Saturday, August 1, 2009

Times Are A' Changin'

I was watching "House of D", which is a completely awesome movie. Thanks for asking. Memo to self get a copy. But I realized a lot's changed in a short period of time. Most importantly I've entered the world! No... When I came out, the nurse actually screamed "Put it back!"

Any way... In the movie Pappass, played by Robin Williams my favorittest actor in the world says "I'm not retarded any more, I went from a retard to challenged. Who knows what I'll be next?" This is when it hit me, high five right in the face. The world is a living, breathing organism that is evolving right under our feet. Some changes happen quickly, these being the most uncomfortable and the ones when we feel it necessary to rebel. However most changes happen over time, and rarely do we ever notice them until we're sitting on a floating porch sipping acid out of a can saying, "Things were better before". Yes, you to will become one of those people. A grumpy old man or woman who complains about the fast pace, because you're to slow to hang on. Only it'll be some sci-fi version of you grandparents. I can't wait! Speaking of sci-fi, did you know that if it hadn't been for Star Trek the microwave wouldn't have existed, along with a whole bunch of other gadgets? Discovery channel doesn't lie, babe.
Where was I?
Evolving planet... Fast pace... Right! I don't like it.
Change is not something I like. Evolution go for it! There's just something about change that rubs me belly the wrong way. That's a weird saying, just stay away from my belly. It's never been the same after I saw Fat Bastard say, "Get in my belly!" Shivers down my spine. Since I don't want this to be yet another post where I complain about change I'm going to stop and start over with my original plan.
The most irritating change I noticed is that people have begun to change classic childhood memories, because they seem racist. So what, Astrid Lindgren wrote about "negerkonger, hottentotter og hvite prinsesser", it's called entertainment, and if you had any sense at all you would understand that. Censoring the childhood of generations should be illegal. In this day and age people should know better than to go around and change literature. Take a quick look at Korea, and you'll see the direction we're headed in.

Even though this debate began along time ago it feels as if they shoke thing up and left it all up in the air. I mean is "Tintin in Kongo" really that racist? I would rather say it shows a naive attitude towards a fairly unknown culture, at that specific time and place. I'd love to hear your thought!

There you have it. Change, not always our ally.
We should be protecting books not ravaging them. By the way you should also be protecting yourself. Unless you want a child that looks like me...
But seriously, if you can't find some, look at the top of your mom's draw. That's were I leave mine.

House of D (2004) Trailer

Sorry one last thing before you can go. I like that what used to be called stalking is now called social networking... Ah! How the times have changed. You see that's a change in a positive direction. Atleast for me any way...

1 comment:

Luka said...

NEI til sensur av barnebøker! Med litt fantasi kan man vel nesten se på det som å gjemme de skriftene fra Bibelen som forteller en litt annen historie enn det som passet inn. Det er rett og slett ødeleggelse av fortiden, historien. Slik var det. Sånne ord ble brukt, face the fucking facts.