Warning: Random ramblings of randomness
There's something I don't understand. Kissing, the whole concept of kissing completely eludes me. I mean it's a rather peculiar sign of affection. How did it even qualify to become such a sign? I understand touch, most people need the feel of another along their skin, somebody special who makes there skin crawl for all the right reasons. Blablabla... I don't really have that someone special so I like to confine myself in small places. Cosy right? Touch, a natural evolution of holding hands, but why were "they" holding hands in the first place? This is not anti-kissing propaganda, I can't stress that enough. Anyhoo kissing just seems strange to me.
How did it come to be? Was it simply the easiest way to shut someone up? Did somebody get bored while dancing the horizontal tango, and decide to shake things up? Maybe some sort of life-resuscitation gone array? What came first? The kiss of death, passionate kiss on the lips or a more friendly derivation? Keep in mind you have more germs in you mouth than any other place on you body.

Why do we feel the need to kiss? Is it because all the great stories tell us this is love? The complete and utter yearning for another set of lips to shaping themselves to yours. Personally I don't really think it's the kiss in itself, but rather the idea of having somebody to kiss that lures us in. That for just a moment your not necessarily alone in the world.
Love or lust, is there really a difference? You want something, you take it and then you hold on. Sounds like some crazy collector. Is love simply an unbalanced mix of chemicals or does something bigger have a part to play as well? Does love exist at all or have we created the idea? Statistically, most infatuations wither and die within half a year. Is that the deadline we have to create love? You win, you lose, you keep searching? The phrase soulmate comes to mind, is it simply an illusion created to make life worth living, something to distract us from the horrors of life? Or is it real? Were we complete beings until that fateful day when our souls in some way of another shattered and fell to earth? What if we never pick up the pieces. Do we go on incomplete, does it even matter?

The deeper one digs the more questions pop up. I guess the real question is if you believe in having a soul in general. When it comes to the matters of the soul your guess is as good as mine. I don't claim to understand it. There's an abundance of knowledge far from my grasp. However I refuse to believe we're nothing more than an empty parcel. Wondering aimlessly from A to B hoping we don't miss out on C. We're all different and unique versions of a mutated virus (if you believe in the Big Bang theory), and yet if all we were was a hard-wired machine we would all be the same. I mean does your computer really have a personal touch? There has to be something that sets us apart, divine of other. What if love is divine, and you never experience it because your heart is closed?
Michael Jackson - Puttin´ on the Ritz
Michael Jackson - Puttin´ on the Ritz
Jeg leste at det var mennene i Roma som kysset konene sine når de kom hjem for å sjekke om de hadde drukket. Det kan ikke ha tatt alt for lang tid før man fant ut at dette var fint?
Forresten så har jeg vel mer å tilføye. Kanskje det ikke nødvendigvis må være bare èn for hver av oss? Kanskje det er opp til flere mennesker vi passer sammen med? Som en gave til oss fra naturen, slik at det ikke skal bli alt for vanskelig å finne noen å være med, ettersom vi er flokkdyr. Selv om det er vanskelig nok i våre dager, men det e rmoderne problemer. Jeg kan ikke se for meg steinaldermennesker finne ut at ''han er ikke den rette for meg''. Det er vel mer i duren av ''Han er fruktbar, jeg er fruktbar. Jeg utsondrer en duft som han finner tiltrekkende. Det synes han ved det treet der også, men da blir min make sur.'' Jeg leste at menn utskiller en naturlig duft som vi kvinner faktisk hater. Kvinner derimot utsondrer en duft som menn finner utrolig tiltrekkende. Spesielt under menstruasjon blir denne lukten sterkere og kvinnestemmen blir lysere osv. Kvinner blir i det hele tatt enda mer tiltrekkende. Det har ingenting med kjærlighet å gjøre, men man må jo tiltrekkes før man kan bli glad i noen. Tross alt. Interessant samtaleemne. :D
Ja, jeg liker også at det er litt lange kommentarer i... boksen. HEHE. Liker du bloggen min etter jeg har forandret den igjen?:P Sånn går det når man har for mye tid, for lite å gjøre. Spesielt når jeg ikke skal på jobb i morgen engang. Hva skal en stakkar ta seg til? Vi får finne på noe snart.
Tenkte jeg måtte kommentere dette.
Leste i Illustrert Vitenskap en gang at en av de ledende teoriene ang. kyssing er at det orginalt var en måte å dele genetisk informasjon, som et rituale for å finne passende partnere.
Noe lignende foregår når kvinner blir tiltrukket av menn, da de har evnen til å (ubevisst) lukte genetikk som komplimenterer deres egen, og som vil føre arven videre.
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