Monday, June 29, 2009

I Just Can't Stop Loving You

Jeg har nå sittet klistret foran tv-skjermen, hamstret aviser og vært med på å angripe Google i håp om å bedre forstå hva som har skjedd. Kanskje nyhetene vil synke inn etter hvert. Tilslutt ble det for mye og jeg måtte rett og slett skru av. Verden har blitt litt kaldere, litt kjedeligere og litt mer livløs. Michael Jackson har levd et liv i sentrum av søkelyset og det er ikke noe annerledes nå heller. Kameraene peker fremdeles i hans retning og journalistene leter panisk etter nyheter. Jeg har fått med meg alt som er av spekulasjoner, myter, og løyn. Nå som vi har mistet sannheten er det påtide å slå til med alt av bidrag. Det er virkelig en "interessant" versjon de velger å sette i gang. Narkotika misbruk, seksuallegning og mistanke er nøyaktig det som trengs for å drive gjerrigheten videre. Å la ryktene ligge er selvfølgelig for mye å forlange, nå er det påtide å dra han ned atter en gang. Simpeltent fordi de ikke skjønner hvordan en person kan ha stemmen til en engel og samtidig helt umenneskelige bevegelser.
Musikken til Michael Jackson overgår alle grenser, som danser trosset han tyngdekraften og hadde et så grasiøst dansetrinn at det fikk tildelt navnet "the Moonwalk". Han har en stemme som er lys men sterk, et rytmisk instrument som kunne gå fra søt og følsom til røf og brutal på korte sekunder. Jackson var en pioner ikke bare innenfor musikk, men også når det gjaldt musikkvideoer og dansing. Med sangen "Beat It" visket han ut svart-hvitt skillen hos MTV og gjorde det mulig for pop-sjangeren å eksistere. Det har blitt hevdet at diverse svarte musikere ikke hadde eksistert uten hans hjelp, for eksempel Beyoncé og Aaliyah. Det var i videoene han lagde utallige egne kreasjoner som fantasi figurer. Han har vært en zoombie I "Thriller". En gjeng medlem I "Bad" og "Beat It", der mange latterliggjorde ideen at et så skjørt vesen kunne vifte rundt med en foldekniv, men danset på en så voldelig måte at publikum fort ble overbevist. I "Billie Jean" var han en light trailing Alien. Han spilte en magisk ånd i "Remember the Time" og en astronaut i "Scream", sammen med søsteren sin Janet, som tilfeldigvis også er verdens dyreste musikk video. For ikke å glemme det velkjente dansetrinne i kortfilmen "Moonwalker", eller den mer kjente sangen "Smooth Criminal" som er praktisktalt umulig og knuser Newtons gravitasjonslov. La oss heller ikke glemme de fantastiske balladene Earth Song, You Are Not Alone og Stranger in Mosow for å nevne noen få.

Jackson har skrevet seg inn i muskkhistorien på en slik måte som ingen andre greier å etterligne. Med et enormt platesalg på mer en 750 millioner albumer verden over. 13 grammy awards, derav 8 for Thriller albumet, 13 number one singels og har utallige Guinness World Records. Hans musikk har påvirket Hip Hop, Pop og R&B artister og har en "unparalleled" innvirkning over den yngre generasjonen gjennom hans musikalske og humanitære bidrag. Vi har mistet et musikalsk geni, som mange har valgt og sammeligne med Elvis Presley, men sannheten er at Michael Jackson er større enn et rock icon fra 80-tallet. Dette påvirker alle, men forandrer ingenting. Han er og vil alltid være The King of Pop. Vi kan bare håpe at han endelig har fått den freden vi aldri kunne gi han.

"Magic is easy if you put you heart into it."

- Michael Jackson


Michael Jackson - Childhood

Friday, June 26, 2009


Like A Comet
Blazing 'Cross The Evening Sky
Gone Too Soon

Like A Rainbow
Fading In The Twinkling Of An Eye
Gone Too Soon

Shiny And Sparkly
And Splendidly Bright
Here One Day
Gone One Night

Like The Loss Of Sunlight
On A Cloudy Afternoon
Gone Too Soon

Like A Castle
Built Upon A Sandy Beach
Gone Too Soon

Like A Perfect Flower
That Is Just Beyond Your Reach
Gone Too Soon

Born To Amuse, To Inspire, To Delight
Here One Day
Gone One Night

Like A Sunset
Dying With The Rising Of The Moon
Gone Too Soon
Gone Too Soon

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Kort & Konstant

I have just resently aquired a pair of the worlds coolest (if that's a word), most adorable slippers known to man. So feast your eyes on these little beauties!

Blogger greide å snu bildet. I didn't know it could do that. Impressive.

Yes, yes. They are mushrooms from Super Mario and yes they were the only pair left. Så som du ser har helgen vært meget produktiv.

So while you're crying over you're loss in the slipper department, I'll be sitting here. Drinking a cup of tea, and feeling the toasty sensation of the ultimate mushroom power.

How do you like them bananas?

Jamiroquai - Runaway

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Pregnant Miserable Self Pitying Loser Pie

Cake - Short Skirt Long Jacket
I just recently watch the film Waitress, staring Keri Russell, better known as Felicity, and this song has been stuck in my head ever since. There's no wonder I like watching the trailers when they show all the highlights, without the boring facts. It's like reading Spark Notes, and still getting an A plus plus. Of course being the film-o-holic that I am, the trailers only keeps my addiction in check. It's the main attraction that keeps my skin from jumping off my pale and pasty flesh, such uber satisfation you couldn't even begin to comprehend. "Waitress was a let down, but I still watched it" Pie.
I want a girl with a mind like a diamond
I want a girl who knows whats best
I want a girl with shoes that cut
And eyes that burn like cigarettes
I want a girl with the right allocation
Whos fast, and thorough, and sharp as a tack
Shes playing with her jewelery,
Shes putting up her hair
Shes touring the facility and picking up slack
I want a girl with a short skirt,
And a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong jacket
Don't we all...


Freedom is a rather broad concept consisting of several possibilities. To have the possibility to be yourself, to be able to determine your own path in life, be treated equally, and so on and so fourth. I myself have very recently been set free from a dusty, gloomy and hectic dungeon. What I'm trying to convey rather dramatically, is simply that I have completed high school, and "stand before you today" as an enlightened and free individual. I'm not saying I experienced school as a hell whole where my professors walks around with tails, and pitchforks, it being illegal to walk around school with such a weapon. No, they were more discreet than that. Although I am willing to bet that one of them was evil reincarnate.

I still haven't been able to rap my head around the fact the my days in the Sandvika penitentiary is over. It still feels as though I'm in fourth grade watching my teacher march back and forth, not daring to take my eyes off of her. Mrs. Miller has always been my favourite teacher. Never in my life have I ever fear and yet, admired a single person as much I do her. She could deafen your ears with a whistle and melt you heart with a wink. She taught me a great deal, most often learning it the hard way. I was completely terrified, up until the day she said she thought I was funny. Well enough of my personal memories. I do hope I'm not boring you. Now where was I before my horrific derailing. Oh, yes. It hasn't yet sunken in that I'm not going back to high school. Something that is both exciting and terrifying. While in school I felt my life was rather repetitive: wake up, go to school, come home, do homework, sleep, rinse and repeat. Almost as if someone was constantly pressing the rewind button.

Now that the play button seems to be functioning properly again, I suddenly feel a rush of emotions. I'm sad because it's over, excited about what the future may have in store for me, completely horrified because I don't know what's going to happen. Stressed out because it all up to me, and slightly alone, but all in all I am ecstatic, that part of my life is over. So to my dear friend Mr. or Mrs. slash Miss. Let us be thorough

Dear Furture,
Bring. It.

You just can't help feeling good, while listening to this song!

Sun is shinin' in the sky
There ain't a cloud in sight
It's stopped rainin'
Ev'rybody's in a playin'
And don't you know
It's a beautiful new day
Hey hey

Runnin' down the avenue
See how the sun shines
Brightly in the city on the streets

Where once was pity. Mister Blue Sky
Is living here today
Hey hey

Mister Blue Sky
Please tell us why
You had to hide away for so long
Where did we go wrong?
Mister Blue Sky
Please tell us why

Sunday, June 7, 2009

The Eye Of An Eagle... Plus A Few Of His Own

Det forrige innlegget ble litt vel langt så jeg så meg nødt til å dele det i to. I promised you three Itts and by gone it you'll get three Itts!

I think the previous post was an excellent introduction for my second Itt. Seeing as Tim Curry connects the two films, ever so slightly. He played Pennywise in IT, and Gomez in The Addams Family Reunion *snap snap*, which is the third of the Addams films. If you're a fan or just a friend I probably won't have to tell you the films are based on an American television series shot in black and white, in the late 60's (1964-1966 to be exact). The series ran along side it's rivail ,The Munster (another brlliant series) sadly they both only managed two seasons before they were cancelled. The series basing itself on the characters in Charles Addams' New Yorker cartoons.

"Just the kind of day that makes you feel good to be alive!"

I give you my childhood.

The Addams' are a closely knit family with macabre quirks, where the humor itself is based on a culture clash between them and the rest of the world. The over enthusiastic Gomez, is passionatly in love with his wife, Morticia, or should I say ''Cara Mia'', who is cultivated and ravashing. Together they share a twisted, yet romantic relationship that really has to be exsperienced. They have two childeren; Wensday and Pudgsley. Later on in ''The Addams Family Values'' (film nr.2) they're blessed with a third member Pubert. Wensday is the youngest, and likes to play with guillotines, beheading dolls called ''Marie Antoinette'', and ''Little Red Riding Hood''. Also seemingly trying to kill her brother, "Is there a God?". Pugsely is just like his ol' Uncle Fester, often playing with explosives and electrisity. Of course it's Gomez' cousin that really brought this post to life.

Cousin Itt. A short entity completly hidden by his head to floor long hair. He speaks fast unintelligible gibberish in a high pitch voice, and naturally the family understands him perfectly. In the films he doesn't get that much screen time. While in the series he is a frequent visitor, and we're able to get a closer look at his life and personality. In the series we learn that he wears sunglasses so that poeple won't bother him for autographs. He is greatly adored, a carefree bachelor with an extravagant lifestyle. Although he's not a main character he has become a personal favorite, something that could very likely be because of my fixation on the Addams.

Oh before I forget the third Itt is my previous boss. Yeah he kicks ass.

They're creepy and they're kooky,
Mysterious and spooky,
They're all together ooky,
The Addams Family.

Their house is a museum
Where people come to see 'em
They really are a scream
The Addams Family.


So get a witches shawl on
A broomstick you can crawl on
We're gonna pay a call on
The Addams Family.

Want a balloon?

Det er ingen hemmelighet at dette er verdens mest amatør-aktig blogg. Merkelig nok bryr jeg meg ikke. Likevel syntes jeg det er merkelig om ukjente plutselig stumbles over my site og faktisk bruker den dyrebare tiden sin til å lese et par fullstendig uoriginale tanker. That been said skal jeg innrømme at jeg ikke vet hvorfor jeg skriver dette. Heldigvis (for deg) hadde jeg bestemt meg på forhånd å ikke slette noen tanker fra dette verdigfulle innlegget. Gled deg. Hoved pÅenget jeg ville snakke om idag står mellom Robin Williams, Nicholas Cage eller It. Needless to say the choice was easy.

All things named It skråstrek Itt. To fantastiske figurer titter frem bak alt rotet jeg har i hodet, når jeg tenker på dette "navnet". Den første er selvfølgelig Cousin Itt og den Tredje er filmen It fra 1990. The year of my birth, kanskje det står på et sånt året du ble født kort? La du merke til at hjernen min skrev tredje istedenfor andre? I didn't until it was tooooooo L to the 8. Oh B2TheW. Dersom du kjeder deg kommer ikke dette til å hjelpe på humøret. I'm sencing this is a two parter...
First off. Filmen It featuring the Pennywise the dancing clown. Tilfeldigvis er Pennywise tatt rett ut fra en Stephen King novelle, noe jeg ikke var klar over før fem sekunder siden. Thank god for Google, jeg har nemlig ikke sett begynnelsen. YET!

Pennywise er noe av det uhyggelige jeg har sett, spesielt når man var smart nok til å se filmen nede i kjelleren. I et tomt hus. I mørket. Kvelden etter the infamous dukke drømmen (om jeg gidder, lager jeg vel et innlegg om Mr. I can turn my head all the way around while holding a knife). Anyway, Tim Curry spiller Pennywise and it's worth mentioning that the actors later admitted that he's characterization of Pennywise was so creepy and realistic that everyone avoided him during the film. So maybe just maybe it's not that peculiar that I scream like a little girl, shaking with fear. Eventually choosing to sleep on the couch, while holding on to a pillow for dear life. I 2004 skrev Radio times magazine at ''It'' var det skumleste programmet noen gang vist på teve. It var opprinnelig en miniserie.

The film's about a group of kids who somehow manage to defeat a source for evil that killed several children in the small town, a force that manifested itself in the smouldering clown, Pennywise. (Tim Curry is frightful but I'd still take his hand in... death?)thirsty years... I mean thirty years later, the same murders begins, and the now grown up kids have to once again unite, in order to kill it... Or it will certainly kill them. I really love this flick, the ending is so sad though, with a dash of lame. It practically goes against every rule in the book.

Now, clowns are usually a little freaky, but in the hands Tim Curry they're downright terrifying. Curry is of course no stranger to frightening make-up (Legend), delivering just the right amount of malice as the personification of an evil force that preys on Derry, Maine, every 30 years. Of course Pennywise is not only scary but extremely cuddly I just want to give him one big hug and never let go.

Don't you just want to hold him?

When it comes to the "Loser club" my favorite characters are Eddie Kaspbrak played by Adam Faraizl as a kid, as an adult by Dennis Christopher. and twelve year old Richie Tozier played by Seth Green, as an adult by Harry Anderson. I wonder who I'll like best in the book. Richie with his jokes, and Eddie with his wavy hair, and sugarwater placeboes.

Eddie's the nervous momma's boy with the alergies. But as a part of The Losers Club he learns to grow outside those boundaries. Pennywise came to him in the school shower, which was already a big anxiety for him because of his mother. IT also appeared to the now grown Eddie as the old storekeeper who first told him he didn't need his asthma puffer.

Richie's the joker of the gang, and becomes a successful comedian when he leaves Derry. The movie "I Was A Teenage Werewolf" starring Michael Landon really scared Richie. So IT used that against him and appeared as the werewolf from the movie. And when he returned as an adult, Pennywise appeared in the library and got him in the face with a balloon full of blood. Catchy huh? But really the whole gang is cute, I adore them all.
Pennywise - Pennywise
Pennywise has had quite an impact on the world, indeed. In 1988 Jim Lindberg, Fletcher Dragge, Byron McMackin, and Jason Thirsk formed the American punk band Pennywise.

Clear your mind, hide your fear
Don't look around, don't turn around pennywise is here
Hold your feelings, hide your fear
Don't look around, don't turn around pennywise is here

Evil lurks in his eyes
The clown they call pennywise
He'll catch you by suprise
The clown they call pennywise

He's a monster, he's not human
He's more than just a figment of your imagination
You can't run, can't hide
There's no way to escape pennywise

Evil lurks in his eyes
The clown they call pennywise
He'll catch you by suprise
The clown they call pennywise

He'll creep inside your soul at night and torment nice and slow
Don't turn around or look around Pennywise will know
He'll make you wish that you were dead and make it hard to cope
He'll make you wish that you were dead and hanging by a rope

Evil lurks in his eyes
The clown they call pennywise
He'll catch you by suprise
The clown they call pennywise

Clear your mind, hide your fear
Don't look around, don't turn around pennywise is here

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Oh! Look At My Wrist I Gotta Go

WARNING: This post contains more that one topic. Find Waldo!
* Don't talk to strangers! If you never talk to stranger, how will you ever get friends, or a job for that matter?
* Think outside the box. Uh-oh! Stay within the lines.
* Look before you leap. But keep in mind: He who hesitates is lost.
* Oh here's a good one: Out of sight, out of mind. Hold it right there I thought: Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Yeah I've got a little something something for who ever said that...
* Never sweat the small stuff. God is in the details. Well, flip me over I think I'm done.

I mean honestly, no wonder the world is royally fucked- pardon my French- when the cosmic plain has all its wires crossed. How on Gods green earth is this ancient knowledge supposed to help a confused teenager barely capable of spelling the word “Peace”. Is the fact that everything contradicts itself supposed to make us stronger, by forcing us to come up with an answer. A subtle form for critical thinking? The only thing I have ever got from a contradiction was a headache. It should be served with a plate of pink valium.

Now, don't get me... right. I get the whole "use your mind" slash "If you want something done right, do it yourself, but the fact of the matter is “Two heads are better than one”. Or is it the other way around? Furthermore does it depend on the situation? If so, who decides which situation deserves which notion? Are we doomed to go through life thinking we're nothing more but a mere charade of life itself! Not real, not fake. You don't really know what's right or wrong, because it all depends! Why can't things be black and white? Oh, wait I'm sorry how racist of me. In this day and age you have to be so fucking politically correct. You might as well tie you hands behind your back, seeing as you achieve just as much.

'Heaven to hell' (2006) by David Lachapelle (<3)

People are to easily offended these days (I, of course being one of those pathetic little creatures who take everything to heart. I practically wear my heart as an accessory!) We need a little provocation in our day to day lives. Wait, we don't need something we already have... What mankind really needs is to remove the surgically implanted stick, and force open that steel-plated mind. Something that takes us away from the fake glamour and phony parts of life we ourselves have created. We need something that doesn't criticise but comments on life. Anything but those damn maybe, maybe not's.

Let's face it we cant escape contradictions. Life is simply numerous contradiction strung together, and that makes you faker than plastic fruit. But hey! At least you look real, Because: Beauty is everything. Or is it what's on the inside that counts?

I don't even care if you understand what I'm trying to say. The fact is I've said it. It's out there, and now we have to live with it. One more failed attempt at being original. Of course being original isn't really original anymore... I mean everyone original these days, in their own little way. It's unoriginal to be original. Right... Well, It's late I'm tired and sick of babbling on and on. So, I don't know about you but I'm gonna hit the hay.

Porno For Pyros - Pets
I was looking through some music I listened to before, and stumbled across this little gem. Not that I think you'll like it... Screw it, I love it. To sum up the song. All humans are petty, insignificant, and small, with an overwhelming sence of cosmic importance. I swear, soon the fish will keep us in air tanks. "We'll make great pets" I'm just saying... Did you remember to turn off the lights?

P.S. If you were wondering about the name of the band:
Perry Ferrell (also the lead singer for Jane's Addiction) was watching the LA riots on TV and saw all the burning and looting going on, and though to himself it's like "pornos for pyromaniacs - hence the name. I think it's actually quite a perceptive observation for just a rock star...

Children are innocent
A teenager's fucked up in the head
Adults are even more fucked up
And elderlies are like children

Will there be another race
To come along and take over for us?
Maybe martians could do
Better than we've done
We'll make great pets!

My friend says we're like the dinosaurs
Only we are doing ourselves in
Much faster than they
Ever did
We'll make great pets!