
P.S. I hope you like the slightly new and improved layout
Post Post Scriptum! Today we mourn the loss of our dear beloved Mr. Hangman... Rest in peice my friend.

I'm excited!

Today I finally found the TV-series, where I first was introduced to Katherine Moenning. You may know her as Shane from the hit TV-series "The L Word". I know her as Jacqueline "Jake" Pratt from "Young Americans". She plays a girl pretending to be a boy in order to attend a boys only elite school. Hamilton falls for her or should I say Jake, cause he has no idea. He gets confused, "I mean I've thought about it, I've had tendencies... God am I gay?" Okay he doesn't say that, but there's drama and it's great.

Unfortunately TV3 didn't air all the episodes, and it was a long time ago. Still there was something about Kate, that caught my eye. Not just the fact that she dressed like a guy, but there was something special about her. She's responsible for me like “The L Word” as much as I do. The series in itself it pretty rockin', but she just brings a fresh edginess to the table. I just love her, and I think you will too, if you don't already that is. Or maybe you won't. Anyway...

Smashing series, smashing concept and smashing characters. It's amazing that the producer, at one point or another have managed to represent almost every sexual orientation there is. Of course I'm talking about humans, there's no Zoophilia or Necrophilia... I may be off my dot, but I really heart the series, can yah dig it?
It's so hot hot hawt! Hihi

I think that enough for today, I really should be cramming for a test in religion tomorrow, Islam... So I'll just leave you with this pyschodelic song. It does wonders for the soul, when you're stuck on a schoolbuss strugling to keep your eyes open:
Kings Of Leon - Closer

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Miss. Independent

A very merry happy birthday!
To you!
A very merry happy birthday to you
Yes, you!
Let's all congratulate you with another cup of tea
A very merry happy birthday to you!
Now, statistics prove, that you've one birthday
Imagine, just one birthday every year
Precisely why we're gathered here to cheer
A very merry happy birthday to you, to you
A very merry happy birthday
For you!
Now blow the candle out my dear
And make your wish come true
A merry merry happy birthday to you!

Gratulerer med 18-års dagen Kathinka! <3

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Dueling Glove

Okey nå har Merete gått lei av å skrive engelsk, jeg kom nettopp hjem fra teater og er for sliten til å tenke. Men jo frøken Kathinkus har utfordret meg, så da får jeg trekke opp buksen, rulle opp ermene og slå meg til ro, here you...

4 jobber jeg har hatt:
- 2Søstre
- Barnevakt (en gang)

4filmer jeg kan se om igjen:
- Rocky Horror Picture Show
- Requiem for a dream
- Labyrinth
- The Dark Knight

4TV show jeg liker:
- Scrubs
- Supernatural
- Will&Grace
- The L Word

4 steder jeg har vært på ferie:
- Japan
- Amerika
- England
- Italia

4websider jeg besøker daglig:
- Itslearning
- Youtube
- Piratebay
- Blogger

4steder jeg heller ville ha vært nå:
- California
- Tivoli
- På teater
- I fantasi verden min, sammen med Ioan Gruffudd

Jeg tror ikke den utfordringen gikk så bra maglet to jobber, men sånn er livet når man ikke har hatt flere jobber enn det. Har ikke vært avisbud engang, oh crack I know! Jeg føler at er er på sin rette plass å utfordre dere tilbake. Øhm men om hva.

Hva er den ene tingen du nekter å jobbe som?
- Barnehagetante

Hva hadde du brukt tre magiske ønsker på?
1. Å bli en skuespiller (slik at jeg kan leve av det resten av livet)
2. Ekte kjærlighet
3. Magiske evner

Monday, November 3, 2008

Parting Is Such Bittersweet Sorrow

The life I've had, everything I've know since middle school, is changing and most of it's ending. I don't like dramatic changes, I get used to thing being as they are, and even the slightest change can completely through me off-course. The future scares the living daylight out of me. This whole month has been one huge revelation. I'm 18 years old, soon I'm going to have to enter the big world, leaving the well-known, and safe "nest" behind. It's terrifying! I'm going to have to quit theater, I'm going to lose friends, because everyone's going to go their separate ways. may be thats a good thing? I'll find out who I really want to stay in touch with. Absence makes the heart grow fonder? the whole situation is bittersweet, sad for the loss, but excited for the news experience. Or am I? I don't know. Everything is going to be different, It's a completely natural part of life, it's just sad. Everything is ending, and I can't do anything to stop it. I'm not ready! I don't think I ever will be. I'm afraid I won't cut it, that I'm not smart enough, to make it on my own. Getting my own place, studying one my own, being on my own. maybe I just need to such it up, and be a man. Sobbing, won't make it any better. Growing up sucks! I'll just rub some dirt on it and hope for the best.. But what if I fail?

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Age Is An Issue Of Mind Over Matter. If You Don't Mind, It Doesn't Matter...

I don't want to grow old, first you're memory goes. Not that I ever had one, to begin with. I'm constantly forgetting things, but okey. First the memory goes. It's always the things you like most that disappears. But only when you can't have it back, that's when you begin to appreciate it enough to miss it.

You're hair loses it's color, turning gray. You have to cut down on all the things you enjoy - disgusting unhealthy meals, and all-night parties. Pretty soon you'll have no pleasures at all, and worse you're teeth start to fall out... deafness... arthritis... decrepitude... death. There's just tons of wonderful things to look forward too.
I don't remember who but someone important, or maybe they were a nobody... Anyway somebody, once said that you could achieve immortality through your words and deeds. Personally I would prefer achieving immortality by not dying. Or maybe not, it would get kind of boring, and without the expiration date there wouldn't be much reason to live in the now, would there? I mean the only reason we do, what we do, is because eventually we die, and we want to live as full a life as possible. Then again death being so endless, the final and last step. do we really want to take it? Nobody really knows what happens after that.

A part of me wants to fast forward five years, while another part just wants to press the pause button... Life should have a remote controller. Lewis Carroll once wrote "We are but older children dear, who fret to find our bedtime near." I think he pretty much sums up my despair. I guess the only good thing about growing old is you'll finally have the time to do the things you wanted to do, when you were younger. Only you'll be to old to do them. Life is screwed up. running from goal to goal, without living in the moment. No wonder death scares us, when we never really lived in the first place.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

It's a luscious mix of words and tricks

SoNg Of ThE wEeK!
Caring is Creepy - The Shins
Every line is pure perfection, and don't even get me started on the melody. I'll never get tired of this song, or The Shins for that matter.

Yesterday, or was it yesterday.. My memory is deleting itself... Anyway the point is, I say Fame, the movie RECENTLY, and I had fairly high expectations. I mean it's Fame I expected something mindbogglingly awesome. Instead it was a major disappointed. the movie in itself was good, I loved the plot and the characters. I just felt i didn't get the closure i needed. What happens to Ralph Garcy, does he survive the industry? Does Leroy pass Mrs. Sherwood's class. What about Bruno, is the world ready for his music? Does Doris hit it big? And what about Montgomery the guy with all the monologues... My personal favorite. I need to know! The movie just cuts off, it leaves you empty and feeling cheated. Nonetheless I'm still going to watch it agian.

Monday, October 27, 2008

"Theater is so endlessly fascinating because it's so accidental. Much like life.”

I love theater. I love everything about theater. I love acting, I love the play, I love the stage. I Heart Theater! There's nothing better, than standing in front of an audience, and playing a character that is completely different from yourself. It's the only time I'm truly happy, I forget that I have school the next day, I forget my upcoming exams, I forget everything about my life, I can just put it aside and be someone else. Not that I really have that much to forget or anything, but being a student can be rather stressful at time.

So why the sudden outburst of me declaring my love for theater? Well I'm glad you asked, I happen to be apart of a little theater group called Effekt Ungdomstheater, I know what are the odds, it's like a freak-coincidence. Earlier this year we played “The Snow Queen” by H.C. Andersen and now it's time for “Nesegrevet - En Lek Med Eventyr” by Tor Åge Bringsværd. It really is a funny play overflowing with morality, but in a good way. I'll have to post some picture later, since I can't find the thingamagig that attaches to the duehicky and magically makes pictures appear on the computer screen. So far we've had three performances and five more to come. Here's a little poster for yah! The whole gang, well the instructor is missing, but not forgotten. I love them all<3>We've had about three days break and I believe I'm in withdrawal, experiencing extreme amounts of phantom pains. It's weird but acting is my life. I'm not necessarily any good at it, so don't expect to see me on television, crying my little heart out because I won an Oscar, while trying to thank every single person I've ever meet. It's just delightfully, humorous. I would do anything if it meant I could be an actor full-time. Well almost, a girl has got to have some sort of limit.

Now that I've shared my hot Latino passion for theater, I'll tell you about one I've mention before. Halloween! Gee golly gosh I adore Halloween, and the best part is it's right around the corner. Obviously with every up there is a down. This years downer is I don't have time to celebrate Halloween. I know SINNER! With two huge tests and several theater performances (I can't possible be angry at Nesegrevet) there just isn't any time left for ghouls and goblins. Naturally I am going to get down with the ancient souls of our prehistoric ancestors, just not on the 31 of October. I guess I'll need to do a seance or something to awake the spirits again, of course they might be angry, but that is a chance I am willing to take.
I just finished carving the traditional Jack-O-Lantern and I must say it's the first pumpkin I've really been satisfied with. I guess the apprentice has finally outgrown the master. This year I carved Jack Skellington the pumpkin king, fitting I know. I have to admit I like how he turned out.

Now here's something I find peculiar, America the land of hallmark, celebrates the Mexican Halloween 'Día de los Muertos' Day of the Dead. ( I googled it. Hey! If you want an encyclopedia, go to the library) But Halloween first originated in Ireland, this being the peculiar part, why doesn't the Norwegian people celebrate this Norse folklore. Let that fester in you're mind for a minute, a mental mindfuck does the heart good.

P.S. Today it snowed, I mean it really "poured" down. Everyone was about halv an hour late for class, but I don't care. Snow is filled with glee. I'm was as giddy as a school girl...

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Survivors manual

It really is mindboggling how stupid the horror victims can be. I think we all know how to stay alive had we ever found ourselves in the midst of a horror movie. All that’s really needed is… Well commonsense, but just in case I made a "Survivors manual". Memorize it, it could come in handy. Follow these simple rules and you might be "lucky" enough to be in the sequel.

Nr 1. Never drink or do drugs. Unless you’re in a parody, in that case roll it, light it, and smoke it up!

Nr 2. Never say: “I’ll be back”.. You might as well cut of your own head right then and there.

Nr 3. When entering a room, flip the freakin’ light switch. Just because you can’t see them doesn’t mean they can’t see you!

Nr 4. If you are blonde, black or have a big breast… I’m sorry to say you’re doomed to die. You’re only there for comedic relief; you might as well give up now.

Nr 5. If you happened to find a book of demon summoning, or any other kind of scary looking book with incantations, especially if they are in a forgotten tongue, don’t and I can’t stress this enough… don’t read it aloud, not even as a joke.

Nr 6. Under no circumstances should you ever search the basement, especially if you are experiencing a blackout.

Nr 7. Prior to entering a vehicle, do yourself a favor and check the backseat for occupants.

Nr 8. This might be the most difficult. If at any time your pet or friend turns into a demon kill them. If for some reason they turn back into themselves, kill then anyway, just to be on the safe side.

Nr 9. We confronted by the masked killer, don’t run upstairs or into the backyard or in any other confined space. Run out the front door!

Nr 10. Never split up! You’re stronger in numbers and you won’t have to go back for the others.
Nr 11. If it’s still night-time, it’s not over.

Nr 12. When it appears that you’ve killed the monster, don’t take a closer look to see if it’s really dead, it never is. Don’t make an insult, just run in the opposite direction.

Nr 13. Never stand in, on, above, below, beside or anywhere near a grave, tomb, crypt, mausoleum or any other form of burial chamber.

Nr 14. Stay away from certain geographical locations. Such as: Amityville, Elm Street, Transylvania, or any small town in Maine.
Nr 15. Beware of strangers bearing tools such as chainsaws, staple guns, hedge trimmers, electric carving knives, lawnmowers, butane torches, smoldering irons, band saws or any (possibly deathly) device made from deceased companions. Just avoid them altogether, don’t speak to them, don’t even look at them.

Nr 16. Never watch a horror movie while you're in a horror movie. I can’t emphasize this enough.

Nr 17. When battling zombies or any other undead beings, sever the head or shoot them in the brain. If you they still want to eat you after that, just surrender. It’s easier... That actually goes for every bad guy trying to kill you. Aim for the head.

Nr 18. If you running down a street and you being chased by a vehicle don’t run in straight-ahead, go down a side road where the vehicle can’t follow.
Nr 19. Don’t have sex in a horror movie, being a virgin doesn’t hurt.

Nr. 20. If you’ve committed a deadly sin or you have some kind of horrible secret, you might as well shoot yourself now.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The Labyrinth

Seeing as I love this movie as much as I do I'm going to post the trailer, and hope you love it as much as I do.

I have two favourit scenes, the first is the masquerade. Up until then Jareth has spend his time taunting and eluding Sarah, making her quest fairly miserable. She's looking for him in a crowd of masqueraders and he brushes past her, laughing at her, even teasing her. Suddenly there she is standing right infront of him, and she's all he wants. He's hers onehundred percent. It's so romantic it makes my head swim.

The second is near the end when he sings within you. Sarah is so close to completing her quest in getting her step brother back. It's Jareth's last etempt.

OH! Let's not forget the little worm in the beginning, so much fun!

RaNdOm ThIs AnD RaNdOm ThAt...

Today I really feel like posting something, the only problem is I don't know what so bare with me. I guess I could always just write completely random facts about myself, yes that sounds good. Let’s see...

Random Fact nr.1 when I was about 6 or 7 years old I saw The Labyrinth for the very first time and was completely taken by the goblin king (played by David Bowie) I saw it was a Disney movie and I thought if we left that instance, I could meet him. Well that was my first crush, and it wasn't even in a real guy or maybe it was. Anyway I guess I've always like Mr. Bowie (Even though I pronounced his last name wrong for a while)

Jareth The Goblin King<3

Random fact nr.2 I sing the weirdest songs, in the most awful tones you have ever heard. Yes I am the worst jukebox known to man. You know what? Like it!

Random fact nr.3 I like reading useless facts, it's also the one thing I know will infuse itself to my memory as well, forget about when Benjamin Franklin was born, or for how long Norway was under Danish rule. The stuff I remember is for example; George Clooney's cousin, Miguel Ferrer, appeared as a guest star on ER. Fascinating right? Even his aunt Rosemary was on the TV series. Did you know that Christian Bale lost his voice three times during the filming of Batman Begins, due to altering his voice? You didn't know that did you? Here’s another useless film fact. Brad Pit chipped a tooth while filming Fight Club, but didn't have it capped until after the filming was over because he felt it added to his character. Now that dedication... There are tons more where that came from.

Random Fact nr.4 Google is my friend. It’s true I Google and re-Google everything, even things I already know. Hello, my name is Merete, and I'm a Google-o-holic. *tearage*

Random Fact nr.5 before I go to bed while brushing my teeth I normally spend stand in front of the mirror and make faces, and if I'm really bored I get out my eyeliner and draw on the mirror. It’s really is fun.

Random fact nr.6 this is probably more a "secret pastime" I watch Hanna Montana it's not like I run to the television set the second it's on. It's more that don't switch when the program starts.

Random Fact nr.7 Sometimes I run outside the second it's raining and don't go back inside until I'm downright soaking wet, I love the rain<3

Random Fact nr.8 On occasion I have a tendency to read Norwegian books in English and the other way around, it even takes a couple of seconds before I realize it.

Random Fact nr.9 I’ve always wanted to take a bath in a tub full of aloe vera, specially when I'm sun burnt, which is every summer...

Random Fact nr.10 I'm a serious pack rat, I mean it! Its and on-going battle, you should see my room. I struggle with throwing things out, but I am getting better.

Random Fact.11 I have this tick where I don't like to use things. For instance I just bought a new graphic novel by Neil Gaiman and it feels as though I'll die if I open it all the way or it gets scratched. This is also the reason I don't like lending things to others, the item always comes back looking like an old whore... *eye twitch*

Random Fact.12 I'm very paranoid! I think the whole world is trying to get me, and there are ninja-spies all-over the place. Who'll attack me the second I turn around. Okay I'm not that bad but I just heard a sound and I ran though the whole house with my teddy bear, Oh, the damage I could have done! You’d think that after all the horror movies I've seen, I'd have learned that one should NEVER go towards the sound...
Random Fact.13 I have a thing for bad guys. In every movie, book or comic book, the bad guy is always more appealing to me. Of course there are a few exceptions, for example L in Death note is better than Kira. This seems like a good time to tell you about my huge crush on Lestat, he's not really the bad guy but I just really wanted to mention him. A random fact within a random fact, can it get more random then that? I think NOT!

Lestat played by Stuart Townsend, in Queen Of The Damned

Lestat, played by Tom Cruise, in Interveiw With A Vampire

Random fact nr.14 I like sleeping in confined spaces... enough said.

... And that concludes my random babble of randomness!

Seeing as I've listened to this song the whole time I was writing this, it seems only fitting to post it as the soundtrack. I actually wanted it to be the song of the week but you know it's going to be both!
Song of the week/ Soundtrack:
I Kissed a Girl - Katy Perry

Monday, September 29, 2008

Who is it?

This Picure has nothing to do with the blog I just like Gene Wilder, and he didn't want to move down...

Well then I guess that's the end of Day 1. of this year’s fall vacation or whatever you call it you say potato I say høstferien...

I have been aching or shall I say longing for a vacation, however brief it might be. It was about time! Finally I can lay back and recharge my batteries, which have been running on empty for quite some time now if you don't mind me saying. A lot’s happened since last, but then again not really... There are just a couple of things that have managed to flip my world upside down. It’s funny how stuff can do that. If given the chance, something that seems small and unimportant, can really grind away at you. Maybe funny isn’t the right word; then again if you can't see the bright side you might as well lay down and die. Lately I’ve been trying to occupy myself, keep busy, and keep my mind from wondering to places I don't want to visit. You probably know what I taking about. This post being proof that even though I've done all that I could it didn't stop me from visiting tonight... I've been thinking a lot about death lately, and it terrifies me... Not the fact that one day I’m going to die, as long a I've lived a full life...

I was planning on elaborating but it seems I'm not up for the task just yet, my apologies. It's really quite pathetic that some sentences are more difficult than others. Brings a whole new meaning to "these things I'll never say" BLABLABLABLABLA!!

How have I been spending my vacation you say? So far I've redecorated my room at least three times, I think I'm finally done, we'll see... Two of my friends have celebrated their eighteenth birthday YAY them! And today I spend four hours in the woods hiking, well more climbing up a mountain with good Ol' dad. It was actually very fun especially when we ditched the trail and went deep into the "jungle" where no man has gone before. Right now I’m listening to “Who Is It?” by Michael Jackson; I guess my obsession hasn’t past. Oh how wrong one can be. My favorite MJ album has always been Dangerous, but you already knew that didn't you. I guess it's getting kind of late now or shall I say early *pause for awkward laugh* I crack myself up. Well I guess a nice little summary is in order.
1. Fall Break Jippi!
2. Done a lot of stuff JEY!
3. Michael Jackson Kicks ass!

I'll just list a few random songs here.. lets see...
Who Is It?
Stranger In Moscow
Dirty Diana
I won't mention Thriller simply because that would be tacky... and I wish to stress I endorse a belief in the occult...
Earth Song

Monday, September 22, 2008

Down from the gallows

Who Doesn't Love Hangman?... It's almost grotesque, having hangingman as a passtime, but I like it! So I added it to my blog as a despreate attempt in having a hip and update blog.
Enjoy... I know I will.
P.S. Thought you'de appriciate this nifty little countdown to Halloween!
- Countdown to Halloween!

Pink Bullets

Out of the four temperate seasons our little planet experiences. I must say Autumn is my favourite of them all! I guess the reason I love Autumn so much is its mystical presence, and all the playful, yet serious colours. It even smells good, the air seems cleaner and life's good. lets not forget my favourite... (I realize autumn is filled with a lot of my favourite) my favourite smells, favourite colours, favourite feelings.. But most important of all it the hallmark holiday Halloween that started out as a very respectable way to pay your respects to the dead. I love Halloween. I could I would life in Halloweentown, kickin' it with Oogie Boogie & Dr. Finkelstein, trick or treating with the mayor and hanging with Mr. JAck Skellington and his beloved Sally. Halloween all year round I'd kick myself in glee!

So while we find ourselves up to our eyeballs in fall leaves and Halloween planes, why not take a breather with this brilliant songs about... You guessed it AUTUMN.

The Shins - Pink Bullets

The Kinks - Autumn Almanac

The White Stripes - 'Dead Leaves and the Dirty Ground

HoPe YoU LoVe AuTuMn As MuCh As I Do!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Touch me I'm Sick

Last week I regrettedly caught some sort of illness from god knows what, this being the reason I haven't been blogging lately. Yeah I'm gonna hide behind my reason, sounds good. I just resently got well agian so here I am once agian trying to blog, and once agian I find myself in a bit of a bind. What shall I blog about? There's a lot of pressure, when bloging; It has to be interesting and ingenious with just a dash of personality. Who has time to sitt down and write some creative mumbojumbo when one has a neverending list of items that must be done? Even more important who has the time to read it? Still here I am bloging my little heart out.

Yesterday I read an article about the stressful lives tenagers lead. I'm just sitting there thinking whoa! Way to state the obvious, she's a geinious. I realized it was more the way she said it then anything else. She implied grownups have it easier, well not exactly in those words but it's basically what she meant. Personally I don't think it gets easier, eventually you'll probably get used to everything but the work load will still be the same or even more. I'm not sure how this is going to work out. So if anyone needs me I'll be rocking in the corner, pulling out my hair in despair! :)

Friday, August 22, 2008

Uncle Anesthesia

Such as a simple drug-induced loss of consciousness , my life has become nothing more than several memories, strung together. Now! don't get me wrong it forms a rather handsome life, just roll with me. It's peculiar how one sift through ones memories, how yesterday can seem like an eternity, while memories from ones childhood. I say childhood knowing rather well I have only lived 1/4 of my life. Can be as vivid as waking up and going to school. Memories, memories lost, memories gained and memories created. The human brain is fascinating; One can be trapped inside ones thoughts, but still be kept from the truth...

Well I know this seems like a bunch of gibberish, still the human brain does interest me. How it can suppress the traumatizing, accentuate the life-altering, forget the useful, and remember the nonsense. To some degree it's funny if you think about it, you can remember every television program you've ever watched to the teeniest tinniest little detail, but when you need to know why the roman epire fell, your mind draws a blank. come to think about it, it's downright irritating! When it really matters you mind isn't worth the time of day. how many times have you been dragged into a discution or an argument and ended up looking like the fool? More importantly, how many times have you realized what you should have said later on? Of course it then being to late. I could kick myself, better yet my mind for signing out the moment I really need it. Don't misunderstand, I'm not socially incompetent. I just overthink every little detail until my mind reaches the point of imploding.
I believe you just witnessed one of my classic derailings, now where was I? you know what I'm just gonna leave you hanging. I think you've got the drift of what I'm trying to say...

So I'm moving on to Song of the week! '
Song of the week: "Uncle Anaesthesia" by Screaming trees
Film of the week: "Twelve Monkeys".
Creature of the week is... Drum roll please! is coming soon to a blog near you. It's evil to keep you in the dark but I think you'll be just fine.