"Magic is easy if you put you heart into it."
- Michael Jackson
"Magic is easy if you put you heart into it."
- Michael Jackson
Yes, yes. They are mushrooms from Super Mario and yes they were the only pair left. Så som du ser har helgen vært meget produktiv.
So while you're crying over you're loss in the slipper department, I'll be sitting here. Drinking a cup of tea, and feeling the toasty sensation of the ultimate mushroom power.
How do you like them bananas?
Jamiroquai - Runaway
Det forrige innlegget ble litt vel langt så jeg så meg nødt til å dele det i to. I promised you three Itts and by gone it you'll get three Itts!
I think the previous post was an excellent introduction for my second Itt. Seeing as Tim Curry connects the two films, ever so slightly. He played Pennywise in IT, and Gomez in The Addams Family Reunion *snap snap*, which is the third of the Addams films. If you're a fan or just a friend I probably won't have to tell you the films are based on an American television series shot in black and white, in the late 60's (1964-1966 to be exact). The series ran along side it's rivail ,The Munster (another brlliant series) sadly they both only managed two seasons before they were cancelled. The series basing itself on the characters in Charles Addams' New Yorker cartoons.
"Just the kind of day that makes you feel good to be alive!"
I give you my childhood.
The Addams' are a closely knit family with macabre quirks, where the humor itself is based on a culture clash between them and the rest of the world. The over enthusiastic Gomez, is passionatly in love with his wife, Morticia, or should I say ''Cara Mia'', who is cultivated and ravashing. Together they share a twisted, yet romantic relationship that really has to be exsperienced. They have two childeren; Wensday and Pudgsley. Later on in ''The Addams Family Values'' (film nr.2) they're blessed with a third member Pubert. Wensday is the youngest, and likes to play with guillotines, beheading dolls called ''Marie Antoinette'', and ''Little Red Riding Hood''. Also seemingly trying to kill her brother, "Is there a God?". Pugsely is just like his ol' Uncle Fester, often playing with explosives and electrisity. Of course it's Gomez' cousin that really brought this post to life. Pennywise er noe av det uhyggelige jeg har sett, spesielt når man var smart nok til å se filmen nede i kjelleren. I et tomt hus. I mørket. Kvelden etter the infamous dukke drømmen (om jeg gidder, lager jeg vel et innlegg om Mr. I can turn my head all the way around while holding a knife). Anyway, Tim Curry spiller Pennywise and it's worth mentioning that the actors later admitted that he's characterization of Pennywise was so creepy and realistic that everyone avoided him during the film. So maybe just maybe it's not that peculiar that I scream like a little girl, shaking with fear. Eventually choosing to sleep on the couch, while holding on to a pillow for dear life. I 2004 skrev Radio times magazine at ''It'' var det skumleste programmet noen gang vist på teve. It var opprinnelig en miniserie.
The film's about a group of kids who somehow manage to defeat a source for evil that killed several children in the small town, a force that manifested itself in the smouldering clown, Pennywise. (Tim Curry is frightful but I'd still take his hand in... death?)thirsty years... I mean thirty years later, the same murders begins, and the now grown up kids have to once again unite, in order to kill it... Or it will certainly kill them. I really love this flick, the ending is so sad though, with a dash of lame. It practically goes against every rule in the book.
Now, clowns are usually a little freaky, but in the hands Tim Curry they're downright terrifying. Curry is of course no stranger to frightening make-up (Legend), delivering just the right amount of malice as the personification of an evil force that preys on Derry, Maine, every 30 years. Of course Pennywise is not only scary but extremely cuddly I just want to give him one big hug and never let go.
Don't you just want to hold him?
'Heaven to hell' (2006) by David Lachapelle (<3)
People are to easily offended these days (I, of course being one of those pathetic little creatures who take everything to heart. I practically wear my heart as an accessory!) We need a little provocation in our day to day lives. Wait, we don't need something we already have... What mankind really needs is to remove the surgically implanted stick, and force open that steel-plated mind. Something that takes us away from the fake glamour and phony parts of life we ourselves have created. We need something that doesn't criticise but comments on life. Anything but those damn maybe, maybe not's.
Let's face it we cant escape contradictions. Life is simply numerous contradiction strung together, and that makes you faker than plastic fruit. But hey! At least you look real, Because: Beauty is everything. Or is it what's on the inside that counts?