First off is ''Dare'', which is, from what I've gathered so far, a modern spin on teen romance and how we experience the last chance we get before having to enter adult life. The story revolves around three teenagers, three very different teenagers I should add, and their last semester of high school. Are your taste buds tingling? The main reason I want to see this film is probably because Alan Cumming's in it, playing an extremely tasty drama teacher, who gets the plot spinning, hurling in action more like it. The three teens consist of; the good girl, played by Emmy Rossum, the misfit best friend, played by Zach Gilford, and the loner slash bad boy, played by Ashley Springer. There's intrigue, sex and so much more all woven into a rich story, so I've ''heard''. It's sound a lot like your average teenage film, but this one is supposedly classy?
Anyway I can't wait to see it. Sadly I don't think it'll hit the silver screen in Norway, so if your in love with Alan Cumming as well, let's cross our fingers the DVD makes the trip. Very few of his films ever do, which in my opinion is a tragedy, he has some amazing films. Besides a forty-four-year-old Scotsman with his voice, personality, and talent, can take me any day of the week. He may not be an A-lister but oddness has its turn-ons, and I adore his films. Obviously I haven't seen them all, he's been in well over 50 flicks, not counting the TV-series, and we all know I'm not good at following somebody's career. The whole attention span, gets in the way. Although he could possibly be a favourite, I don't know yet. Say what you will but the man, much like his last name, is awesome. Love him.

Sex.. I mean next is the animation ''Mary And Max'', written and directed by Adam Elliot. It's an adorably story about two pen pals. An unusual friendship between an eight-year-old girl living in Melbourne, and a forty-four-year-old man living in New York (played by Philip Seymour Hoffman, an amazing actor). Words can't even describe, for lack of a better word, it's cuteness. I've fallen head over heels for the trailer, and I hope the actual film is just as good. Trailers are tricky that way.
Third is ''The Step Father'' a remake of the 1987 horror film, which apparently was a big success with two sequels and a huge cult following. Have you heard of it before? Yes, No? I haven't so either I've been deprived of some essential human right, or I live in Norway, I don't know. Anywhoo it's about a step father, who goes postal on his new family. I don't know much more than that, and I'm trying to avoid reading the spoilers. I am not as excited about this film as the two above. However I'm intrigued, so that really all I need to know. It should be good, and if I don't like it I can always take a look-see at the original. Besides I'm not that picky when it comes to films. Hell, I just not picky. Call me. No?
And now for the main attraction...
''Quills'', a film that speaks for itself, and because that's a figure of speech I'll be doing the ''talking''. It was so brilliant I had to watch it again. I watched it three times on the same freaking day. Thrice! Now, you may say that's six hours of my life I will never get back, to that I laugh HA! and say six hours well spent! It was so good. No, orgasmic. I'm not sure if that makes me a pervert or not, seeing as it's very... out there. It's not exactly something I'd watch with family around. Or would I? I would at least risk it. You see within the first half hour I knew it would dwell within my soul for a very long time, and that doesn't happened that often. Seriously if you haven't seen this movie you need to "run down to the store" and get it. Now. Well, finish reading my post first, but after you've commented I want you to ''run as fast as your legs can carry''. Not only is the plot breathtaking but it's also packed with incredible actors such as; Geoffrey Rush, Kate Winslet, Joaquin Phoenix, and Michael Caine, even Bill form True Blood's in it, who would have guessed he had a career before Sookie. That was a little harsh... *insert apology here*
The film's about The Marquis de Sade, an infamous French writer of the 18th century. Who's imprisoned, for the most perverse activities I've ever heard of, at the Charanton Insane Asylum, and we all know asylum's bring out the best in people. He's secretly publishing his erotic novels, with the help of a laundress named Madeline, behind the Abbe's back, the man who runs the asylum. Needless to say, things go terribly wrong and the ending is beyond earthly words. I get chills just thinking about it. Goosebumps-galore! And how Rush managed to make such a vile character like de Sade as attractive as he did is beyond me. Not to mention the killer line delivery. It's a masterpiece, filled to the brim with both humour and drama. Well, I hope you're satisfied, you've successfully tempted me to watch it again for the millionth time.

Hope you survived, and more importantly I hope you're watching Quills. I can't possible stress this enough. Watch it, and tell me what you think. What did you think about the films above, did they peek your interest? I mean other than Quills because you already love it. Also if you have any recommendations for films or what not, let me know.
Until next time, be safe, be well, eat fruit, and touch as many people as you can.
Oh and I thought you should hear this from me first.
You mom pre-ordered tickets to New Moon...
1 comment:
Jeg kan med stolthet si at jeg har tittet på alle linkene i dette innlegget! De filmene jeg ble mest interessert i er Mary and Max og Quills! Quills skal jeg bestille fortest mulig for din skyld og se på den.:) Tilbakemelding kommer senere. Mary and Max har jeg også veldig lyst til å se, den virker herlig.;D
Jeg fikk også lyst til å se de andre, spesielt The Stepfather. Keep up the good work!
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