Gratulerer med dagen Kathinka <3
Michael Jackson - Happy Birthday
P.S. Beklager jeg ikke fikk postet dette igår, det irriterer meg. Bad Merete. Bad Merete!
Gratulerer med dagen Kathinka <3
Michael Jackson - Happy Birthday
P.S. Beklager jeg ikke fikk postet dette igår, det irriterer meg. Bad Merete. Bad Merete!
Now firstly there are those of you who seem to think I visit the silver screen daily. So let me set the record straight once and for all. I normally get to see two or three films a years. Although strangely this year I think I've seen six with two more on the way, most of them with my family. Wait, actually this year's been crazy with movies. I've seen Milk, Star Trek, Up, Angels&Demons, Harry Potter (I saw that one twice, not because I'm one of those people. It was some other reason that's pointless to explain. The film in itself was alright, not at all what a HP-film should be but still.) Julia&Julie, This Is It, and Ice Age 3. Six with my family and three with my friends, but this is just some freak event, normally it's two to three, four is a good year.
Now we all know I'm somewhat of a movie-slut, among other things, and even though two double O nine's been a year filled with cinemactic experiences, I never really get to see the movies I so desperately would like to see. For instance out of all the movies I would have liked to see in the theatre only two of them are mentioned above. Do you want see the list? I'll show you the list:
- Public enemies
- Doubt
- Benjamin Button
- My Bloody Valentine
- Watchmen
- Milk
- The Boat That Rocked
- State of play
- Funny people
- The Reader
- Star Trek
- 9
- The Imaginarium Of Doctor Parnassus
- The Invention of Lying
- District 9
- Avatar
- Where the wild things are
Of course a few of them haven't come out yet, and some just didn't cross the ocean.
The only ones I have any real hope for now is Where the wild things are, and Avatar. A dear children's book, my kindergarden teacher used to read at lunchtime, which was right before nap time. Gumbo I miss kindergarden! The book has a very simple plot, it's more the picture's that memorize. I mean when you're five you don't really pay that much attention. I liked the pictures and thought the monsters were awesomely adorable. I even dressed up as a wolf for Halloween, you know because Max wears a wolf suit so he can do mischievous things. Personally I think I looked more like a cat but whatever I was young, and on a budget. I had the tail and ears that's all that matters, everyone thought I was a stupid cat... I can't wait to see what Spike Gonze did with it. I heard some whispers earlier through the grapevine that it didn't get picked up by Norway, which made me sad. Luckily like most whispers is wasn't true and it's being released December 11th. Yay!
I don't really know that much about Avatars. It's probably not one of those movies that's going to withstands time but it looks pretty cool. It's got some fine looking CG but I do love them puppets. The Thing and Alien, damn good movies didn't even need CG, not that they had the same tools as now. The point is puppets were all the rage, until somebody decided they were outdated. Too old fashioned Uranus! I'd watch Labyrinth any day of the week, and The Thing still haunts me to this day, great movie. Okay so I might have a thing for puppets. I do love sesame street, and The Muppets. Oh honey don't even get me started on The Muppets. They're so close to my heart. Damn Disney for combining freakin' Ashanti with the Muppets in the Wizard of OZ remake. Disney's become such a sell-out, no morals no nothing, andAshanti is such a crap actress, she should stick to what she barely knows. I miss the good ol' Disney, before they sold their souls, and bought up Pixar and Muppets. I mean don't mess with my Muppets.
Anyway the point is I rarely ever get to see what's hidden behind the cinema's front door's and discover it's magic.
I do however plant a flag in you mom every other night.
Imorgen må jeg finne en avslutning for norsk stilen min.,så jeg burde nok legge meg nå. Jeg nekter å komme tomhendt til timen atter en gang. Dette innlegget skulle egentlig bare bevise at jeg fremdeles var i live, men siden alt er skrevet på norsk er det vel ikke en betryggende følelse. Jeg kan ikke huske sist jeg skrev et helt innlegg uten å bytte til engelsk med en gang. Har det i det hele tatt inntruffet? Det er vel som en komet man kun ser hvert 60'ende år.
Det var forresten kino dag på lørdagen. Gikk du på kino? I så fall hvilke film valgte du å se og med hvem? Jeg ble frivillig dratt med på ''A Christmas Carol'' i 3D, med Jim Carey, Gary Oldman og Collin Firth. Den var skrekkelig god og noe av det skumleste jeg har sett. Helt fantastisk. Jeg anbefaler den på det aller høyeste. I tillegg til en helt fortreffelig gjennomføring av en kjær klassiker gjorde de en utmerket jobb med 3D- effektene. Det var snøfnugg og piper og hender og spøkelser og all slags julestemning fykende ut av lerretet. Jeg skvatt gjentatte ganger og opplevde en enorm trang til å strekke ut armen og gripe etter diverse saker og ting. De skjønte virkelig hvordan 3D skulle oppleves. I motsettnig til ''Is Tid 3'', der man satt og grublet over manglene handling og håpløs bruk av selve 3D- opplevelsen. Der har du en film som kunne blitt mye bedre, hadde de bare brukt litt mer tid med 3D brillene på. Is tid var fremdeles ikke helt bortkastet takket være Buck, som du er nødt til å oppleve i all sin herlighet. Har du lagt merke til nøyaktig hvor irriterende stemme til Raymond Barone er? Unnsett må dere se "A Christmas Carol" den var virkelig 10 julestjerner. Nå som jeg nevnte julestjerner er det en leilighet jeg går forbi på vei hjem fra Bjørknes som har hengt opp julestjernen i vinduet allerede. Da jeg så det fikk jeg en god og varm julefølelse og begynte å smile som om jeg var blitt gal. Det er merkelig at tankegangen min går direkte til gal hver gang jeg ser noen smile på gaten helt alene. Hyggelig, men fullstendig sprø. Jeg er tydeligvis ikke den eneste med en slik tankegang, ettersom jeg fikk noen uhyrlige underlige blikk etter det.
Nå har jeg prøvd å avslutte dette innlegget siden viderekoblinger, derfor stopper jeg nå og går av her. Dette innlegget burde vel holde noen uker tenker jeg. En lengde som dette blir nok lest i intervaller. Jeg skriver nå ikke så ofte, men når jeg først setter meg ned kan man umulig klage på at det ble for kort. Håper du hadde en fin helg og at mandag ikke er like ille som Garfeild skal ha det til.
P.S. Håper du la merke til at det ikke er noen viderekoblinger, hva er nå vitsen hvis ingen ser på de vakre små linken? Ja vel. De kommer vel tilbake når jeg har glemt å late som jeg er såret. Merk deg at jeg kunne brukt noen ekstremt passende linker til dette innlegget. Merk deg det. En siste ting før jeg publiserer innlegget. Jeg så traileren til den nye Twilight filmen, mens jeg ventet på at ''A Christmass Carol'' skulle begynne og til min store overraskelse så jeg et glimt av Dakota Fanning. Jeg ante ikke at hun skulle være med i den filmen, jeg ble til og med en smule fascinert med et snes av spent. Jeg har nemlig blitt litt glad i den lille jenta, og syntes hun er en flink skuespiller. Jeg håper bare hun klarer og holde yrket gående, noe jeg har tro på. Det var jo litt trist det som skjedde med Macaulay Culkin, men da han kom tilbake med Party Monster i 2003 ble fortid fortid. Party Monster er jo både syk og fantastisk, i tillegg basert på en bok som er igjen basert på en sann historie og sånt liker jeg. Hvis du er interessert heter boken ''Disco Bloodbath A Fabulous But True Tale Of Murder In Clubland" Den handler om Michael Alig en av Clubkids'a. Ojsann nå gjorde jeg det igjen, nå skal jeg stoppe. Natta skråstrek god morgen!
I work incredibly hard to try and find presents I've heard others mention before. I stay up nights racking my brain to find something they'll actually like. So, if I give a bad gift it's not for lack of trying. I really do hope I give good presents. In my entire gift-giving life I have not once given soap to friends or relatives. Okay once I gave a bar of soap to a teacher I hated... strongly disliked. Don't ask my why, everyone was doing it. She said every time she used it she'd think of me. What sane adult says that to an ten-year-old? So now every time she's in the shower I'm the one she thinking about, while she scrubs down. Creeps. Me. Out! Soap has scared me for life. In my oppinion you can only buy soap in certain circumstances. One you're a kid with no money, and it's for you mom, and two you're a kid with no money and its for you grandmother. The instant you have money I don't understand why you buy soap. Even without money you could easily make something better. Arts & Crafts good times. Unless the person enjoys getting soaps in the shape of animals or sea-shells. It's like people who buy candles. Candles and soap, to me just say fuck you.
Question of the day. What's the most thoughtful gift you've ever received? Or just you're favorite? For me it's my precious little locket from my precious little bumble bee.
Anyway. Dolls are extremely life-like, too life-like if you ask me. I keep thinking they'll wake up from some deep slumber and go straight for the jugular. Crazy right? Or is it. Don't tell me you don't backup a few steps, after encountering a manikin. Especially when it comes to museums. You never know what goes on in those places. The smell, the dark lights, and generally no sound at all, maybe like a low humming at the very less. Honestly I have the worst experiences with manikins. I'll even share one with you... *Que the awesome flashback haze* My family and I were at this civil war monument slash museum when I was around 8 or so. I remember it exactly, it was the Jenny Wade – house in Gettysburg. So we're having a looksee, and there's a manikin by the kitchen table. Well, out of nowhere the doll starts making noises, really creepy sounds, and a face begins to appear. Suddenly it's starts talking. A doll started telling her story, like he was asleep and then woke up. And you wonder why I'm scared of dolls attacking.
I don't remember all the details but her story went something like this. The Confederate troops were looking for supplies so people were hiding their food. At the same time Northern troops were also marching into Gettysburg (the good guys). Therefore many citizens decided to retreat to their cellars as protection against battle shells, since a confrontation was enevitable. Jennie (which actually was her nickname, she was born Mary Virginia Wade) and her family thought her sister's home would be safe enough, since it wasn't in the direct line of the fire. She prepared bread for the Union soldiers and filled their canteens with water. When the Confederates fired on the area, including the Wade house. Jennie refused to retreat to the basement. She was making biscuits for the Northern soldiers and felt it was her patriotic duty to remain. A confederate soldier, fired and the bullet went through the door of the Wade house and struck Jennie in the back. Now that's a bad day.
Oh, but the trauma doesn't stop there, no. I absent-mindedly went down to the basement and foolishly entered this tiny little room. Guess what was there. On a narrow bench lay a girl with a white linen cloth covering her entire body, with the except of her black pointy leather shoes. That image still haunts me to this day. I thought it was a corpse and completely froze. I stood utterly still until the rest of the tour group caught up with me. The guide thought showing me the dolls face would help. You knwo snap me out of it. That night I had my first nightmare. Just the mere thought make me want to curl up and die. I just relized I've never told anyone this. I mean people know dolls freak me out, just not the reason behind it. I hadn't really gven it much thought up until now. Kind of a relief knowing it's childhood trauma and not a screw loose, eventhough I have several. Who needs a skrink when you can just blog about it. Hope you liked my personal insight. Deep right? Like a puddle.
Not all dolls are scary, I suppose but the older they are, the more intense they seem. Creeps me out.
Herlighet at jeg ikke har fortalt noen om dette enda. Du får bli den første. Ja, du min trofaste enslige leser, Miss Ringo Starr. Jeg er den stolte eier av kinobilletter til ''This is it''. Det er laget film om forberedelsene til selve konserten. Ikke det samme som å se han live, men jeg tar det jeg får. Jeg gir alt jeg har av organer og blod for bare et glimps av den mannen. Selvsagt etter jeg har fått opplevd hans herlighet. Hakkebakke, jeg våkner fremdeles om morgningen og tror jeg skal på den konserten. Synk inn. Synk inn. Synk inn. Bah! Filmen har klipp fra bak kulissene, tilbakeblikk på hans karriere, intervjuer og selvfølgelig Michael Jackson. Konserten som en helhet. Jeg gaper etter luft hver gang jeg ser traileren og mister fullstendig kontroll over tåreapparatet. Trodde aldri det skulle skje. Jeg var fullstendig panisk etter billetter, Internett funket ikke, det var kø på telefonen og gode råd var dyre. Hadde ikke mamma stoppet meg ville jeg løpt til Oslo. Var farlig nær å sove utenfor kinoen, men som sagt fikk jeg tak i billetter. Da Internett var ferdig med that time of month. Jeg våger å påstå at det hadde vært verdens beste konsert.
Michael Jackson - 'This Is It' Official Movie Trailer
Susanna: Was I ever crazy? Maybe. Or maybe life is... Crazy isn't being broken or swallowing a dark secret. It's you or me amplified. If you ever told a lie and enjoyed it. If you ever wished you could be a child forever. They were not perfect, but they were my friends and by the '70s most of them were out living lives. Some I've seen, some never again, but there isn't a day my heart doesn't find them.
Elva in all her glory
Fire and nails
Politibandet, et band med politimenn! Musikken deres var forresten mye bedre enn bildet.
Michael McDonald - I Heard It Through The Grapevine
Good memory.
'The Invention of Lying' Trailer
Here's a little clip from Extras:
Patrick Stewart on Extras
...and another
Robert De Niro In Extras
Okey, this is the last one. Honest.
Kate Winslet on Extras
And another.
Sir Ian Mckellen on Extras
This is one of my absolute favourites. I laugh so hard, it brings a completly new meaning to ROFL.
Here's something else that bightens my day, other than your mom.
Gervais and Elmo
P.S. I've recently discovered that certain shades of pink make me physically ill.
Do you have a special colour that make you want to blow chunks (
Pardon my french), or is that just my own personal weirdness?
There's such a sad love
Deep in your eyes, a kind of pale jewel
Open and closed within your eyes
I'll place the sky within your eyes
There's such a fooled heart
Beating so fast in search of new dreams
A love that will last within your heart
I'll place the moon within your heart
As the pain sweeps through
Makes no sense for you
Every thrill has gone
Wasn't too much fun at all
But I'll be there for you-oo-oo
As the world falls down
(As the world) Falling down
Falling in love
I'll paint you mornings of gold
I'll spin you Valentine evenings
Though we're strangers till now
We're choosing the path between the stars
I'll lay my love between the stars
Det gikk nettopp opp for meg at jeg må ha vært høy da jeg skrev forrige innlegg... Jeg hater det faktumet at jeg må ta opp fag. Jeg vil mye heller spikket av hånda mi med en skje. Hvis jeg finner ut at legeyrket ikke er noe for meg, kommer jeg til å gå on a rampage. Itillegg er det en idiot som driver å sender meg fullstendig random meldinger og ringer meg konstant. Er jeg en magnet for freakshows eller er det bare meg? For jeg begynner seriøst å lure. Meh who cares I probably have swine flu anyways, and'll die in seven days. So guess I'll be seeing you where ever I end up or not.