Now firstly there are those of you who seem to think I visit the silver screen daily. So let me set the record straight once and for all. I normally get to see two or three films a years. Although strangely this year I think I've seen six with two more on the way, most of them with my family. Wait, actually this year's been crazy with movies. I've seen Milk, Star Trek, Up, Angels&Demons, Harry Potter (I saw that one twice, not because I'm one of those people. It was some other reason that's pointless to explain. The film in itself was alright, not at all what a HP-film should be but still.) Julia&Julie, This Is It, and Ice Age 3. Six with my family and three with my friends, but this is just some freak event, normally it's two to three, four is a good year.
Now we all know I'm somewhat of a movie-slut, among other things, and even though two double O nine's been a year filled with cinemactic experiences, I never really get to see the movies I so desperately would like to see. For instance out of all the movies I would have liked to see in the theatre only two of them are mentioned above. Do you want see the list? I'll show you the list:
- Public enemies
- Doubt
- Benjamin Button
- My Bloody Valentine
- Watchmen
- Milk
- The Boat That Rocked
- State of play
- Funny people
- The Reader
- Star Trek
- 9
- The Imaginarium Of Doctor Parnassus
- The Invention of Lying
- District 9
- Avatar
- Where the wild things are
Of course a few of them haven't come out yet, and some just didn't cross the ocean.

The only ones I have any real hope for now is Where the wild things are, and Avatar. A dear children's book, my kindergarden teacher used to read at lunchtime, which was right before nap time. Gumbo I miss kindergarden! The book has a very simple plot, it's more the picture's that memorize. I mean when you're five you don't really pay that much attention. I liked the pictures and thought the monsters were awesomely adorable. I even dressed up as a wolf for Halloween, you know because Max wears a wolf suit so he can do mischievous things. Personally I think I looked more like a cat but whatever I was young, and on a budget. I had the tail and ears that's all that matters, everyone thought I was a stupid cat... I can't wait to see what Spike Gonze did with it. I heard some whispers earlier through the grapevine that it didn't get picked up by Norway, which made me sad. Luckily like most whispers is wasn't true and it's being released December 11th. Yay!
I don't really know that much about Avatars. It's probably not one of those movies that's going to withstands time but it looks pretty cool. It's got some fine looking CG but I do love them puppets. The Thing and Alien, damn good movies didn't even need CG, not that they had the same tools as now. The point is puppets were all the rage, until somebody decided they were outdated. Too old fashioned Uranus! I'd watch Labyrinth any day of the week, and The Thing still haunts me to this day, great movie. Okay so I might have a thing for puppets. I do love sesame street, and The Muppets. Oh honey don't even get me started on The Muppets. They're so close to my heart. Damn Disney for combining freakin' Ashanti with the Muppets in the Wizard of OZ remake. Disney's become such a sell-out, no morals no nothing, andAshanti is such a crap actress, she should stick to what she barely knows. I miss the good ol' Disney, before they sold their souls, and bought up Pixar and Muppets. I mean don't mess with my Muppets.
Anyway the point is I rarely ever get to see what's hidden behind the cinema's front door's and discover it's magic.
I do however plant a flag in you mom every other night.
HAHA! Han siste fyren med rosa hår lignet mistenkelig på deg når jeg har lagt på! Ikke spør meg hvordan jeg vet at du har det uttrykket, men jeg kan rett og slett se det for meg. Og håret er jo spot on selvsagt.
Grunnen til at jeg ikke skrev noe dypt og langtekkelig innlegg om John Cusack, som du og min andre leser, ler i sympati, er fordi sjefen kom mens jeg satt og hang over bloggen og googlebilder av John. Jeg tror aldri jeg har lukket tre vinduer så fort.
Jeg har tenkt litt og kommet frem til at vi burde ta opp kinogåing som vår faste hobby. God film, dårlig film, that's for the screen to know and for us to find out? God idè? We will always have Maryland. Jeg vil faktisk se mange av de filmene på listen din! Believe it or not. Jeg har blitt mer pro kino i det siste. Så lenge man ikke går på kino med noen man ikke kjenner for å liksom ''bli kjent''. Tror det er det mest ironiske man kan gjøre. Jeg har også lagt merke til at kommentarene mine ofte er lengre enn innleggene på min egen blogg. Noe jeg burde jobbe med?
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