Friday, July 2, 2010

Spit In My Face.

You know those big-ass purses, and how things just seem to vanish the second they have been placed into one of these big-ass purses? Well today my big-ass purse, that really isn't that big,went completely Mary Popins, and not in a magical oh-this-is-great-now-I-can-carry-around-loads-of-enormous-useless-stuff-like-furniture-in-my-bag kind of way. It was more of an annoying discover, I figure Columbus must have felt the same way when he completely failed in his task in finding India and instead discovered an already found country. You see I discovered to major holes in the inner lining of my purse, we're talking hidden compartment within a hidden compartment. The hidden contents contained: 5 pairs of eye lenses, 2 lip glosses, 3 pens, 2 eye drop bottles, and 6 packs of gum. All of which I've been frantically searching for.

Are. You. Kidding. Me.

1 comment:

Luka said...

Det er egentlig ganske koselig. Det er som om vesken gir deg en liten gave. Selv om det var dine ting i utgangspunktet...
Jeg hadde blitt lykkelig hvis jeg hadde funnet et skjult rom i min veske. Tenk så flott.