Friday, July 31, 2009

What Rihanna Really Meant To Say...

Please bear with me. I don't have a vioce cut out for singing. Just wanted to share a thought that really is best shown through song. Cheers!

"Unfaithful"... The real version.

And he know that I knows he's unfaithful
And it kills me inside
To know that he is happy with some other guy
I can hear them laughing

I don't wanna do this anymore
I don't wanna be the reason why
Everytime he walks out the door
I see my body hit him with a bat
I just wanna strangle him to death
I just wanna take away his life
I am gonna be...
A murderer

I feel it in the air
As I'm doing my hair
Preparing for his final day
A kiss upon he cheek
As he reluctantly
Begins to beg for his life
I say it won't take long
His hangin' by a thread
A lie I didn't have to tell
Because we both know
What I'm about to do
And he knows it very well

And he know that I knows he's unfaithful
And it kills me inside
To know that he is happy with some other guy
I can hear them laughing

I don't wanna do this anymore
I don't wanna be the reason why
Everytime he walks out the door
I see my body hit him wit ha bat
I just wanna strangle him to death
I just wanna take away his life
I am gonna be...
A murderer

Rihanna - Unfaithful

A female officer arrests a man for drunk driving. The female officer tells the man, "Sir, you have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be held against you" The drunk replies "Tits!"

Why I Don't Need To See "The Dentist"

BTW I'm begining to get the hang of these hip acro's The Dentist is a horror slash thriller movie from 1996 "Dr. Feinstone has everything, a beautiful wife and a successful career in dentistry; but when he discovers his wife's affair, he realizes that behind every clean, white surface lies the stench of decay. Having gone insane, he enacts cruel dental torture on his patients." Extract from I love that site.

It's not enough that the dental office looks like a tortur chamber, I mean that in it self is pretty damn scary. But those stupid dentists actually insist on having a conversation, when you're mouth is full of cotton and you're literally floating on painkillers. Why didn't you just ask me earlier! You stupid cow... Sorry. It's like some sick joke they have. Like they were bullied in school and this is their little revenge on the world. I get that they have to ask you certain things, like "Does this hurt?" but if the topic go beyond that I get royally aggravated!

Don't ask me about my vacation when all I can say is "hummengr*drool* hgung" at the same time being scared you're going to drill into my tongue. Which is another thing. I'm always horrified that he or she, Yeah that right I am somewhat or a dentist whore. I swing both ways! *winks* is going to slip-up and drill into my tongue or worse. Is that insane or justified? I'd like to "hear" your thought.

Anyway. Instead of having to answer there should just be a kind of sign language. They'll say "Blink if this hurts" and you start having eye-spasms because she's drilling into you flesh. That actually happened to me, the drilling into my flesh part anyway. I always get those who are fresh out of college and look young enough to play Kaitlin in the first season of the O.C.

I really do hate going to the dentist, mostly because I get these weird shiver every time I hear some sort of ghastly noise. This also bringing on a fear of being seriously injured because of my wacked- up shivers. I'm also afraid to swallow, while their doing there thing. Don't! I'm aware of how pervy that sounds... I mean, l like to swallow when the saliva is ganging up on me. Don't we all. Yet, it's like I'm paralysed by the fear of getting hurt. So I just lie there... on my back *wink* hoping for it all to be over soon. Much like my first time.. Kidding! A trip to the dentist really does sound like a bad porno... So I'll just stop now.
You know who doesn't stop? Your mom.

I just adore the whole setup, the spin in the beginning Hoo!

P.S. I just want to share this joke, it really made me laugh.
A husband, so proud of the fact that his wife had given birth to 6 children, begins to call her "mother of six" rather than by her first name. the wife was amused at first. A few years down the road, the wife has grown tired of her husband's description, "mother of six, get me a beer!" This type of situation rose to a boiling point. Finally, while at a party with her husband, he jokingly said, "Hey mother of six, it's time to go!" the wife replied, "I'll be right there father of four"

Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Lift Doesn't Quite Reach the Top Floor

Let's address today's WORLD EPIDMIC, and yes I mean today because who knows what tomorrows big new fear will be. It feels like only yesterday people were getting ready to die because of SARS. Then the apocalypses hit home with bird flu, and today we have Swine Flu. Which is a cocktail of three main ingredients. Take one part bird flu, one part pigs flu, mix it with a sick person and let it simmer in the world news.

Face it! You. Love. To. Be. Scared.

I'm not saying it's something to laugh about, but the misinformed hype and the people who are contributing to it most defiantly are a joke. The media loves to freak people out, it drives sales through the roof and fills their pockets. Keeping people watching, reading and wanting more.

Don't freak out. Not everyone who sneezes has swine flue. (Although I am guilty of stepping back a few meters when someone's nose is running away.)

I should tell you though. I'm the kind of person who'll watch a documentary about some illness and start to experience the exact symptoms. I convince myself that I have that specific illness.
Are you experiencing chills? Sore throat, muscle pains, couching, weakness in general? Does you're head ace? If so you are going to die. By the way these are the exact symptoms for swine flu, feeling a little under the weather?

As you all know my family and I had planned a trip to London. Unfortunately because of the media coverage mom got seriously scared and they ended up delaying the trip til' after Christmas! ImCO!

Speaking of sick people, you know those medical dramas where the patients are dying and the doctors are being horribly understanding, and there's an extreme emotional bondage? My question is where do they find these doctors? I don't know about you guys, but when I go to the hospital I hardly feel like I'm in a medical drama. I feels like they threw me in a film with a slit down my back so you can see my ass, screaming “Do you do drugs!” I've never been to the hospital, with two exceptions. Birth and after some guy from school dislocated my shoulder... Yeah he beat me up with his pokemon pencilcase. *Shakes head* No, he just fell on top of me in gym class. Unfortunately he wasn't trying to get with me. He was just tying to get off me. Very intense. Go figure.

Speaking of intense I saw Star Trek and it was awesome! Spock and I have always had something special but now it finally official. We're meant to be together it's just the way it is.

I liked the way they took it and made it their own. Even though the whole time travel thing always gets a little sketchy. It was what made it all work in the end, so snaps for them. Amittedly I was slightly disturbed in the beginning. I was scared that Spock and Kirk wouldn't be having that special little relationship they've always had. Of course it's nothing compared to what I have with Spock. (It never is...*Moves on to avoid the awkwardness*)

I really did like the movie though, and they even made it possible to start over with a new series of Star Trek movies. So I'm very excited about that. Oh seriously! The hottest non-hot line in that movie is where she says "I'm going to be monitoring your frequencies." and I'm like Hoo! *Uses hand as fan* I have to see it again.

If you have a hot non-hot line from a movie, please do share it with me! Because I love that stuff.

... And remember you may not have swine flu, but you sure as hell got the fiiiine flue. *Winks*
Catch you on the flip-side.
I have no clue... Sorry! Yeah, I know cause you really want to spend your time listening to my crap. Just go listen to you own heathen music...

Btw your mom is like a facebook app, everyone tries it once but deletes it beacuse its just too embarrassing to let anyone know you did.

Take my hand

It's the 80's, Setting: Dublin, Plot: The worlds hardest- workin' band.

"I'd like to introduce you to the hardest-workin' band in the world. On bass, Derek "Meatman" Scully. On piano, Steven "Soul Surgeon" Clifford. Dean "Mr Nipple" Fay on sax. Joey "The Lips" Fagan on trumpet. Our gorgeous chanteuses are Bernie, Imelda, and Natalie. Deco "Deep Throat" Cuffe on vocals. On lead guitar, Outspan "Fender bender" Foster. Finally, on drums, Mickah "Don't Fuck With Me" Wallace. Ladies and gentlemen, The Commitments."

In 1987 Roddy Doyle wrote a tale about an unemployed group of young north side Dubliners (If that's a word). Who started a band, not just any band at that they would be playing soul. In 1991 he's debut novel was adapted to the silver screen. "Do you not get it, lads? The Irish are the blacks of Europe. And Dubliners are the blacks of Ireland. And the Northside Dubliners are the blacks of Dublin. So say it once, say it loud: I'm black and I'm proud."

Jimmy Rabbitte brings the group together with a simple vision of bringing soul to Dublin. He puts together a very unlikely band of musicians who somehow manages to make music that touches the audience. "Soul is the music people understand. Sure it's basic and it's simple. But it's something else 'cause, 'cause, 'cause it's honest, that's it. Its honest. There's no fuckin' bullshit. It sticks its neck out and says it straight from the heart. Sure there's a lot of different music you can get off on but soul is more than that. It takes you somewhere else. It grabs you by the balls and lifts you above the shite." As the band nears its big break, ego's clash and expectations of fame and fortune starts to tear them apart. This forcing Jimmy to fight desperately to keep them together.

The commitments bubbles over with a life provided by a young and mostly unknown cast. They're atleast unknown to me, but that's part of what gives the film its charm. The film also crackles along with a music that takes a hold and shakes you til' you beg for more. We're talking 60's soul. At the end of the film you find you're self searching for more of those magical tunes, I know I did. Besides nothing can really beat the rough Dublin language.

The Commitments - Dark end of the Street, originally preformed by James Carr

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Writing Nonsense

Okay so very recently, about 2 minutes ago I stumbled across this fine mix of letters lmao, and embarrassed as I am, I'm utterly clueless as to what this means. I realize that acronyms are supposed to be a nice quick way of jotting down your thoughts and comments, however not for the person (ME) who has never in her life seen them, let alone taken the time to remember them all. I use maybe a whole five minutes extra on the internet because of this. Trying to decipher the evil little codes, such as SO and NRN.

In the end I just gave up and made my own definitions. NRN= Nerd ran North, SO= Sort Of. Oh boy was I wrong! It really stands for No Reply Necessary, and Significant Other. imCO! That's short for I mean COME ON! See I know you're lingo, I'm hip to the pip. But honestly if you don't have the time to write significant other. That person really isn't that significant. (Break it off. I'm just saying...) So next time you're about to use an abbreviation, please think of the poor bastard who's going to be sitting there with his or her head up their ars.

Here's a little dictionary I put together. they really should sell these things. Of course no one would bother buying it now that it's on my blog. Beat yah to it again. *Stickin' it to the man*

AFAIK =» As Far As I Know
AFK =» Away From Keyboard
ASAP =» As Soon As Possible
BAS =» Big A$$ Smile (I little sensorship never really hurt anyone...)
BEG =» Big Evil Grin
BF =» Boyfriend
BFF =» Best Friends Forever (do you see what a little typo could do to your baby boo or friend? awkward...)
BRB =» Be Right Back
BTW =» By The Way
CRBT =» Crying Real Big Tears (and for you emo's out there, CRBTOB =» Crying Real Big Tears of blood)
DLTBBB =» Don't Let The Bed Bugs Bite
FTBOMH =» From The Bottom Of My Heart
FYI =» For Your Information
FWIW =» For What It's Worth
GAL =» Get A Life
GMTA =» Great Minds Think Alike
IMNSHO =» In My Not So Humble Opinion
IOW =» In Other Words
IRL =» In Real Life
LOL =» Laugh Out Loud
LSHMBB =» Laughing So Hard My Belly is Bouncing
LSHTTARDML =» Laughing So Hard The Tears Are Running Down My Leg (that was INSANLY LONG)
LTNS =» Long Time No See
LTS =» Laughing To Self
LUWAMH =» Love You With All My Heart
MTF =» More To Follow
NRN =» No Reply Necessary
OTTOMH =» Off The Top of My Head
PDS =» Please Don't Shoot ('cause you really need to WRITE that down.)
QT =» Cutie
ROFL =» Rolling On Floor Laughing
ROFLMAOWTIME =» ROFLMAO With Tears In My Eyes (I think people are just having fun with it...)
ROFLUTSROFL =» Unable to Speak that's jut wrong....
RTFM =» Read The F****** Manual!
SHID =» Slaps Head In Disgust
SO =» Significant Other
TGIF =» Thank God It's Friday
TOY =» Thinking Of You
WB =» Welcome Back

Hopes this helped you as much as it helped me, gotta stay in touch with the youngin's.

Are you having trouble with the nice word? Do they look like a big cluster of letters to you? Well lucky for you I have decided to take the time to translate them into a more understandable... language.


Sorry just proving a point. By the way... I was almost done before I realized my pinky was holding down Shift... I figured “Well I've come this far...” and kept at it. Caps lock is utterly useless! We should just throw it away. Still the reason I don't is much like why I collect loose screws and what not. I think this came from somewhere important and I should hold on to it.
Any way... Key stoke this key stoke that. I stoke my keys daily... God that was perverted.

... and to think this little outburst started over a few letters.

He can stoke my keys any day of the week, maybe not...

But seriously you know who does stokes my keys? Your mom.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Oh my ears and whiskers, how late it's getting!

Det har snart gått en hel måned siden jeg sist fikk ånden over meg og blogget. Riktig nok kan det være pga mine to dungeon masters, som har holdt meg innelåst på hytta. I guess we'll never know. They almost broke me! Heldigvis, fikk jeg fresh blood, da Kathinka tok den tradisjonelle turen. Captivity really ain't that bad, with such company. Det er nemlig her dagens tema kommer rækan på ei fjøl. Det hele startet da jeg fikk bursdags gaven min på forskudd skjønner du.

*Kremt* Drum roll please!
Tim Burton's: The Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy OG! verdens mest fantastiske lille "skapning" på denne jord, en Alice in Wonderland locket featuring.... The White Rabbit på forsiden. En gjenstand som jeg forøvrig har på meg this very moment. Det er vanskelig å finne ord som uttrykker en så perfekt gave. *Pause to catch breath*
Staring girl
I once knew a girl
who would just stand there and stare.
At anyone or anything.
she seemed not to care.

She'd stare at the ground,
She'd stare at the sky.
She'd stare at you for hours,
and you'd never know why.

But after winning the local staring contest,
she finally gave her eyesa well-deserved rest.

Dere har kanskje alt skjønt hva dette innlegget vil basere seg på, men for de av dere som er like treg som meg i oppfatningen... He he, skal jeg nå sende av gårde overskriften.
Tim Burton sin adapsjon av Alice in Wonderland, skrevet av Lewis Carrol, a man after my own heart.

Som kjent har Tim Burton en egen evne til å lage særegne og visuelle orgasmiske filmer, som renner over av hans helt forvridde stil, der seeren (ihvertfall jeg) krever mer. "It's kind of a mixture of some distorted live action and animation. I can't relate it to anything because I'm not sure what to relate it to. It's kind of new territory for me.", sa Tim Burton til Disneys D23 Magazine. I just got goosebump! How about you? Boken er temmelig mørk fra før og etter den har fått den gotiske behandlingen kun Butron kan gi, tenker jeg publikum vil gi seg fullstendig over. Mine kilder sier at filmen skal på en måte fortsette, istedenfor å gjenta. Altså vil handlingen vike fra den originale versjonen som ligger dypt i mitt hjerte, noe jeg anser som positivt for filmen. Tim Burtons versjon vil være en blanding av de to bøkene, "Alice in Wonderland" & "Through the Looking Glass", der Alice vender tilbake til Wonderland som tenåring, noe som gir Burton rimelig frie tøyler. Jeg er helt sikker på at han kommer til å ta Wonderland tre hakk lenger inn i crazytown, and I can't wait! Det er den perfekte filmen for han, en mørk og detaljert historie med fullstendig sinnsyke figurer.

Det er en australsk skuespiller ved navnet Mia Wasikowska (er det bare jeg som har problemer med etternavnet?) som spiller Alice, et relativt nytt ansikt som jeg tror virkelig vil fange Alice sin uskyldighet, mest fordi hun ikke er blitt ødelagt av Hollywood. Helena Bonham Carter spiller The Red Queen, mens Anne Hathaway spiller The White Queen. I think it'll be interresting to see the two play off one another, don't you? Crispin Glover, endelig får jeg sett han igjen, spiller The Knave of Hearts, Alan Rickman er The Caterpiller, noe jeg gleder meg til å både se og høre. Jeg tror nemlig stemmen hans passer utmerket til den rollen, men hva er vel en Tim Burton film uten hans perfekte makker? Selvfølgelig vil Johnny Depp spille The Mad Hatter. Jeg hadde ganske blandet følelser om dette lille faktumet, siden den gale hattemakeren er en av mine personlige favoritt figurer. Så naturligvis var jeg en smule bekymret for at Johnny-boy skulle ta i for hardt og ødelegge mon chér. Heldigvis! skjønte jeg at min paranoia var unødvendig, etter å ha sett traileren. Jeg er rett og slett flau over at jeg idet hele tatt var i tvil.

Det eneste problemet er at filmen kommer ut 12 mars 2010... Ikke nok med at jeg har ventet godt over ett helt år på denne filmen, jeg må hold nervene i sjakk et år til... Do me a favour, knock me out cold and wake me on the 12th.

Alice in Wonderland Official Trailer