Sunday, November 15, 2009

Rubbish. You've been warned.

I probably should be cramming Norwegian literature, our famous authors and the different era's my charming little country's been through, but today it seems I have the attention span of a goldfish. Everyone's thinking "What's the difference?" I know right?. I've been cramming for two days straight (that's what she said) so I figure I can afford a little break. Cut to me tomorrow cursing my lack of interest today. I always regret not studying more. "If only I hadn't been so lazy!" Hezus what's wrong with me? On second thought don't answer that. Anyway yesterday I hung out, that sounds so dirty, I was with my bestest friend, I really should just say you, it not like anyone else will read this, and we were basically going to the movies. YAY. What movie did we see? I'm glad you asked, and I wonder why I always feel like a schizo... We saw 2012, the movie that attempts to predict the worlds demise. *girlie scream* It bases itself on the mayan calender, and the fact that it doesn't go any further than, you guessed it 2012. *girlie scream yet again* The ultimate doomsday. Do you remember, I think it was last year or early this year, when the news broke and we were all swarmed with doomsday predictions and everyone was running around screaming and crying with their skirt over their head? Oh wait that was just me... look away children. Well it seems like all that calmed down as soon as the media found the next big thing, swineflue? Or was there something in between Jez it's so difficult keeping up with the ''death and despair''- drama. You'd think we'd be immune by now. Too soon?

The sacred calender stops on December 21th 2012, I know what you're thinking. Right before Christmas, damn it. Now, I'll never know if I get that Malibu Barbie I always wanted. I don't really know that much about this little phenomenon, and I'm not going to ask prof. Google either. So it all boils down to the fact that we're all going to die. The movie tries to show how the human race attempt to survive this horrible attack. It all starts very scientific with neutrinos from massive sun explosions, that heat up the earth core. Question. If it's heating up the core, why aren't people dying from some sort of "deadly sunray". Even though the polar caps are melting, something seems to be missing. There's the earth crust displacement theory by Hapgood, I'd post a link if I actually thought you'd take the time to read it. Yes, I still remember my little grudge. Basically the movie's global warming revised, only this time it's not our fault?

Earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, Yellowstone's long awaited blast from the past. That part actually made me a little sad, a lot of good memories, which is beside the point... A lot happens, and it feels like the producer's rushing to get everything in. It's got to be hard, that's what she said, to film the entire apocalypse in only two hours. I feel your struggle man. In other words there were a lot of close-ups on natural disasters, close-ups on characters we have brief acquaintances with, then a quick cut to a new disaster, cuts over to John Cusak's heroic struggling to ensure his family's (plus one) survival. Cut back to natural disaster. The plot was a cliché, I sorry but there was nothing new other than action and some nifty CA. Furthermore I wasn't able to create an emotional bond with any of the characters, which made me a little sad because that's the main reason I like watching Hollywood blockbusters. Maybe it was poor editing, bad timing or just me thinking life is pointless and questioning God's existence. Who knows?
Not that I'm trying to turn the movie into my own platform for heathen thoughts, I am a believer. It just put things into perspective. I mean we're all going to die eventually, but we've always been able to restrain the thoughts. We've never really experienced an actual countdown where we all die at the same time. Sound like a suicidal cult, I mean a group of people who are going to meet their alien leader. I'm just going to mention ''Heaven's gate''. Where was I? My blog has a high thread count, get it?

Its just, if we're all going to die in two years, why am I struggling to achieve a financially stable future? Then again if it doesn't pan out as they say, I'll most likely be cursing my discussion to abort mission. I don't really think it's going to happen. It's more likely they just didn't want to work on the calender any more, they could always make more eventually. Also if you look hard enough you'll find what you're looking for. Like the number 23. Once it creeps into your mind, it's everywhere. Anything you fixate on begins to appear. It's a common fact about the human brain. I am however perversely excited to see if I'm wrong. I know, it's likely I should seek psychological help. Nonetheless, if it's the end of the world I hope I go down with my head high. Interpret that as you wish.

If you've seen the film, I'm curious to know if you faith faltered, even ever so slightly? I just began thinking it was more likely that we created some higher power in order to stay sane, a little less alone in the world. Hmm... I'm actually not going to get into this, I haven't entirely understood my thoughts just, yet. Also religious discussions always pisses me off, and I refuse to beat myself up.

Have you noticed that there's been some kind of doomsday prophecy at the end of "every" era. For instance the Y2K bug, which was supposed to lead to computer systems malfunctioning and then the end of the world as we... Knew it. 1000AC was the year of apocalyptic paranoia. That's a mouthful, that's what she said. John of Toledo predicted September 23, 1186 (Julian calender), he calculated a fatale planetarium alignment. When Cotton Mather wasn't busy hunting witches he also liked to predict the end of the world. Predicting it three times 1697, 1716, and 1736. Puritans thought the year 1700 would end it all. Jehovah's Witnesses: 1918, then again in 1925, and 1984. 1990 had at least three doomsday prophecies. 2000 take the cake with 59 theories. That damn millennium bug. There's something about three zeroes that just gets the blood pumping for doomsday prophets. You see where I'm going with this right? The prophecies just don't seem to follow through.

That been said the point of the movie was no doubt about our humanity, and probably had nothing to do with the end being near.
You know who's end I'm near.
That was just wrong wasn't it?
P.S. Isn't the end of the world supposed to come when the sun turns into red giant and gobbles up our universe? Just asking. Omnomnom. Oh and I did actually like the movie, sort of. Hope your weekend was awesome.

2 comments: said...

If the world is supposed to end just because the Mayan calendar doesn't go beyond 12/21/2012, what happens if my own calendar doesn't go beyond 12/31/2009? Will the world end based on my calendar? Are the Mayans more important than me?

Besides, can't the end be postponed by having the Mayans extend their calendar? In fact, they could make quite a profit on that. They could hold the world hostage: give us our own nation and lots of money or we won't extend our calendar and all of you will die.

Luka said...

You're so clever. Og hvem er denne nye leseren om jeg tør spørre?:p

Quote Faily Guy: (Peter and Brian are putting together a crib)
Brian: (reading instructions) Part c1 is going into b12.
Peter: Yeah, that's what..
Brian: If you say ''that's what she said'' one more time I'll strangle you.
