A. You just ignore it, they would have called back if it was life or death. Of course I feel rotten afterwards. I mean what if it was important, but can't call back themselves? (Speaking from personal experience Merete? ... Yes... *breaks eye contact* My blog really should be a vlog, I suck at writing...)
B. Call the person back, (something I'm guilty of doing, much to others annoyance).
You see where the problem lies? You never really want to call back and say it again, because then you'd be a complete moron if the person says " Yeah I know.. Heard you the first time..." Aaaawkwaaard....

Nevertheless I do understand the need to throw incoherent rubbish over the “line”. From personal experience, the brain doesn't really kick in until you're on the clock. (One fry short of a happy-meal I'm afraid) You could be having an ordinary conversation, and then right before the hang-up you suddenly remember something of the utmost importance. Your blood pores through your veins, your heart jumps, and your voice automatically gets louder, in hopes that they'll hear you out. (As if screaming will help further your cause) Naturally you get cut of in mid-sentence. Which by the way is a completely awful experience, that I've become quite accustomed too.
What do you do? A or B? Perhaps C. You ignore it, then casually call them back after a sensible time has passed? I did that this morning when mom called home. Everything she said was a blur, I don't even think I said good-bye before heading back to bed. Which really is worse, and something I hate even more. Because then you're left with the same options.
A. Calling them back. What if the phone cut out?
Or B. Ignoring it.
I mean maybe it's just me and I'm unusually insecure, but I do prefer finishing the chat properly. So I don't keep questioning myself. “Damn, what if they weren't done. Call back? No that's just stupid... I'll do it later.” Even though it happens all the time on T.V. And really isn't such a big deal. I guess it's just common curtsey to say good- bye, so you know it's over. I don't know maybe I'm overthinking it, or not thinking enough. Honestly I feel really pathetic because retarded as I am, I do say “But you didn't say good-bye”.
Still I wonder who many unfinished conversations there are? It's like you can't properly die until you've said good-bye. Aaand now that I drove into a graveyard, and left my post to die. I can't find anything else to say. Other than if you're going to Sandvika, meet me there this friday at the The cinema. I'll be in the back row of the morning session of "Public Enemies". I'll be wearing a fedora cap, overcoat, fake moustache and holding a brown paper bag. Sit on my left(MY left, don't get confused if you are facing me and not the screen thinking which left?) and say "The breeze is most refreshing today" and I will reply "Only as the gulls circle overhead". That way you will know it's me.
... I'm sorry, I've been locked up for WAY to long. Loneliness doesn't suit me well...
TheGr3yZon3 I really should find something better any suggestions?
Bert and Ernie – Bananaphone
I love those two.
P.S. I just realized I wrote four posts yesterday. What the hell is wrong with me? I really need to get a life. Pronto!
1 comment:
Ohmy. Giiiiirl you are DAMAGED. Jeg føler at det er litt min feil siden jeg nesten alltid legger på når du er mid sentence, og jeg ringer ikke tilbake (men nå blir jo du aldri ferdig med å prate heller da). Vi må nok kjøre rehabilitering av deg ja. Her er planen: du ringer, vi prater, jeg legger på, du ringer ikke tilbake. Good plan.
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