Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Lift Doesn't Quite Reach the Top Floor

Let's address today's WORLD EPIDMIC, and yes I mean today because who knows what tomorrows big new fear will be. It feels like only yesterday people were getting ready to die because of SARS. Then the apocalypses hit home with bird flu, and today we have Swine Flu. Which is a cocktail of three main ingredients. Take one part bird flu, one part pigs flu, mix it with a sick person and let it simmer in the world news.

Face it! You. Love. To. Be. Scared.

I'm not saying it's something to laugh about, but the misinformed hype and the people who are contributing to it most defiantly are a joke. The media loves to freak people out, it drives sales through the roof and fills their pockets. Keeping people watching, reading and wanting more.

Don't freak out. Not everyone who sneezes has swine flue. (Although I am guilty of stepping back a few meters when someone's nose is running away.)

I should tell you though. I'm the kind of person who'll watch a documentary about some illness and start to experience the exact symptoms. I convince myself that I have that specific illness.
Are you experiencing chills? Sore throat, muscle pains, couching, weakness in general? Does you're head ace? If so you are going to die. By the way these are the exact symptoms for swine flu, feeling a little under the weather?

As you all know my family and I had planned a trip to London. Unfortunately because of the media coverage mom got seriously scared and they ended up delaying the trip til' after Christmas! ImCO!

Speaking of sick people, you know those medical dramas where the patients are dying and the doctors are being horribly understanding, and there's an extreme emotional bondage? My question is where do they find these doctors? I don't know about you guys, but when I go to the hospital I hardly feel like I'm in a medical drama. I feels like they threw me in a film with a slit down my back so you can see my ass, screaming “Do you do drugs!” I've never been to the hospital, with two exceptions. Birth and after some guy from school dislocated my shoulder... Yeah he beat me up with his pokemon pencilcase. *Shakes head* No, he just fell on top of me in gym class. Unfortunately he wasn't trying to get with me. He was just tying to get off me. Very intense. Go figure.

Speaking of intense I saw Star Trek and it was awesome! Spock and I have always had something special but now it finally official. We're meant to be together it's just the way it is.

I liked the way they took it and made it their own. Even though the whole time travel thing always gets a little sketchy. It was what made it all work in the end, so snaps for them. Amittedly I was slightly disturbed in the beginning. I was scared that Spock and Kirk wouldn't be having that special little relationship they've always had. Of course it's nothing compared to what I have with Spock. (It never is...*Moves on to avoid the awkwardness*)

I really did like the movie though, and they even made it possible to start over with a new series of Star Trek movies. So I'm very excited about that. Oh seriously! The hottest non-hot line in that movie is where she says "I'm going to be monitoring your frequencies." and I'm like Hoo! *Uses hand as fan* I have to see it again.

If you have a hot non-hot line from a movie, please do share it with me! Because I love that stuff.

... And remember you may not have swine flu, but you sure as hell got the fiiiine flue. *Winks*
Catch you on the flip-side.
I have no clue... Sorry! Yeah, I know cause you really want to spend your time listening to my crap. Just go listen to you own heathen music...

Btw your mom is like a facebook app, everyone tries it once but deletes it beacuse its just too embarrassing to let anyone know you did.

1 comment:

Luka said...

HAHAHHHHAHAHAH. Jeg ler ENDA av det bildet! Det var rimelig hett da! Du likte deg vel der tenker jeg.