WARNING: This post contains more that one topic. Find Waldo!
* Don't talk to strangers! If you never talk to stranger, how will you ever get friends, or a job for that matter?
* Think outside the box. Uh-oh! Stay within the lines.
* Look before you leap. But keep in mind: He who hesitates is lost.
* Oh here's a good one: Out of sight, out of mind. Hold it right there I thought: Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Yeah I've got a little something something for who ever said that...
* Never sweat the small stuff. God is in the details. Well, flip me over I think I'm done.
I mean honestly, no wonder the world is royally fucked- pardon my French- when the cosmic plain has all its wires crossed. How on Gods green earth is this ancient knowledge supposed to help a confused teenager barely capable of spelling the word “Peace”. Is the fact that everything contradicts itself supposed to make us stronger, by forcing us to come up with an answer. A subtle form for critical thinking? The only thing I have ever got from a contradiction was a headache. It should be served with a plate of pink valium.
Now, don't get me... right. I get the whole "use your mind" slash "If you want something done right, do it yourself, but the fact of the matter is “Two heads are better than one”. Or is it the other way around? Furthermore does it depend on the situation? If so, who decides which situation deserves which notion? Are we doomed to go through life thinking we're nothing more but a mere charade of life itself! Not real, not fake. You don't really know what's right or wrong, because it all depends! Why can't things be black and white? Oh, wait I'm sorry how racist of me. In this day and age you have to be so fucking politically correct. You might as well tie you hands behind your back, seeing as you achieve just as much.
'Heaven to hell' (2006) by David Lachapelle (<3)
People are to easily offended these days (I, of course being one of those pathetic little creatures who take everything to heart. I practically wear my heart as an accessory!) We need a little provocation in our day to day lives. Wait, we don't need something we already have... What mankind really needs is to remove the surgically implanted stick, and force open that steel-plated mind. Something that takes us away from the fake glamour and phony parts of life we ourselves have created. We need something that doesn't criticise but comments on life. Anything but those damn maybe, maybe not's.
Let's face it we cant escape contradictions. Life is simply numerous contradiction strung together, and that makes you faker than plastic fruit. But hey! At least you look real, Because: Beauty is everything. Or is it what's on the inside that counts?I don't even care if you understand what I'm trying to say. The fact is I've said it. It's out there, and now we have to live with it. One more failed attempt at being original. Of course being original isn't really original anymore... I mean everyone original these days, in their own little way. It's unoriginal to be original. Right... Well, It's late I'm tired and sick of babbling on and on. So, I don't know about you but I'm gonna hit the hay.
Porno For Pyros - Pets
I was looking through some music I listened to before, and stumbled across this little gem. Not that I think you'll like it... Screw it, I love it. To sum up the song. All humans are petty, insignificant, and small, with an overwhelming sence of cosmic importance. I swear, soon the fish will keep us in air tanks. "We'll make great pets" I'm just saying... Did you remember to turn off the lights?
P.S. If you were wondering about the name of the band:
Perry Ferrell (also the lead singer for Jane's Addiction) was watching the LA riots on TV and saw all the burning and looting going on, and though to himself it's like "pornos for pyromaniacs - hence the name. I think it's actually quite a perceptive observation for just a rock star...
Children are innocent
A teenager's fucked up in the head
Adults are even more fucked up
And elderlies are like children
Will there be another race
To come along and take over for us?
Maybe martians could do
Better than we've done
We'll make great pets!
My friend says we're like the dinosaurs
Only we are doing ourselves in
Much faster than they
Ever did
We'll make great pets!
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