Today I finally found the TV-series, where I first was introduced to Katherine Moenning. You may know her as Shane from the hit TV-series "The L Word". I know her as Jacqueline "Jake" Pratt from "Young Americans". She plays a girl pretending to be a boy in order to attend a boys only elite school. Hamilton falls for her or should I say Jake, cause he has no idea. He gets confused, "I mean I've thought about it, I've had tendencies... God am I gay?" Okay he doesn't say that, but there's drama and it's great.
Unfortunately TV3 didn't air all the episodes, and it was a long time ago. Still there was something about Kate, that caught my eye. Not just the fact that she dressed like a guy, but there was something special about her. She's responsible for me like “The L Word” as much as I do. The series in itself it pretty rockin', but she just brings a fresh edginess to the table. I just love her, and I think you will too, if you don't already that is. Or maybe you won't. Anyway...
Smashing series, smashing concept and smashing characters. It's amazing that the producer, at one point or another have managed to represent almost every sexual orientation there is. Of course I'm talking about humans, there's no Zoophilia or Necrophilia... I may be off my dot, but I really heart the series, can yah dig it?
It's so hot hot hawt! Hihi
I think that enough for today, I really should be cramming for a test in religion tomorrow, Islam... So I'll just leave you with this pyschodelic song. It does wonders for the soul, when you're stuck on a schoolbuss strugling to keep your eyes open:
Kings Of Leon - Closer
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