Sunday, November 30, 2008
Have you ever had one of those days? it starts average basically a perfectly boring day where you just relax, listen to music, and catch up on homework? Then out of the blue it all turns to crap? Well, today has been one of those days... I've basically just been hanging, just came back from the cinema with my dad. We saw "Burn after reading" with Brad Pitt, George Clooney and some other people, basically a piontless and completely random movie. Still it was funny and I supose it had som point about, doing anything, and everything you can to be beautiful. It's not gonna go down in history, but it had it's moments. Anyway today's just been a fugly day, and I'm glad it's over.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
*Insert Title Here*
I know I said I'd leave you alone... So I lied, sue me! Have your people call my people, hopfully we'll come to some sort of agreement, and we can leave the suits out it. Sound good? Great!
The reason I'm still bothering you IS.. Drum roll please! I wanted to share another song with you. Does anyone remember "Steady as she goes"? By the way that's not the song I wanted to share. Anyway I do, it's a personal favorite, by "The Raconteurs". You know Jack White's band, of the White Stripes totally awesome.
So guess what, you survived my boring intorduction. And now your feature presentation, brought to you by Youtube:
The Raconteurs - Salute Your Solution
*batteries not inclued.
The reason I'm still bothering you IS.. Drum roll please! I wanted to share another song with you. Does anyone remember "Steady as she goes"? By the way that's not the song I wanted to share. Anyway I do, it's a personal favorite, by "The Raconteurs". You know Jack White's band, of the White Stripes totally awesome.
So guess what, you survived my boring intorduction. And now your feature presentation, brought to you by Youtube:
The Raconteurs - Salute Your Solution

So what do you think? Yay or Nay?
P.S. I hope you like the slightly new and improved layout
Post Post Scriptum! Today we mourn the loss of our dear beloved Mr. Hangman... Rest in peice my friend.
I'm excited!
Today I finally found the TV-series, where I first was introduced to Katherine Moenning. You may know her as Shane from the hit TV-series "The L Word". I know her as Jacqueline "Jake" Pratt from "Young Americans". She plays a girl pretending to be a boy in order to attend a boys only elite school. Hamilton falls for her or should I say Jake, cause he has no idea. He gets confused, "I mean I've thought about it, I've had tendencies... God am I gay?" Okay he doesn't say that, but there's drama and it's great.
Unfortunately TV3 didn't air all the episodes, and it was a long time ago. Still there was something about Kate, that caught my eye. Not just the fact that she dressed like a guy, but there was something special about her. She's responsible for me like “The L Word” as much as I do. The series in itself it pretty rockin', but she just brings a fresh edginess to the table. I just love her, and I think you will too, if you don't already that is. Or maybe you won't. Anyway...
Smashing series, smashing concept and smashing characters. It's amazing that the producer, at one point or another have managed to represent almost every sexual orientation there is. Of course I'm talking about humans, there's no Zoophilia or Necrophilia... I may be off my dot, but I really heart the series, can yah dig it?
It's so hot hot hawt! Hihi
I think that enough for today, I really should be cramming for a test in religion tomorrow, Islam... So I'll just leave you with this pyschodelic song. It does wonders for the soul, when you're stuck on a schoolbuss strugling to keep your eyes open:
Kings Of Leon - Closer
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Miss. Independent
A very merry happy birthday!
To you!
A very merry happy birthday to you
Yes, you!
Let's all congratulate you with another cup of tea
A very merry happy birthday to you!
Now, statistics prove, that you've one birthday
Imagine, just one birthday every year
Precisely why we're gathered here to cheer
A very merry happy birthday to you, to you
A very merry happy birthday
For you!
Now blow the candle out my dear
And make your wish come true
A merry merry happy birthday to you!
A merry merry happy birthday to you!

Gratulerer med 18-års dagen Kathinka! <3
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
The Dueling Glove
Okey nå har Merete gått lei av å skrive engelsk, jeg kom nettopp hjem fra teater og er for sliten til å tenke. Men jo frøken Kathinkus har utfordret meg, så da får jeg trekke opp buksen, rulle opp ermene og slå meg til ro, here you...
4 jobber jeg har hatt:
- 2Søstre
- Barnevakt (en gang)
4filmer jeg kan se om igjen:
- Rocky Horror Picture Show
- Requiem for a dream
- Labyrinth
- The Dark Knight
4TV show jeg liker:
- Scrubs
- Supernatural
- Will&Grace
- The L Word
4 steder jeg har vært på ferie:
- Japan
- Amerika
- England
- Italia
4websider jeg besøker daglig:
- Itslearning
- Youtube
- Piratebay
- Blogger
4steder jeg heller ville ha vært nå:
- California
- Tivoli
- På teater
- I fantasi verden min, sammen med Ioan Gruffudd
Jeg tror ikke den utfordringen gikk så bra maglet to jobber, men sånn er livet når man ikke har hatt flere jobber enn det. Har ikke vært avisbud engang, oh crack I know! Jeg føler at er er på sin rette plass å utfordre dere tilbake. Øhm men om hva.
Hva er den ene tingen du nekter å jobbe som?
- Barnehagetante
Hva hadde du brukt tre magiske ønsker på?
1. Å bli en skuespiller (slik at jeg kan leve av det resten av livet)
2. Ekte kjærlighet
3. Magiske evner
4 jobber jeg har hatt:
- 2Søstre
- Barnevakt (en gang)
4filmer jeg kan se om igjen:
- Rocky Horror Picture Show
- Requiem for a dream
- Labyrinth
- The Dark Knight
4TV show jeg liker:
- Scrubs
- Supernatural
- Will&Grace
- The L Word
4 steder jeg har vært på ferie:
- Japan
- Amerika
- England
- Italia
4websider jeg besøker daglig:
- Itslearning
- Youtube
- Piratebay
- Blogger
4steder jeg heller ville ha vært nå:
- California
- Tivoli
- På teater
- I fantasi verden min, sammen med Ioan Gruffudd
Jeg tror ikke den utfordringen gikk så bra maglet to jobber, men sånn er livet når man ikke har hatt flere jobber enn det. Har ikke vært avisbud engang, oh crack I know! Jeg føler at er er på sin rette plass å utfordre dere tilbake. Øhm men om hva.
Hva er den ene tingen du nekter å jobbe som?
- Barnehagetante
Hva hadde du brukt tre magiske ønsker på?
1. Å bli en skuespiller (slik at jeg kan leve av det resten av livet)
2. Ekte kjærlighet
3. Magiske evner
Monday, November 3, 2008
Parting Is Such Bittersweet Sorrow
The life I've had, everything I've know since middle school, is changing and most of it's ending. I don't like dramatic changes, I get used to thing being as they are, and even the slightest change can completely through me off-course. The future scares the living daylight out of me. This whole month has been one huge revelation. I'm 18 years old, soon I'm going to have to enter the big world, leaving the well-known, and safe "nest" behind. It's terrifying! I'm going to have to quit theater, I'm going to lose friends, because everyone's going to go their separate ways. may be thats a good thing? I'll find out who I really want to stay in touch with. Absence makes the heart grow fonder? the whole situation is bittersweet, sad for the loss, but excited for the news experience. Or am I? I don't know.
Everything is going to be different, It's a completely natural part of life, it's just sad. Everything is ending, and I can't do anything to stop it. I'm not ready! I don't think I ever will be. I'm afraid I won't cut it, that I'm not smart enough, to make it on my own. Getting my own place, studying one my own, being on my own. maybe I just need to such it up, and be a man. Sobbing, won't make it any better. Growing up sucks! I'll just rub some dirt on it and hope for the best.. But what if I fail?

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