Sunday, June 7, 2009

The Eye Of An Eagle... Plus A Few Of His Own

Det forrige innlegget ble litt vel langt så jeg så meg nødt til å dele det i to. I promised you three Itts and by gone it you'll get three Itts!

I think the previous post was an excellent introduction for my second Itt. Seeing as Tim Curry connects the two films, ever so slightly. He played Pennywise in IT, and Gomez in The Addams Family Reunion *snap snap*, which is the third of the Addams films. If you're a fan or just a friend I probably won't have to tell you the films are based on an American television series shot in black and white, in the late 60's (1964-1966 to be exact). The series ran along side it's rivail ,The Munster (another brlliant series) sadly they both only managed two seasons before they were cancelled. The series basing itself on the characters in Charles Addams' New Yorker cartoons.

"Just the kind of day that makes you feel good to be alive!"

I give you my childhood.

The Addams' are a closely knit family with macabre quirks, where the humor itself is based on a culture clash between them and the rest of the world. The over enthusiastic Gomez, is passionatly in love with his wife, Morticia, or should I say ''Cara Mia'', who is cultivated and ravashing. Together they share a twisted, yet romantic relationship that really has to be exsperienced. They have two childeren; Wensday and Pudgsley. Later on in ''The Addams Family Values'' (film nr.2) they're blessed with a third member Pubert. Wensday is the youngest, and likes to play with guillotines, beheading dolls called ''Marie Antoinette'', and ''Little Red Riding Hood''. Also seemingly trying to kill her brother, "Is there a God?". Pugsely is just like his ol' Uncle Fester, often playing with explosives and electrisity. Of course it's Gomez' cousin that really brought this post to life.

Cousin Itt. A short entity completly hidden by his head to floor long hair. He speaks fast unintelligible gibberish in a high pitch voice, and naturally the family understands him perfectly. In the films he doesn't get that much screen time. While in the series he is a frequent visitor, and we're able to get a closer look at his life and personality. In the series we learn that he wears sunglasses so that poeple won't bother him for autographs. He is greatly adored, a carefree bachelor with an extravagant lifestyle. Although he's not a main character he has become a personal favorite, something that could very likely be because of my fixation on the Addams.

Oh before I forget the third Itt is my previous boss. Yeah he kicks ass.

They're creepy and they're kooky,
Mysterious and spooky,
They're all together ooky,
The Addams Family.

Their house is a museum
Where people come to see 'em
They really are a scream
The Addams Family.


So get a witches shawl on
A broomstick you can crawl on
We're gonna pay a call on
The Addams Family.

1 comment:

Jeppe said...

Wow, heavy med blogging her, young madam! Får vel får rævva i gir jeg og... Jaja. Bra du står på, lærte jeg litt mer av dine fiksjoner ang. It'er.
Hadde det supert i dag, og gleder meg masse til torsda'n!