Yes at an age of 18. Very attractive, fully devolved my ass. Seriously I'm actually chewing on anything and everything I find, so to speed up the process, much like a dog. I guess I'll have to get my wisdom teeth removed pretty soon, but I'm holding it off cause it's probably going to hurt like Santa in a speedo. Still it'll probably hurt less than watching Twilight... Only kidding. But seriously the actors in that movie really sucked. I only like Kristen Stewart because she played the daughter in “Panic Room”. I loved that movie. I'm sorry if you're a fan, it had it's moments but not my cup of tea. LOL
“Say it!”
“Vampire”... Edward you couldn't be a vampire even if you tried. Lestat and Armand now we're talking vampires. The kind who actually die in agony when introduced to sunlight. Instead of turning into a “smouldering” diamond. I swear Meyer has some sort of sick fetish with that word. By the way Emma Frost does it better. Just kidding... Not really.
This actually opens up for today's topic...
There are two phrases I have a serious problem with; “Just Kidding” and “LOL”. Because it allows people to say the most ass- whole things, as long as they follow it up with a LOL. Such as... Cloe- "You're laugh IRL is so annoying... LOL" Sam- " 'You're' is for 'You are' as in you're a dickhead who can't spell... LOL" I'm feeling the love. Is it just me or do you also feel like vomiting everytime you hear slash read “lol”? Anyway back to the point. You never really know if the person actually means what they say, and are to much of a wuss to say it loud and proud. Or if they're only poking fun.

Personally I've never said “lol” but I do say “just kidding”. I do it all the time, without meaning anything of it. However lately I've realized there's a thin line between funny sarcasm and a cruel joke. You see for me “lol” is about as convincing as just kidding... Not really. It's like "Hey Merete, no one in our group likes you... just kidding" My internal dialogue thinks "It's true, it's so true. Nobody likes me." When using “just kidding” there's this line that should never be crossed, and that line depends on the person you're with and how well you both know each other. If you're really good friends you could get away with a lot of crap. Maybe ''get away with'' is the wrong word...s, but you could joke about almost anything and they would know you're not serious. Yet, if you tell a stranger the same thing you're most likely to get smack up the head or shot, depending on the nature of that person. A little tip, don't make fun of somebody with priors. That been say I think I'm going to check myself into, “Rehab - For Those Who think They're Funny”. Somethings are okay to joke about, whilst others can be interpreted as inhuman, and I keep forgetting, I'm not that one who chooses what's a good laugh.
... and just to clear thing up, I didn't slap you I high fived you face.
You know who else likes it in her face...
Falco - Rock Me Amadeus
There's a blonde and a brunette in a bar. They're watching the news with a man who's about to jump off a building. The brunette goes to the blond, “I bet you 50 he jumps.” The blonde says okay. He jumps, the blonde pulls out her wallet but the brunette says, " No, I can't take this money I saw the clip a earlier ago, I knew he was going to jump" and the blond goes, "Yeah, ME too but I never thought he'd do it again."
P.S. You might remember I asked for a hot non-hot line in a previous post. Just some line in a movie that's a little suggestive but unintentionally. Well I was watching “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” (the original, just had to point that out since I like it better) last night and I stumbled over something Violet says while chewing on the three-course gum, "It's hot and creamy. I can actually feel it running down my throat" I'm sure you can...
I'm sorry that's very inappropriate... Which is good because I'm about to be inappropriate with...
Visste ikke at du hadde noe imot Twilight. Bortsett fra enkelte ting i bøkene. Jaja, man lærer så lenge man lever?
Nobody in our group likes you... Just kidding!
Sorry, kunne ikke dy meg, selv om jeg følte den var siktet mot meg. Du må bare lære deg at folk ikke mener sånne ting. Bortsett fra de som mener det.
''Det er helt gratis! Bortsett fra det det koster''
Pssh. Edward eier dine vampyrer. Filmen er så som så, men bøkene og selve EDWARD er jo.. Nam.
Lol er foresten det verste jeg hører.. :p De som skriver det: ok, men de som sier det? ohno.
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