Saturday, November 21, 2009

Happy birth-yesterday!

Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday dear Kathinka
Happy Birthday to you!
... and many more
and many more...

Gratulerer med dagen Kathinka <3

Michael Jackson - Happy Birthday

P.S. Beklager jeg ikke fikk postet dette igår, det irriterer meg. Bad Merete. Bad Merete!

Thursday, November 19, 2009


This is basically a cluster-fuck of films and craziness. Some more films I want to see, and one that I just can't stop thinking about. Which is really just an excuse to write something. swoosh! Oh, and the links decided to end their little boycott. Lucky you.

First off is ''Dare'', which is, from what I've gathered so far, a modern spin on teen romance and how we experience the last chance we get before having to enter adult life. The story revolves around three teenagers, three very different teenagers I should add, and their last semester of high school. Are your taste buds tingling? The main reason I want to see this film is probably because Alan Cumming's in it, playing an extremely tasty drama teacher, who gets the plot spinning, hurling in action more like it. The three teens consist of; the good girl, played by Emmy Rossum, the misfit best friend, played by Zach Gilford, and the loner slash bad boy, played by Ashley Springer. There's intrigue, sex and so much more all woven into a rich story, so I've ''heard''. It's sound a lot like your average teenage film, but this one is supposedly classy?

Anyway I can't wait to see it. Sadly I don't think it'll hit the silver screen in Norway, so if your in love with Alan Cumming as well, let's cross our fingers the DVD makes the trip. Very few of his films ever do, which in my opinion is a tragedy, he has some amazing films. Besides a forty-four-year-old Scotsman with his voice, personality, and talent, can take me any day of the week. He may not be an A-lister but oddness has its turn-ons, and I adore his films. Obviously I haven't seen them all, he's been in well over 50 flicks, not counting the TV-series, and we all know I'm not good at following somebody's career. The whole attention span, gets in the way. Although he could possibly be a favourite, I don't know yet. Say what you will but the man, much like his last name, is awesome. Love him.

Sex.. I mean next is the animation ''Mary And Max'', written and directed by Adam Elliot. It's an adorably story about two pen pals. An unusual friendship between an eight-year-old girl living in Melbourne, and a forty-four-year-old man living in New York (played by Philip Seymour Hoffman, an amazing actor). Words can't even describe, for lack of a better word, it's cuteness. I've fallen head over heels for the trailer, and I hope the actual film is just as good. Trailers are tricky that way.

Third is ''The Step Father'' a remake of the 1987 horror film, which apparently was a big success with two sequels and a huge cult following. Have you heard of it before? Yes, No? I haven't so either I've been deprived of some essential human right, or I live in Norway, I don't know. Anywhoo it's about a step father, who goes postal on his new family. I don't know much more than that, and I'm trying to avoid reading the spoilers. I am not as excited about this film as the two above. However I'm intrigued, so that really all I need to know. It should be good, and if I don't like it I can always take a look-see at the original. Besides I'm not that picky when it comes to films. Hell, I just not picky. Call me. No?

And now for the main attraction...
''Quills'', a film that speaks for itself, and because that's a figure of speech I'll be doing the ''talking''. It was so brilliant I had to watch it again. I watched it three times on the same freaking day. Thrice! Now, you may say that's six hours of my life I will never get back, to that I laugh HA! and say six hours well spent! It was so good. No, orgasmic. I'm not sure if that makes me a pervert or not, seeing as it's very... out there. It's not exactly something I'd watch with family around. Or would I? I would at least risk it. You see within the first half hour I knew it would dwell within my soul for a very long time, and that doesn't happened that often. Seriously if you haven't seen this movie you need to "run down to the store" and get it. Now. Well, finish reading my post first, but after you've commented I want you to ''run as fast as your legs can carry''. Not only is the plot breathtaking but it's also packed with incredible actors such as; Geoffrey Rush, Kate Winslet, Joaquin Phoenix, and Michael Caine, even Bill form True Blood's in it, who would have guessed he had a career before Sookie. That was a little harsh... *insert apology here*
The film's about The Marquis de Sade, an infamous French writer of the 18th century. Who's imprisoned, for the most perverse activities I've ever heard of, at the Charanton Insane Asylum, and we all know asylum's bring out the best in people. He's secretly publishing his erotic novels, with the help of a laundress named Madeline, behind the Abbe's back, the man who runs the asylum. Needless to say, things go terribly wrong and the ending is beyond earthly words. I get chills just thinking about it. Goosebumps-galore! And how Rush managed to make such a vile character like de Sade as attractive as he did is beyond me. Not to mention the killer line delivery. It's a masterpiece, filled to the brim with both humour and drama. Well, I hope you're satisfied, you've successfully tempted me to watch it again for the millionth time.

Hope you survived, and more importantly I hope you're watching Quills. I can't possible stress this enough. Watch it, and tell me what you think. What did you think about the films above, did they peek your interest? I mean other than Quills because you already love it. Also if you have any recommendations for films or what not, let me know.

Until next time, be safe, be well, eat fruit, and touch as many people as you can.

Oh and I thought you should hear this from me first.
You mom pre-ordered tickets to New Moon...

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

One down. 5.99 billion to go...

Today I had my first of two exams. I have been dreading this day for what feels like a century. It like finally coming home from a five day hike, and let me tell you I feel 110 pounds lighter. Yes, my dear friend a weight has been lighted. I am so glad there's only three and a half hours left of this day, for I am exhausted. Gather around children, and I will tell you the tale of the hobbit Merete and her battle for middle earth. My stomach just growled in the most peculiar way, I think it hates me. Let me just say a gallon of coffee and a bag of grapes will not sustain you for 24 hours, I learned that the hard way. I almost passed out when I got home. I know, very dramatic but true. My body's been a consistent earthquake, I do not recommend it. I didn't really get much sleep, you could say constant fear held me hostage. Eventually I gave up on sleep, drank coffee, and got ready to walk the plank. It took ages getting to the area where the exam was being held, Bjerke videregående. Well, I had never heard of it before, and had it not been for my mothers help I would most likely still be looking for it. Seriously it's on the other side of town, I won't even try to explain the lengths of what I had to go through. The horrible horrible things I had to do. Actually my dear mother drove me. She's awesome.

So I get there on time, a little before to be specific, and what do I do? I wait. Eventually we're allowed in, and before I even start writing some idiot accuses me of cheating. A wild accusation, that could not be further from the truth. Long story short he had been misinformed, and apologized. He accused some other people of cheating as well, for the same reason. One girl actually started crying, poor thing. Exams are very stressful, which is why you don't add to the pressure. Teenagers break easily. I think they extended her time, like that helps. Anyway the tasks were okay I guess, not what I was hoping for but still good. I analysed a novel, “Fru M.”written by Kjell Askildsen. You should check it out it was good. I had some pretty strong opinions about the topic as well so I'm kind of excited about the finish product. I think I did good, at least better than my previous exam, of course only time will tell. It's probably not good enough. It's not good enough. Christ, I'm really worried now. What's done is done. That made no sense... It's a miracle if you understand even a third of my blog. I should get some sort of screening devise that says what's understandable and what's just rubbish. ... and they never heard from her again...

When the exam was over I went home, ate some grapes, and ran to the bus. Can you believe I was only five minutes late for biology? I hadn't considered the 4 o'clock traffic. Whatever snaps for me. I'm taking praise wherever I can get it. Class was a blast, mostly because I was high on coffee and couldn't sit still. Afterwards I had 45 minutes to burn, or kill.
- Can you kill time?
- No, but you can crush it! *Holds up a cup of thyme and a grinder. Laughs* No, but seriously kids, this is you brain, *Crushes thyme* and this is you brain on drugs.

Yeah... That's just one of the many lame things I can up with on my stroll around Oslo. Your mind really starts to wonder when you're walking from bus stop to bus stop. At least my does. My mind has a mind of it's own! Get it? It's crazy up there, but I do love them walks. Makes it fun. Does you mind run away to distant places when you're out breathing in the freshly polluted air?

I know your mom gasps for it every night.
I'm sorry, not really, I just got home and my brain is fried. So I'm going to post this, get something to kill the hunger pains and call it a night. Hope I didn't bore you to much. I just wanted to stop by, and say high... High? That just proved my brainual malfunction. Oh and one more thing...
What... Wait for it, wait for it...
She said.

Love yah!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Rubbish. You've been warned.

I probably should be cramming Norwegian literature, our famous authors and the different era's my charming little country's been through, but today it seems I have the attention span of a goldfish. Everyone's thinking "What's the difference?" I know right?. I've been cramming for two days straight (that's what she said) so I figure I can afford a little break. Cut to me tomorrow cursing my lack of interest today. I always regret not studying more. "If only I hadn't been so lazy!" Hezus what's wrong with me? On second thought don't answer that. Anyway yesterday I hung out, that sounds so dirty, I was with my bestest friend, I really should just say you, it not like anyone else will read this, and we were basically going to the movies. YAY. What movie did we see? I'm glad you asked, and I wonder why I always feel like a schizo... We saw 2012, the movie that attempts to predict the worlds demise. *girlie scream* It bases itself on the mayan calender, and the fact that it doesn't go any further than, you guessed it 2012. *girlie scream yet again* The ultimate doomsday. Do you remember, I think it was last year or early this year, when the news broke and we were all swarmed with doomsday predictions and everyone was running around screaming and crying with their skirt over their head? Oh wait that was just me... look away children. Well it seems like all that calmed down as soon as the media found the next big thing, swineflue? Or was there something in between Jez it's so difficult keeping up with the ''death and despair''- drama. You'd think we'd be immune by now. Too soon?

The sacred calender stops on December 21th 2012, I know what you're thinking. Right before Christmas, damn it. Now, I'll never know if I get that Malibu Barbie I always wanted. I don't really know that much about this little phenomenon, and I'm not going to ask prof. Google either. So it all boils down to the fact that we're all going to die. The movie tries to show how the human race attempt to survive this horrible attack. It all starts very scientific with neutrinos from massive sun explosions, that heat up the earth core. Question. If it's heating up the core, why aren't people dying from some sort of "deadly sunray". Even though the polar caps are melting, something seems to be missing. There's the earth crust displacement theory by Hapgood, I'd post a link if I actually thought you'd take the time to read it. Yes, I still remember my little grudge. Basically the movie's global warming revised, only this time it's not our fault?

Earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, Yellowstone's long awaited blast from the past. That part actually made me a little sad, a lot of good memories, which is beside the point... A lot happens, and it feels like the producer's rushing to get everything in. It's got to be hard, that's what she said, to film the entire apocalypse in only two hours. I feel your struggle man. In other words there were a lot of close-ups on natural disasters, close-ups on characters we have brief acquaintances with, then a quick cut to a new disaster, cuts over to John Cusak's heroic struggling to ensure his family's (plus one) survival. Cut back to natural disaster. The plot was a cliché, I sorry but there was nothing new other than action and some nifty CA. Furthermore I wasn't able to create an emotional bond with any of the characters, which made me a little sad because that's the main reason I like watching Hollywood blockbusters. Maybe it was poor editing, bad timing or just me thinking life is pointless and questioning God's existence. Who knows?
Not that I'm trying to turn the movie into my own platform for heathen thoughts, I am a believer. It just put things into perspective. I mean we're all going to die eventually, but we've always been able to restrain the thoughts. We've never really experienced an actual countdown where we all die at the same time. Sound like a suicidal cult, I mean a group of people who are going to meet their alien leader. I'm just going to mention ''Heaven's gate''. Where was I? My blog has a high thread count, get it?

Its just, if we're all going to die in two years, why am I struggling to achieve a financially stable future? Then again if it doesn't pan out as they say, I'll most likely be cursing my discussion to abort mission. I don't really think it's going to happen. It's more likely they just didn't want to work on the calender any more, they could always make more eventually. Also if you look hard enough you'll find what you're looking for. Like the number 23. Once it creeps into your mind, it's everywhere. Anything you fixate on begins to appear. It's a common fact about the human brain. I am however perversely excited to see if I'm wrong. I know, it's likely I should seek psychological help. Nonetheless, if it's the end of the world I hope I go down with my head high. Interpret that as you wish.

If you've seen the film, I'm curious to know if you faith faltered, even ever so slightly? I just began thinking it was more likely that we created some higher power in order to stay sane, a little less alone in the world. Hmm... I'm actually not going to get into this, I haven't entirely understood my thoughts just, yet. Also religious discussions always pisses me off, and I refuse to beat myself up.

Have you noticed that there's been some kind of doomsday prophecy at the end of "every" era. For instance the Y2K bug, which was supposed to lead to computer systems malfunctioning and then the end of the world as we... Knew it. 1000AC was the year of apocalyptic paranoia. That's a mouthful, that's what she said. John of Toledo predicted September 23, 1186 (Julian calender), he calculated a fatale planetarium alignment. When Cotton Mather wasn't busy hunting witches he also liked to predict the end of the world. Predicting it three times 1697, 1716, and 1736. Puritans thought the year 1700 would end it all. Jehovah's Witnesses: 1918, then again in 1925, and 1984. 1990 had at least three doomsday prophecies. 2000 take the cake with 59 theories. That damn millennium bug. There's something about three zeroes that just gets the blood pumping for doomsday prophets. You see where I'm going with this right? The prophecies just don't seem to follow through.

That been said the point of the movie was no doubt about our humanity, and probably had nothing to do with the end being near.
You know who's end I'm near.
That was just wrong wasn't it?
P.S. Isn't the end of the world supposed to come when the sun turns into red giant and gobbles up our universe? Just asking. Omnomnom. Oh and I did actually like the movie, sort of. Hope your weekend was awesome.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

It's the ''I couldn't find a snappy title so I'm just writing gibberish'' post BTW I'm still bruting over the your lack of interest in my hyperlinks

Now firstly there are those of you who seem to think I visit the silver screen daily. So let me set the record straight once and for all. I normally get to see two or three films a years. Although strangely this year I think I've seen six with two more on the way, most of them with my family. Wait, actually this year's been crazy with movies. I've seen Milk, Star Trek, Up, Angels&Demons, Harry Potter (I saw that one twice, not because I'm one of those people. It was some other reason that's pointless to explain. The film in itself was alright, not at all what a HP-film should be but still.) Julia&Julie, This Is It, and Ice Age 3. Six with my family and three with my friends, but this is just some freak event, normally it's two to three, four is a good year.

Now we all know I'm somewhat of a movie-slut, among other things, and even though two double O nine's been a year filled with cinemactic experiences, I never really get to see the movies I so desperately would like to see. For instance out of all the movies I would have liked to see in the theatre only two of them are mentioned above. Do you want see the list? I'll show you the list:

- Public enemies
- Doubt
- Benjamin Button
- My Bloody Valentine
- Watchmen
- Milk
- The Boat That Rocked
- State of play
- Funny people
- The Reader
- Star Trek
- 9
- The Imaginarium Of Doctor Parnassus
- The Invention of Lying
- District 9
- Avatar
- Where the wild things are

Of course a few of them haven't come out yet, and some just didn't cross the ocean.

The only ones I have any real hope for now is Where the wild things are, and Avatar. A dear children's book, my kindergarden teacher used to read at lunchtime, which was right before nap time. Gumbo I miss kindergarden! The book has a very simple plot, it's more the picture's that memorize. I mean when you're five you don't really pay that much attention. I liked the pictures and thought the monsters were awesomely adorable. I even dressed up as a wolf for Halloween, you know because Max wears a wolf suit so he can do mischievous things. Personally I think I looked more like a cat but whatever I was young, and on a budget. I had the tail and ears that's all that matters, everyone thought I was a stupid cat... I can't wait to see what Spike Gonze did with it. I heard some whispers earlier through the grapevine that it didn't get picked up by Norway, which made me sad. Luckily like most whispers is wasn't true and it's being released December 11th. Yay!

I don't really know that much about Avatars. It's probably not one of those movies that's going to withstands time but it looks pretty cool. It's got some fine looking CG but I do love them puppets. The Thing and Alien, damn good movies didn't even need CG, not that they had the same tools as now. The point is puppets were all the rage, until somebody decided they were outdated. Too old fashioned Uranus! I'd watch Labyrinth any day of the week, and The Thing still haunts me to this day, great movie. Okay so I might have a thing for puppets. I do love sesame street, and The Muppets. Oh honey don't even get me started on The Muppets. They're so close to my heart. Damn Disney for combining freakin' Ashanti with the Muppets in the Wizard of OZ remake. Disney's become such a sell-out, no morals no nothing, andAshanti is such a crap actress, she should stick to what she barely knows. I miss the good ol' Disney, before they sold their souls, and bought up Pixar and Muppets. I mean don't mess with my Muppets.

Anyway the point is I rarely ever get to see what's hidden behind the cinema's front door's and discover it's magic.

I do however plant a flag in you mom every other night.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Jeg fant nylig ut at min enslige leser ikke klikker seg videre på de flotte linkene, som jeg fyller innlegget mitt med- innlegget

Jeg er såret, men egentlig forventer jeg ikke annet. Det er av og til skrekkelig mange linker gjemt inni tekstene mine. Personlig finner jeg enorm glede av linker, gjemme de, bruke de, åpne de, rett og slett avdekke deres hemmelighet. Jeg blir nysgjerrig når et ord skjuler en viderekobling, det er en fin blanding av spenning og stolthet. Det er et '' HA! Jeg fant den!"- øyeblikk etterfulgt av en spennings-sekvens rett ut fra en action film. Øynene åpner seg, munnen begynner å renne og fingrene skjelver i all forventning. Tiden er inne, det må skje nå! Noen ganger er jeg skikkelig hacker med å bruke linker, mens andre ganger er jeg en enormt god detektiv. Sherlock kan gå og legge seg.

Dere skråstrek du (Jeg er blitt virkelig forelsket i å skrive skråstek, selve symbolet er ubrukelig for meg nå tildag) har kanskje merket at jeg er en smule overdramatisk. Jeg er riktignok ikke så forvridd at jeg syntes viderekoblingen er tennbare, (Jeg skal innrømme at jeg har begynt å få en forkjærlighet til fornorsking av engelske ord viderekobling, kollisjonspute og etterbarberingsvann, selv om det tar dobbelt så lang tid å skrive de nye ordene. Norsk er så søtt. Altså verdensveven, det sier seg selv hvilket språk som er legendarisk) Ja, hvor var jeg... Viderekoblinger! Jeg har ikke et like nært forhold som det kanskje antydes ovenfor. Likevel er det fint om man kan ta en titt på de, men ork! (Nå fikk jeg plutselig veldig lyst til å se Ringenes Herre igjen. Ork ork ork. Apropos har jeg lært meg hvordan alvene ville skrevet navnet mitt. Ganske så stilig, eller hva?) Hvis du, du vet hvem du er, ikke har sett på linkene enda skal jeg ikke tvinge deg til å ha den samme gleden jeg får ut av viderekoblinger. Man burde kanskje se på dette innlegget med et kritisk blikk, for kl. 01.30 virker alt mye mer fantastisk enn å skrive en norsk stil som skulle vært levert for to uker siden. La latskapen råde sier nå jeg. I mitt forsvar har jeg heller valgt å prioritere biologi framfor norsken, noe jeg kanskje burde stokke litt om på. Meste fordi norsk eksamen kommer før biologi eksamen og jeg har fremdeles mareritt om den forrige norsk læreren min. Hmm, jeg har egentlig begynt å ha mareritt om norsk generelt. Det er nok den eksamen jeg frykter mest. Ja ja nok om det.

Jeg liker virkelig å blogge vet du hvorfor? Jo, det skal jeg fortelle deg. Rett og slett fordi det er ikke er noen regleverk for hvordan man må skrive, man kan late som noen faktisk leser det og man kan la tankene strømme ned på arket... Gjennom fingrene og opp på skjermen? (Dagens teknologi er virkelig et underverk) For ikke å glemme er det så mye mer personlig. Dersom man snubler over en alt-mulig-blogg, slik som denne, der personen skriver om tanker og dagene sine, føler man etter hvert at man kjenner dem. Det er omtrent som kjendiser, takket vært TV får man følelsen av at de er nære venner eller familie medlemmer. (Ser dere rimet? Det var ikke meningen. Du skjønner jeg brukte halve dagen min på å skrive et lite dikt til min elskede, som snart har bursdag. Det er fryktelige teit, men det er jeg også.)Altså, selv om man kun får se den delen personen velger å vise frem, føler man en slags nærhet til personen. Det er nøyaktig en slik nærhet jeg har begynt å føle til noen av de Youtube- ansiktene jeg følger med på. (Jeg er ganske glad idag, jeg vet ikke om du har merket det? Ønsket bare å påpeke det. Apropos påpeking? Er det et ord... Det er Farsdag i dag eller det var igår... tidsrammer er så merkelige, unnsett. Gratulerer med farsdag, Pappa! Satte du pris på din pappa skråstrek far? Jeg syntes far er så kaldt å si. Du vet, ''Hvem som helst kan være far, men ikke alle kan bli en pappa'' en trøtt oversettelse fra det engelske ordtaket. Det burde hete pappadag, men da tenker jeg på dag mamma av en eller annen grunn. Nei, la det hete farsdag, for all del.) Hvor endte tråden? Ah, youtube. Jeg hoppet på bølgen litt i etterskudd, som vanlig, men nå har jeg besøkt den omtrent hver dag i et par år. Det gjør hverdagen så mye enklere og en smule mer artig.

Jeg gleder meg til den nye Star Trek filmen kommer ut... i 2011. Blir du med på å se de gode gamle Star Trek filmene? Skal vi se det er ti filmer og er kanskje 2 timer i gjennomsnitt. Vi greier det fint på en helg. Så kan vi avslutte med Star Wars? Jeg har helt ubeskrivelig lyst til å se de igjen. Spesielt Star Wars. De har jeg ikke sett på en evighet. Utviklingen til Yoda er fantastiske i seg selv, fra dukke til animasjon. Det fins ikke bedre enn det. Jeg har aldri tenkt over det, på grunn av alt som skjer, men det er vel på sett og vis biografien til Anakin Skywalker. Stilig.

Imorgen må jeg finne en avslutning for norsk stilen min.,så jeg burde nok legge meg nå. Jeg nekter å komme tomhendt til timen atter en gang. Dette innlegget skulle egentlig bare bevise at jeg fremdeles var i live, men siden alt er skrevet på norsk er det vel ikke en betryggende følelse. Jeg kan ikke huske sist jeg skrev et helt innlegg uten å bytte til engelsk med en gang. Har det i det hele tatt inntruffet? Det er vel som en komet man kun ser hvert 60'ende år.

Det var forresten kino dag på lørdagen. Gikk du på kino? I så fall hvilke film valgte du å se og med hvem? Jeg ble frivillig dratt med på ''A Christmas Carol'' i 3D, med Jim Carey, Gary Oldman og Collin Firth. Den var skrekkelig god og noe av det skumleste jeg har sett. Helt fantastisk. Jeg anbefaler den på det aller høyeste. I tillegg til en helt fortreffelig gjennomføring av en kjær klassiker gjorde de en utmerket jobb med 3D- effektene. Det var snøfnugg og piper og hender og spøkelser og all slags julestemning fykende ut av lerretet. Jeg skvatt gjentatte ganger og opplevde en enorm trang til å strekke ut armen og gripe etter diverse saker og ting. De skjønte virkelig hvordan 3D skulle oppleves. I motsettnig til ''Is Tid 3'', der man satt og grublet over manglene handling og håpløs bruk av selve 3D- opplevelsen. Der har du en film som kunne blitt mye bedre, hadde de bare brukt litt mer tid med 3D brillene på. Is tid var fremdeles ikke helt bortkastet takket være Buck, som du er nødt til å oppleve i all sin herlighet. Har du lagt merke til nøyaktig hvor irriterende stemme til Raymond Barone er? Unnsett må dere se "A Christmas Carol" den var virkelig 10 julestjerner. Nå som jeg nevnte julestjerner er det en leilighet jeg går forbi på vei hjem fra Bjørknes som har hengt opp julestjernen i vinduet allerede. Da jeg så det fikk jeg en god og varm julefølelse og begynte å smile som om jeg var blitt gal. Det er merkelig at tankegangen min går direkte til gal hver gang jeg ser noen smile på gaten helt alene. Hyggelig, men fullstendig sprø. Jeg er tydeligvis ikke den eneste med en slik tankegang, ettersom jeg fikk noen uhyrlige underlige blikk etter det.

Nå har jeg prøvd å avslutte dette innlegget siden viderekoblinger, derfor stopper jeg nå og går av her. Dette innlegget burde vel holde noen uker tenker jeg. En lengde som dette blir nok lest i intervaller. Jeg skriver nå ikke så ofte, men når jeg først setter meg ned kan man umulig klage på at det ble for kort. Håper du hadde en fin helg og at mandag ikke er like ille som Garfeild skal ha det til.

P.S. Håper du la merke til at det ikke er noen viderekoblinger, hva er nå vitsen hvis ingen ser på de vakre små linken? Ja vel. De kommer vel tilbake når jeg har glemt å late som jeg er såret. Merk deg at jeg kunne brukt noen ekstremt passende linker til dette innlegget. Merk deg det. En siste ting før jeg publiserer innlegget. Jeg så traileren til den nye Twilight filmen, mens jeg ventet på at ''A Christmass Carol'' skulle begynne og til min store overraskelse så jeg et glimt av Dakota Fanning. Jeg ante ikke at hun skulle være med i den filmen, jeg ble til og med en smule fascinert med et snes av spent. Jeg har nemlig blitt litt glad i den lille jenta, og syntes hun er en flink skuespiller. Jeg håper bare hun klarer og holde yrket gående, noe jeg har tro på. Det var jo litt trist det som skjedde med Macaulay Culkin, men da han kom tilbake med Party Monster i 2003 ble fortid fortid. Party Monster er jo både syk og fantastisk, i tillegg basert på en bok som er igjen basert på en sann historie og sånt liker jeg. Hvis du er interessert heter boken ''Disco Bloodbath A Fabulous But True Tale Of Murder In Clubland" Den handler om Michael Alig en av Clubkids'a. Ojsann nå gjorde jeg det igjen, nå skal jeg stoppe. Natta skråstrek god morgen!


Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I Feel Like A Piñata

Okay first off. Today was the day I realized winter was coming. I received this little revelation after slipping and losing my footing, due to the frosted pavement. I can't even begin to describe the hate I feel towards ice and hard rime. Sure it looks nice and peaceful, but it really is my worst enemy. It ruins your entire day, and it always comes back. You'll be walking along, feeling pretty good about yourself. You're having a good hair-day, or whatever makes you happy then BAM! You slip and fall to the ground. Humiliation and pain come crashing down, and the weird thing is that pain always comes second in those situations. If somebody see you fall, you instantly start laughing and making fun of yourself. You could be missing a leg, you'll still be trying to lighten the mood. "That was great, totally meant to do that. Awesome fall. German judge gives it a 10. Nailed the landing... *laughgigglejoy* Where's my leg. You saw it just catapult out of here. Guess it couldn't stand me any more. Get it? Oh, the hilarity." Then when you're alone you fall apart crying over your lost ligaments. All this because winter has to be a bitch on wheels. Now I love winter, I just don't have to like it.

Secondly, is the list. Something I really don't want to do, but somebody, you know who you are, has begun to threaten my life. Therefore I'm make a list about things I want. What I really want is to not have to talk about what I want. It makes me uncomfortable. Which is completely insane and irregular and I know it. Still I don't like it. I kind of dug my own grave here though. I'm man enough to admit it. The "I'll blog a list about things I want tonight" was a joke taken seriously. Damn sms... That been said I'll move on my material wishes.

* Michael Jackson Mega Box
* Visionary: The Video Singles
* The Michael Jackson Treasures
* Michael Jackson: The Magic and the Madness
... Really anything and everthing that consists of Jackson.
* Invader Zim
* Rye Coalition - Curses
* Porcupine Tree - In Absentia
* Bigbang - Electric Psalmbook
* Transmetropolitan vol. 3 Vol. 3: Year of the Bastard
* Sandman vol.3 Dream Country
* Preacher vol.2
* Girl, Interrupted by Susanna Kaysen
* The Mentalist
* How I Met You Mother
* The L Word Season 3
* Battlestar Galactica
* House of D
* Toys
* Lolita (1997)

I don't think I can squeeze out any more than that. Three hours is more than enough, I need sleep. Oh my, turned out to be alot. I see now that most of it's pretty expensive, but I got a job so no problem.

... And you're mom pays well so...
Indecent Exposure:
D'angelo - Feel Like Makin' Love
At first I thought he sang I feel like a piñata. I got the song from The L Word, the scene where Carmen does a little dance for Shane. Steamy and indecent at your service. It sucks that the series ended, the last season was a little disappointing as well. Then agian it only seems fair the series begins with Jenny, it should end with her.
P.S. My 100th post. Yay me!
Such uberness you've never experienced before. Epic postage.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Smell It Properly

You know what the best gift you could possibly give is? Neither do I.

However I do know what the worst is, at least one of them. Soap. I realize the irony in me saying this, referring to my very real fear of germs. You would think soap was right up my alley. Oh how wrong you would be. I mean how many times can I be enthusiastic about bar of soap? Unless it turns you into frikkin Tinkerbell in the shower, and you have the ultimate Herbal Essences moment. Which by the way I'm still waiting for. Damn commercial more like Herbal's Empty Promises. Keep in mind that the gift you give also says something about your perception of that person. So when you saw a bar of soap you instantly thought of me? Am I not clean enough, is that it? Or do you just generally not care enough to give a something a little more original? I mean Jesus what's wrong with these people all soap smells the same. I don't know about you but I like neutral smells. Which is another thing, older women seem to drown themselves in perfume. Like they're trying to hide the smell of there body decomposing. I'm sorry but we can still see it. It's called ageing gracefully, you might want to try it.

I work incredibly hard to try and find presents I've heard others mention before. I stay up nights racking my brain to find something they'll actually like. So, if I give a bad gift it's not for lack of trying. I really do hope I give good presents. In my entire gift-giving life I have not once given soap to friends or relatives. Okay once I gave a bar of soap to a teacher I hated... strongly disliked. Don't ask my why, everyone was doing it. She said every time she used it she'd think of me. What sane adult says that to an ten-year-old? So now every time she's in the shower I'm the one she thinking about, while she scrubs down. Creeps. Me. Out! Soap has scared me for life. In my oppinion you can only buy soap in certain circumstances. One you're a kid with no money, and it's for you mom, and two you're a kid with no money and its for you grandmother. The instant you have money I don't understand why you buy soap. Even without money you could easily make something better. Arts & Crafts good times. Unless the person enjoys getting soaps in the shape of animals or sea-shells. It's like people who buy candles. Candles and soap, to me just say fuck you.

Question of the day. What's the most thoughtful gift you've ever received? Or just you're favorite? For me it's my precious little locket from my precious little bumble bee.

... and of course what you're mom gave me last night. Special.

Indecent Exposure:
Clutch - The Soapmakers
I know I've used this song before but honestly a post about soap needs a soapy-ish song.

Just because I like it.

Friday, October 16, 2009


Germs are everywhere and I know it. It's one of many compulsions.
I am not a very tidy person, mostly because I'm lazy, big shocker there. I have to be in a housekeeping mood, which only happens if I can't sleep, I'm really bored, or people are coming over. Which reminds me I have to tidy up a bit before my precious visits. Cleaning's one of those tasks that you try to avoid, but when you're doing it, it's not really that bad. You know like your mom... Honestly I don't do it on propose, it's like my brain's been rewired.

Anywhoo, I'm not big on tidy, I am however a huge germ-freak. Seriously I wash my hands all the time, and if I can't, I sit there thinking about the germ colonies taking over. I can actually feel layers of germs crawling all over my skin. Germs are also the main reason, why I hate public bathrooms and libraries, because you just don't know what people do behind closed doors. Add to that my own little paranoia and you've got one messed up teen. I mean, I think I'm going to get an STD just from entering a public bathroom, and the amount of paper I use to feel safe is sickening. I could save an entire forest by staying at home, although the toilet paper these days are like 1/12 of a millimetre, not even that. So you would need the entire roll, anyway, but that's beside the point.

The second I leave home I feel dirty. In my mind the unknown is filthy. It's not like I can't handle nature, that's completely different, is more humans that scare me. Don't even get me started on unidentified substance. Are you beginning to see my freaky. Seriously I don't even like going to other peoples toilets, unless I know them really well. You should probably know my best friend is a very clean and tidy person. Thank god for that! Not that it's a criteria or anything... Shaking hands is also a problem for me, because I'm a little pervy and my mind just goes there instantly. Like why were his hands in his pocket? Did she wash her hands after that?

I'm also very paranoid about whether other people wash their hands as much as I do. It causes alot of problems. Mainly the dreaded handshake. I look at your hand and I see a germ infestation. I see a germ there, there, there. I see alot of germs, so let me sprinkle some onions, some cheese, some mushrooms and ask me to shake you hand. I know it's completely insane and irrational, I don't even know why I do it. Another thing is I always notice where other people put their hands, for instance along the edge of my glass. I know nobody else knows it but I know it. I take a mental note and act acordingly, and before you ask no I don't like loose change either. The smell is revolting and you just know that smell is due to metall being held in a sweaty palm. Also if I've seen someone cough of sneeze in their hands. I take a mental note of it and just avoid them all together. I mean, come on everybody knows you sneeze in your elbow. Elbow, you know the hinge joint that connects your upper arm and forearm. Remember that kids.

Oh my, I just realized who completely messed up my kids are going to be. Than again they would only be experiencing what I went through so they'll just have to suck it up, and rub some dirt on it. Sanitary dirt of course... Does that even exist? You see my mom's big of cleaning and has taught me well. She used to tell me about all the germs in the world. Not to scary me, well not intentionally. Lets just say it kept me from lick the sidewalk, and enjoying the wonders of a library. Everytime I hold one of those books it feels like my arm is going to fall off, from Typhus. I mean those yellow-brownish books used to be white once. Even though paper changes colour over time, it does change that drastically. No surrey bob, that colour only comes from hundreds of people, holding and rubbing and sneezing all over it. Then letting those germs grow and evolve into an unstoppable force. They're everywhere! I get shivers just from thinking about it. I should be living in a bubble. I'm completely aware of how this sounds. I know there are germs everywhere, and that most are necessary and good for you but still. They're germs and I'm one door short of a cabinet.

BTW! The girl I'm going to marry, she just doesn't know it yet, showed up at my workplace yesterday. A completely awesome surprise that I just love her for doing! Better than jumping out of a cake, although that would be pretty wicked too. This is actually the main reason I'm writing. To inform the world that my rent-a-friend does charity work as well. I'm joking, I'm joking. I don't have to buy it. I have plenty.... real. friends. *Kremt*

I'm sorry it took so long to post a new instalment of my indecent life, its just my throat's been really sore, and I've been feeling really sick. Which is strange, since I told your dad to just be gentle...

Yeah... I'm that many lames.
... I'm gonna roll around on the floor now...

Indecent Exposure:
Michael Jackson - Euphoria
I actually learned how to spell euphoria because of this song. So if I'm ever in doubt I just singing ''E. U. P. H. O. R. I. A. That the new word for today''. I love this song.
Just a little personal fun fact for yah.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Got This Love I Can Feel

Jeg har hatt en helt fortreffelig dag! Hvordan gikk det med deg?

I det siste har jeg oppdaget at jeg sjeldent blogger når jeg er glad og alt er fryd og gammen. Dette er noe jeg gjerne vil forandre. Du skjønner idag har vært glimrende, det er nesten som jeg har svevd på en sky i hele dag. Ikke har jeg vært trøtt heller. Jeg skal fortelle deg hvorfor dette er et viktig moment akkurat nu. Du skjønner jeg sto opp kl. 5 idag, for å rekke ned på jernbanetorget. Der Sony skulle lansere den nye låten til Michael Jackson, "This Is It". Singlen ble egentlig spilt inn i forbindelse med ''Off the Wall'' albumet, noe som er en smule spooky. Riktig nok slippes den som PR for den kommende samleplaten og allerede favoritt film ved samme navn. Jeg leste et sted at den opprinnelig skulle spilles som den siste låten på konserten hans. Personlig fikk jeg frysninger av låten, gode Jackson-frysninger. Jeg lukket øynene og ble fullstendig revet med. Den har spilt i hodet mitt hele dag, ikke rart dagen min har vært så fantastisk, når den startet slik!

Jeg fikk også en ny venn, en ekte Michael Jackson fan, jeg skal innrømme jeg ble glad da jeg møtte en som var like gal som meg selv. Needless to say vi delte historier. I am not alone. Hun må tro jeg er fullstendig freak, jeg tok litt av. Likevel var hun hyggelig og jeg håper vi holder kontakten.

Sangen var himmelsk! Selve opplegget derimot var litt uprofesjonelt. Norge er virkelig dårlig til å arrangere slike ting og jeg ble litt skuffet. Jaja, det var jo ikke derfor jeg dro. Det er bare litt trist når det er selveste kongen det gjelder. Har jeg sagt at jeg elsker sangen? Gleder meg til jeg får tak i den. Uheldigvis slippes den ikke før 26/10, dagen før filmen treffer kinoer verden over. GAH! Det er en evighet til.

This is it, here I stand
I’m the light of the world, I feel grand
Got this love I can feel
And I know yes for sure it is real
And it feels as though I’ve seen your face a thousand times
And you said you really know me too yourself
And I know that you have got addicted with your eyes
But you say you gonna live it for yourself.
I never heard a single word about you
Falling in love wasn’t my plan
I never thought that I would be your lover
C’mon baby, just understand
This is it, I can say,
I’m the light of the world, run away
We can feel, this is real
Every time I’m in love that I feel
And I feel as though I’ve known you since a thousand years
And you tell me that you’ve seen my face before.
And you said to me you don’t want me hanging round
Many times, wanna do it here before
I never heard a single word about you
Falling in love wasn’t my plan
I never thought that I would be your lover
C’mon baby, just understand
This is it, I can feel
I’m the light of the world, this is real
Feel my song, we can say
And I tell you I feel that way
And I feel as though I’ve known you for a thousand years
And you said you want some of this yourself
And you said won’t you go with me, on a while
And I know that it’s really cool myself
I never heard a single word about you
Falling in love wasn’t my plan
I never thought that I would be your lover
C’mon baby, just understand
I never heard a single word about you
Falling in love wasn’t my plan
I never thought that I would be your lover
C’mon baby, just understand

Friday, October 2, 2009

Drag A Doll By The Foot

Do you think manikins are dolls made to dress like humans or humans made to dress like dolls? Think about it.

Have you ever seen a manikin and mistaken it for a real live human being? I mean these days, most of the manikins used in department stores are pretty damn realistic. And it scares the sense right out of me. You'll be walking around minding my own business, awesome shirt, cool pants, turn a corner. Then bam! There it is, with this sick perverted look on its face. Like its been waiting for you. They stand there stiff, with their fixed gaze, almost as if they're frozen in time. Stuck between two worlds. Screaming, begging for someone to understand the truth they conceal. Semi-figures of us. A dream of perfection.

They're often used in horror movie, playing an essential part in the development of both scene and atmosphere. Puppets, dolls, manikins, marionettes, toys created to please a child. What makes these objects so frightful? Is it simply the thought of another person standing still for so long? Making the mind play tricks, never really knowing for sure? Is it the thought of a child's purity, captured in an empty casing? The owners essence being passed on from generation to generation? The fact that they look human but aren't? Or is it their wide eyes, and smile, the facial expression as a whole, that induces chills throughout the body? You see happy people freak me out as well, it's just not normal... Constantly smiling. I always wonder why they're so happy. Is it because they chopped up dear ol' dad and mom's in the freezer? I think most people have some sort of reaction to overly ecstatic people. I mean it's not our fault, that literature and films choose to portray happiness as insanity. You need a reason to smile, otherwise it's just weird. Riiight, no more horror marathons for Merete...

Anyway. Dolls are extremely life-like, too life-like if you ask me. I keep thinking they'll wake up from some deep slumber and go straight for the jugular. Crazy right? Or is it. Don't tell me you don't backup a few steps, after encountering a manikin. Especially when it comes to museums. You never know what goes on in those places. The smell, the dark lights, and generally no sound at all, maybe like a low humming at the very less. Honestly I have the worst experiences with manikins. I'll even share one with you... *Que the awesome flashback haze* My family and I were at this civil war monument slash museum when I was around 8 or so. I remember it exactly, it was the Jenny Wade – house in Gettysburg. So we're having a looksee, and there's a manikin by the kitchen table. Well, out of nowhere the doll starts making noises, really creepy sounds, and a face begins to appear. Suddenly it's starts talking. A doll started telling her story, like he was asleep and then woke up. And you wonder why I'm scared of dolls attacking.

I don't remember all the details but her story went something like this. The Confederate troops were looking for supplies so people were hiding their food. At the same time Northern troops were also marching into Gettysburg (the good guys). Therefore many citizens decided to retreat to their cellars as protection against battle shells, since a confrontation was enevitable. Jennie (which actually was her nickname, she was born Mary Virginia Wade) and her family thought her sister's home would be safe enough, since it wasn't in the direct line of the fire. She prepared bread for the Union soldiers and filled their canteens with water. When the Confederates fired on the area, including the Wade house. Jennie refused to retreat to the basement. She was making biscuits for the Northern soldiers and felt it was her patriotic duty to remain. A confederate soldier, fired and the bullet went through the door of the Wade house and struck Jennie in the back. Now that's a bad day.

Oh, but the trauma doesn't stop there, no. I absent-mindedly went down to the basement and foolishly entered this tiny little room. Guess what was there. On a narrow bench lay a girl with a white linen cloth covering her entire body, with the except of her black pointy leather shoes. That image still haunts me to this day. I thought it was a corpse and completely froze. I stood utterly still until the rest of the tour group caught up with me. The guide thought showing me the dolls face would help. You knwo snap me out of it. That night I had my first nightmare. Just the mere thought make me want to curl up and die. I just relized I've never told anyone this. I mean people know dolls freak me out, just not the reason behind it. I hadn't really gven it much thought up until now. Kind of a relief knowing it's childhood trauma and not a screw loose, eventhough I have several. Who needs a skrink when you can just blog about it. Hope you liked my personal insight. Deep right? Like a puddle.

Not all dolls are scary, I suppose but the older they are, the more intense they seem. Creeps me out.

... I don't want creepy doll pictures on my blog because I'll freak everytime I log on, and I'm not posting any freaky links either so you can just forget it...
Maybe just one...

Puddle Of Mudd - Blurry
I love this song.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Lemony fresh victory shall be mine!

Nå har jeg siklet etter, kanskje ikke det rette ordet, ønsket denne boken i godt over en måned og idag skal jeg endelig få rumpenstumpen i gir, eller ikke... What?! I had a busy day. Stuff happends. Get off my frikin back. I didn't actually buy the book, but I did however hold it ever so gently in my arms. Caressing it, loving it, having forbidden kisses with it. Then some old lady hit me. No not really my life's not that exciting. But I realized I wanted the original hardcover, not the lame paperback, which really makes a feeble attempt of being a book. Nothing agianst paperback, buy them all the time, just this book is special. God damn it just tell them so I can go to bed. I suffer from split personality disorder. Yeah she dreams. Right... I'm gonna switching to norsk now.

J. Randy Taraborrelli, en personlig og god venn av min elskede Jackson, har skrevet ''Michael Jackson: The Magic & The Madness''. Boken tar for seg livet og karrièren hans, samtidig som den prøver å skille mannen fra myten. "The fruit of over 30 years research". Jeg er ikke helt sikker på hvilken bok jeg skal kjøpe, forfatteren har nemlig skrevet flere bøker med samme navn. Go figure. En ble utgitt i 2004 og den andre for ikke så lenge siden. "Michael Jackson: The Magic, The Madness, The Whole Story, 1958-2009". Det er hovedgrunnen til hvorfor den ikke ligger på nattbordet mitt. Jeg velger å se bortifra det faktumet at jeg er treg og skylder på forfatteren. Woosh. Jeg har egentlig aldri likt tanken på å lese en bok om Jackson, men kanskje en god venn klarer å vis mer hensyn.

Nå som jeg har startet denne flotte handlelisten kan jeg informere om en fantastisk ny tegnserie. "North 40". Først trodde jeg den handlet om vanlige mennesker med superkrefter been there done that boring!, men til min store fornøyelse er den hakket med skrekk-orientert og sånt liker man. Vi snakker tentakler, hoggtenner, x-ray vision og zombier. Serien er et kunstverk in all its glory. Den er med andre ord på vei inn i mitt hjem. Hvis du vil ha noen fine detaljer er den skrevet av Aaron Williams og tegnet av Fiona Staples, she colors within the lines, er det bare jeg som tenker på Eurotrip når jeg hører Fiiiiiionaaaaaaaa. Makes me smile. For more in-to-the-fo cheak out Wildstorm Comics.


Herlighet at jeg ikke har fortalt noen om dette enda. Du får bli den første. Ja, du min trofaste enslige leser, Miss Ringo Starr. Jeg er den stolte eier av kinobilletter til ''This is it''. Det er laget film om forberedelsene til selve konserten. Ikke det samme som å se han live, men jeg tar det jeg får. Jeg gir alt jeg har av organer og blod for bare et glimps av den mannen. Selvsagt etter jeg har fått opplevd hans herlighet. Hakkebakke, jeg våkner fremdeles om morgningen og tror jeg skal på den konserten. Synk inn. Synk inn. Synk inn. Bah! Filmen har klipp fra bak kulissene, tilbakeblikk på hans karriere, intervjuer og selvfølgelig Michael Jackson. Konserten som en helhet. Jeg gaper etter luft hver gang jeg ser traileren og mister fullstendig kontroll over tåreapparatet. Trodde aldri det skulle skje. Jeg var fullstendig panisk etter billetter, Internett funket ikke, det var kø på telefonen og gode råd var dyre. Hadde ikke mamma stoppet meg ville jeg løpt til Oslo. Var farlig nær å sove utenfor kinoen, men som sagt fikk jeg tak i billetter. Da Internett var ferdig med that time of month. Jeg våger å påstå at det hadde vært verdens beste konsert.

Michael Jackson - 'This Is It' Official Movie Trailer


Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I wear glasses too.

Sadly, when I take them off, I'm still not incredibly attractive.

It generally upsets me when I see movies where popular girls take off unpopular girls' glasses, and all of a sudden they're attractive. I mean why can't that be my reality too? Also as somebody who is a frequent user of glasses I get offended when they ask stupid questions like: do you ever take those glasses off? ... and all of asudden the nerdy girls is incredibly attractive, just because she lost the ponytail and her glasses. Now this doesn't happen in real life, or so you would think. My boss actually asked me yesterday if I ever considered taking them off. I'm thinking: No, I generally like seeing what I'm doing. You see I probably have the same proscriptions as your grandma. Naturally I laughed uncomfortably, said I'd think about it, and walked away, creep-style. Honestly who says something like that! I'm sorry my appearance is that offensive? I'm actually having an ongoing battle with myself between the practical and easy glasses or the practical and quick contacts. They both sting like a harpy so it really is a toss up. What do you think. Spectacles or eyeball-covers? Glasses are better for studying though, since I can take them off as I please... much like your moms bra.

If I don't change the topic soon I'm going to bore myself to death. Which is almost the title of a new TV-series. Bored to death. A series that really does deliver what it promises. It will in actuality bore you to death. See what I did there. If that doesn't get the ladies...
Share bear-time!
Today's show and tell is about "Girl, interrupted", which was published in 1993. In the 1999 screen adaptation, Winona Ryder plays Susanna Kaysen, the author and main character. Other big names are Angelina Jolie as Lisa Rowe, Brittany Murrphy as Daisy, Clea DuVall as Georgina, and Whoopi Goldberg plays Valerie.
Dr. Crumble: Susanna, four days ago... you chased a bottle of aspirin, with a bottle of vodka.
Susanna: I had a headache.

"Girl, interrupted" tells the tale of an eighteen year old girl, who half-heartedly attempted suicide. Instead of going on to college, she's sent to a mental institution. The story takes place in the 60's, and along with all the problems that follow, a rather captivating story develops. A story with issues ranging from: limited choices for women to freedom vs. captivity, taking a detour through detachment and insanity. Lisa is the most powerful personality, who has an utter disregard for authority, making her both frustrating and entertaining. Georgina, however is defiantly one of my favourites. Susan's room-mate, the pathological liar, shows no obvious signs of illness, much like the rest of the ward. In a sense she is a reflection of the ward's internal emotions, yet reveals the depth of her unhappiness in her own suddle way. Needless to say I've watch the film several times, and this is just my personal take on things. I love the movie as much I love your hair. It's a darkly humorous and philosophic memoir, that every teenage girl should either see or read. I'm not going to be a spoiler, even though I really want to! This is me fighting my urges. It really is worthwhile watching Jolie and Ryder in action.
Instructor: Now what kind of a tree can you be, Janet, down there on the floor?
Janet: I'm a fucking shrub, all right?

I've been trying to get my hands on a copy of Susanna Kaysen's best seller for years. The only reason I haven't been successfully, is the fact that I have the attention span of a leprechaun. I give up way to easily, and my mind keeps forgetting important things. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

Susanna: Was I ever crazy? Maybe. Or maybe life is... Crazy isn't being broken or swallowing a dark secret. It's you or me amplified. If you ever told a lie and enjoyed it. If you ever wished you could be a child forever. They were not perfect, but they were my friends and by the '70s most of them were out living lives. Some I've seen, some never again, but there isn't a day my heart doesn't find them.

The book is defiantly on my to do list.
Soz your mom.
... I'm not apologizing for that one...

Electric Light Orchestra - Turn To Stone

Friday, September 25, 2009

daily update.

Igår tok vi den tradisjonelle turen langs akerelva. Hvorfor skal jeg blogge om det, lurer du nok på. Vel, det var ingen vanlig tur, det var vandring langs akerelva. Lat som Vincent Price sa den siste delen, virker kulere.
Vandring langs akerelva er en årlig begivenhet der man kombinerer trim med en trolsk aften. En opplevelsesrik tur der man kan stoppe opp å se på forskjellig arrangementer skråstrek forestillinger: korsang, dans, spøkelser, kunst og lek med flammer. 8 km pure fun.

Elva in all her glory



Fire and nails

Politibandet, et band med politimenn! Musikken deres var forresten mye bedre enn bildet.

Michael McDonald - I Heard It Through The Grapevine
Good memory.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Mr Blue Sky

The title has nothing to do with this post. It's just a subliminal message from me to you, saying how much I love this song.
Imagine a world where it is utterly impossible to tell a lie. One hundred percent honesty 24/7 all year long. All those little voices in your head completely revealed. No secrets, everything out in the open. Can you see it? Well Ricky Gervais did. A man best summed up by his infamous quote, "Are you having a laugh?", or perhaps not. Anybore he's my favourite comedic genius second only to the great Robin Williams. Two completely different characters. If you don't know who he is you've seriously missed out. He's played Ferdy in Stardust, starred in Ghost Town and plays Andy Millman a struggling actor in the ultimate tv-series Extras. Let me just get back on track.
"In a world where everyone can only tell the truth... ...This guy can lie"

Jennifer Garner aka Sidney Bristow from Alias how much do you love that series? plays Anna McDoogles, Mark Bellison's love interest. Ricky Gervais plays Mark Bellison, the guy who invents lying. I mean honestly it's brilliant. I can't wait to see it!

'The Invention of Lying' Trailer

Here's a little clip from Extras:
Patrick Stewart on Extras
...and another
Robert De Niro In Extras
Okey, this is the last one. Honest.
Kate Winslet on Extras
And another.
Sir Ian Mckellen on Extras
This is one of my absolute favourites. I laugh so hard, it brings a completly new meaning to ROFL.

Here's something else that bightens my day, other than your mom.
Gervais and Elmo

P.S. I've recently discovered that certain shades of pink make me physically ill.

Do you have a special colour that make you want to blow chunks (
Pardon my french)
, or is that just my own personal weirdness?

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Want to share your awkward?

Nå skal jeg fortelle deg om dagens eventyr. Kommer det til å bli underholdende? Det skal du få avgjøre helt selv. Ettersom dagen begynte helt vanlig skal jeg starte innlegget med en helt vanlig begynnelse.

Det startet som en helt vanlig onsdag. Klokka 7 signaliserte mobilen at det var på tide å finne veien tilbake til virkeligheten. Jeg skal innrømme jeg var en smule motvillig, siden jeg drømte om Michael Jackson, men jo virkeligheten. Tøfler, all brain, aftenposten, colgate, buss 131, Bjørknes.

I min verden betyr onsdager kjemi, med professor morsom og biologi, med professor heit. Merk hvor flink jeg er til å skille mellom dagene. Etter kjemitimen tittet jeg raskt på timeplanen og så at neste time startet 16.55. Jeg hadde med andre ord fem hele timer til å pugge lekser. To kopper kaffe, fire kapitler og godt over 40 regnestykker senere og jeg var klar for Biologi, men først! En rask luftetur. Jeg begynte å gå ned trappene, rettelse jeg snublet ned trappene. Nei, jeg hadde ikke fått noe bedre kontroll over ledene min da det gjaldt å gå ut døren heller. Likevel var det deilig å stå ute i regnet, mens jeg ventet på at klokken skulle bli slagen. Så skjedde det jeg har en egen evne til å klare, en awkward samtale. Du skal få replikkene pluss litt indre dialog.
Høy fyr som røyker, "Nei! regner det"
Jeg har fremdeles ikke merket at han snakker til meg.
Høy fyr som røyker, "Det hadde jeg ikke regnet med"
Flinke meg ser humoren i det han sier og ler, en sånn 'hoho - den var god du' latter.
Han ser på meg som om jeg har rømt fra galehjemmet uten klær. Fint bilde ikke sant?
Jeg holdt på å forklare det morsomme ordspillet, men så nederlaget og latet som jeg ventet på noen. Da han var omringet av ukjente begynte jeg å snike meg forsiktig bort langs veggen. Vekk fra åstedet. Hvis du har sett Mission Impossible filmene, vet du nøyaktig hva jeg gjorde. Ja, i virkeligheten. I skolegården, mens alle så meg. I ettertanke kanskje ikke den lureste avgjørelsen.

Uansett var jeg endelige framme ved det trygge biologirommet. Går inn. Kjenner ikke ansiktene. Tar en sakte helomvending. Det innebar latter, ikke fra min side. Ser på timeplanen. Biologien skulle jo starte nå? Har vi byttet rom? Nei, jeg hadde forvekslet tirsdag og onsdag. Biologien var over for tre timer siden. Merk at jeg ikke klarte å skille mellom dagene. En bitter hendelse.

Så var dagen min like morsom for deg som den var for meg? Kanskje du har hatt en lignende dag? Kanskje du har lyst til å fortelle meg? Du har lyst til å fortelle meg. Du skal skrive det i kommentaren din. Nå.

Sara Bareilles "Gravity"
Jeg hørte den på "So You Think You Can Dance", det var en utrolig fin dans.

Friday, September 18, 2009

I'm Burning

Warning: Random ramblings of randomness

There's something I don't understand. Kissing, the whole concept of kissing completely eludes me. I mean it's a rather peculiar sign of affection. How did it even qualify to become such a sign? I understand touch, most people need the feel of another along their skin, somebody special who makes there skin crawl for all the right reasons. Blablabla... I don't really have that someone special so I like to confine myself in small places. Cosy right? Touch, a natural evolution of holding hands, but why were "they" holding hands in the first place? This is not anti-kissing propaganda, I can't stress that enough. Anyhoo kissing just seems strange to me.

How did it come to be? Was it simply the easiest way to shut someone up? Did somebody get bored while dancing the horizontal tango, and decide to shake things up? Maybe some sort of life-resuscitation gone array? What came first? The kiss of death, passionate kiss on the lips or a more friendly derivation? Keep in mind you have more germs in you mouth than any other place on you body.
Why do we feel the need to kiss? Is it because all the great stories tell us this is love? The complete and utter yearning for another set of lips to shaping themselves to yours. Personally I don't really think it's the kiss in itself, but rather the idea of having somebody to kiss that lures us in. That for just a moment your not necessarily alone in the world.

Love or lust, is there really a difference? You want something, you take it and then you hold on. Sounds like some crazy collector. Is love simply an unbalanced mix of chemicals or does something bigger have a part to play as well? Does love exist at all or have we created the idea? Statistically, most infatuations wither and die within half a year. Is that the deadline we have to create love? You win, you lose, you keep searching? The phrase soulmate comes to mind, is it simply an illusion created to make life worth living, something to distract us from the horrors of life? Or is it real? Were we complete beings until that fateful day when our souls in some way of another shattered and fell to earth? What if we never pick up the pieces. Do we go on incomplete, does it even matter?

The deeper one digs the more questions pop up. I guess the real question is if you believe in having a soul in general. When it comes to the matters of the soul your guess is as good as mine. I don't claim to understand it. There's an abundance of knowledge far from my grasp. However I refuse to believe we're nothing more than an empty parcel. Wondering aimlessly from A to B hoping we don't miss out on C. We're all different and unique versions of a mutated virus (if you believe in the Big Bang theory), and yet if all we were was a hard-wired machine we would all be the same. I mean does your computer really have a personal touch? There has to be something that sets us apart, divine of other. What if love is divine, and you never experience it because your heart is closed?

Michael Jackson - Puttin´ on the Ritz

Kliseste Klisjer = Me Talking Air

En klisjé er som skoene mine. Godt brukt. Noe som har skjedd eller blitt brukt så ofte at det har mistet sjarmen sin og blitt til gammelt vissvass.

Hvis det er slik en kjisje blir definert antyder det at jeg ja, selve livet mitt er en godt brukt klisje. For det første er jeg er en jente. Gudene vet hvor mange jenter som har levd oppgjennom menneskets historie. Jeg er en kvinnelig student. Hadde vi levd på 60-tallet ville det vært litt av et gjennombrudd, men desverre er dette ingen orginal idé i disse moderne dager. Jeg er en tenåring som ikke vet hvor hun skal. Kroppen min har ikke nok blodceller, til å telle hvor mange ganger dette har vært selve ryggraden i masseprodusert filmer fra Hollywood. Jeg har startet på Bjørknes, som jeg heller ikke er alene om. Det fins ikke en eneste ting jeg har gjort, som igjen andre har allerede gjennomgått og du kan banne på at noen har blogget om det klisjefylte livet sitt. Jeg prøver å være et orginalt individ og mener selv at jeg er en smule unik på min egen måte, ikke helt " Mamma, sier jeg er spesiell", mens jeg svømmer i sikkel. Heller spesiell på den måten at jeg har mine små geniale øyeblikk... Slik som alle andre. GAH! Begynner du å skjønne hvorfor jeg er oppgitt? Selvfølgelig kan man alltids argumentere med at ingen har gjort de samme handlingen nøyaktig slik som du. Til det løfter jeg et øyenbryn og ser stygt på deg. Detaljer er ubetydlig vissvass som kan og bør oversees. Hvor mange orginale tanker har du hatt opp til nå? Jeg mener i dette sekundet er det 6 milliarder mennesker på jordkloden, det betyr 6 milliarder tanker og handlinger. Fortell meg helt erlig at du fremdeles følger deg unik etter å ha tenkt over dette lille faktumet. Klarer du det?

Det sies også at ingen fingeravtrykk er like, men er det noen som har skjekket om dette er sant? Hva om det fins en fyr i Kina og en dame i Canada som har helt idenstiske fingeravtrykk? Hva om det har eksister noen før din tid? Vis meg reglen som sier at alle legger igjen ulik fettflekker. Vis meg statestikken. Riktig nok virker dette en smule merkelig å tenke over, tro meg det er nok til å bli ør i hodet av. Likevel er det litt merkelig å bygge opp en hel rettsak rundt noen fettsyrer som etterlates. Det jeg prøver å si er vel at DNA har bare så så mange kombinasjoner, hvis det eksisterer mennesker som ligner på hverandre utseendemessig, hvorfor ikke ligne på et miroskopisk nivå også? Tror du vitenskapsmenn verden rundt vrir seg i graven nå? For man skal alltid stole på vitenskapen... og religion... og mannen i tv'en som sier han har kontakt med Gud. Jaaa, jeg ser hvilken retning jeg holdt på å ta der. Delete delete.
I delete myself daily whooow! I couldn't help myself.
You who else can't help herself?
This was Merete and I approve this message.
Gjett hvilken sang jeg hørte på radio?
David Bowie - As the world falls down
Selv etter tolv år er den filmen fremdeles en favoritt

There's such a sad love
Deep in your eyes, a kind of pale jewel
Open and closed within your eyes
I'll place the sky within your eyes

There's such a fooled heart
Beating so fast in search of new dreams
A love that will last within your heart
I'll place the moon within your heart

As the pain sweeps through
Makes no sense for you
Every thrill has gone
Wasn't too much fun at all
But I'll be there for you-oo-oo
As the world falls down
(As the world) Falling down
Falling in love

I'll paint you mornings of gold
I'll spin you Valentine evenings
Though we're strangers till now
We're choosing the path between the stars
I'll lay my love between the stars

Friday, September 4, 2009

Screw it!

I hate school. Two more years & I'm done.

Det gikk nettopp opp for meg at jeg må ha vært høy da jeg skrev forrige innlegg... Jeg hater det faktumet at jeg må ta opp fag. Jeg vil mye heller spikket av hånda mi med en skje. Hvis jeg finner ut at legeyrket ikke er noe for meg, kommer jeg til å gå on a rampage. Itillegg er det en idiot som driver å sender meg fullstendig random meldinger og ringer meg konstant. Er jeg en magnet for freakshows eller er det bare meg? For jeg begynner seriøst å lure. Meh who cares I probably have swine flu anyways, and'll die in seven days. So guess I'll be seeing you where ever I end up or not.

Bitch bitch bitch. All I ever do is bitch and moan...

You know who else moans?