Sadly, when I take them off, I'm still not incredibly attractive.
It generally upsets me when I see movies where popular girls take off unpopular girls' glasses, and all of a sudden they're attractive. I mean why can't that be my reality too? Also as somebody who is a frequent user of glasses I get offended when they ask stupid questions like: do you ever take those glasses off? ... and all of asudden the nerdy girls is incredibly attractive, just because she lost the ponytail and her glasses. Now this doesn't happen in real life, or so you would think. My boss actually asked me yesterday if I ever considered taking them off. I'm thinking: No, I generally like seeing what I'm doing. You see I probably have the same proscriptions as your grandma. Naturally I laughed uncomfortably, said I'd think about it, and walked away, creep-style. Honestly who says something like that! I'm sorry my appearance is that offensive? I'm actually having an ongoing battle with myself between the practical and easy glasses or the practical and quick contacts. They both sting like a harpy so it really is a toss up. What do you think. Spectacles or eyeball-covers? Glasses are better for studying though, since I can take them off as I please... much like your moms bra.
If I don't change the topic soon I'm going to bore myself to death. Which is almost the title of a new TV-series. Bored to death. A series that really does deliver what it promises. It will in actuality bore you to death. See what I did there. If that doesn't get the ladies...
Share bear-time!
Today's show and tell is about "Girl, interrupted", which was published in 1993. In the 1999 screen adaptation, Winona Ryder plays Susanna Kaysen, the author and main character. Other big names are Angelina Jolie as Lisa Rowe, Brittany Murrphy as Daisy, Clea DuVall as Georgina, and Whoopi Goldberg plays Valerie.

Dr. Crumble: Susanna, four days ago... you chased a bottle of aspirin, with a bottle of vodka.
Susanna: I had a headache.
"Girl, interrupted" tells the tale of an eighteen year old girl, who half-heartedly attempted suicide. Instead of going on to college, she's sent to a mental institution. The story takes place in the 60's, and along with all the problems that follow, a rather captivating story develops. A story with issues ranging from: limited choices for women to freedom vs. captivity, taking a detour through detachment and insanity. Lisa is the most powerful personality, who has an utter disregard for authority, making her both frustrating and entertaining. Georgina, however is defiantly one of my favourites. Susan's room-mate, the pathological liar, shows no obvious signs of illness, much like the rest of the ward. In a sense she is a reflection of the ward's internal emotions, yet reveals the depth of her unhappiness in her own suddle way. Needless to say I've watch the film several times, and this is just my personal take on things. I love the movie as much I love your hair. It's a darkly humorous and philosophic memoir, that every teenage girl should either see or read. I'm not going to be a spoiler, even though I really want to! This is me fighting my urges. It really is worthwhile watching Jolie and Ryder in action.
Instructor: Now what kind of a tree can you be, Janet, down there on the floor?
Janet: I'm a fucking shrub, all right?
I've been trying to get my hands on a copy of Susanna Kaysen's best seller for years. The only reason I haven't been successfully, is the fact that I have the attention span of a leprechaun. I give up way to easily, and my mind keeps forgetting important things. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

Susanna: Was I ever crazy? Maybe. Or maybe life is... Crazy isn't being broken or swallowing a dark secret. It's you or me amplified. If you ever told a lie and enjoyed it. If you ever wished you could be a child forever. They were not perfect, but they were my friends and by the '70s most of them were out living lives. Some I've seen, some never again, but there isn't a day my heart doesn't find them.
The book is defiantly on my to do list.
Soz your mom.
... I'm not apologizing for that one...
Electric Light Orchestra - Turn To Stone
Du er VELDIG på mødre for tiden... Should I be worried?
Den hørtes bra ut! I would buy that. Sadly så tar Beatles alle pengene mine og løper.
Jeg liker den filmen!! Den er kewl.
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