Sunday, August 30, 2009

Hi guys! Long time no see.

Since it's been ages since my previous post I thought I'd try to catch you up my adventurous life. I recently hit the age of 19 and by recently I mean 15 days ago. Yay me! I'm now one year closer in becoming a stiff corpse slowly rotting away six feet below some pathetic little rock with my name engraved along with some sad tombstone poem. I'm sure I'll be greatly missed, seeing as I've made such a large indentation in the world's history... Let me just crawl back out from that god forsaken little rock. I spent this fantabulous day at home with my folks. To be more specific Dad didn't get home til 5 o'clock, mom left after making me breakfast in bed, and my brother meet up with us at the Chinese restaurant where we ate dinner, here's a freaky coinkidink the place is called Dinner. I love Chinese, but that restaurant has managed togo down a few notches. Don't get me wrong it's still a great place, it's just that it's lost it Chinese charm... Right, like I would know what that is...
Anyhoo (see I learn, you know you guys could have told me) I had a great time! My brother's hilarious and the gift were RIGHT up my alley. In case you're curious I was lucky enough to get a Michael Jackson t-shirt which I absolutely adore, “Milk” starring Sean Penn (I've watched it 5 times already), The Wall (which is just wickedly awesome), a Michael Jackson Biography (more accurately a description of some Norwegian dude's relationship to his music and career. I haven't been able to finish it yet for reasons I think are pretty frikin' obvious. I mean who wants to read about someone who has experience your wildest dreams. Too soon.) I also got THE Tom Waits album "Blue Valentine" yah it's pure perfection. His songs are like having sex in a haunted house, or I could imagine it's like that, you know what I mean?

In the upright corner you can see the wonderful locket Kathinka gave me.
If loving an object is wrong I don't want to be right!

You know a birthday just isn't the same without a party and yesterday was the big event. You know one last bash before all the seriousness kicks in. You see the future is getting awfully close, and that freaks me out therefore the creep-alitous birthday theme was "dress up as your biggest fear". As you all know I'm terrified by manikin. No not man bikini's but life-size dolls that come to life, and chop you into little pieces if you turn you back on them. Despite what my mom thinks, I haven't watched any horror flicks about “when dolls attacking”, Chuck can go "Brooke" himself. It all started after my first real nightmare. Yes a doll was very much involved, if you're lucky I might just tell you all about it. Now seeing as my biggest fear is being a complete failure at life, and disappointing everyone around me. I dressed up as a clown. Makes sense right? I figured it's a nice compromise since I have a porcelain doll, dressed as a clown, needless to say it scares the crack right out of me. Besides I'm not good with the abstract.

There were alot of brilliant ideas and amazing costumes, which only made it that much more difficult in choosing a winner. There were a few alcho slash bums, two gangsters from Rykkin (who took it to the max all night long), Death in all her glory, a failure (which I loved), a corporate suit, someone who had lost a part of himself (that's really deep), a monster, a biker (Neil Armstrong style I mean Lance... hoho only in the late hours), Elizabeth Bathory, the darkness (not the band), and the winner a bum slash rapist. She or I should say he never broke character once which in the end broke the tie. Personally I think it was a success, if you disagree please do make a formal complaint signed, sealed and stamped "I don't care". I didn't get to take any pictures but I'm gonna try to steal some off of someone who did. You know who you are. P.S. I also got some wicked cool gifts, so thanks alot I love them all. (Not that anyone actually reads my blog *whimpers in a sigh*)

Well now that I can check off my 19'th, I'll just throw some hard facts at yah! I am now the proud owner of a drivers licence, I got into medical, the Middle- East is at peace, and they just found a cure for cancer deep inside the rainforest. Okay here's the thing, I just lied. Wouldn't it be great if I didn't need to though? Guess the world really is an imperfect place. I'm still working on the driving thing, and unfortunately I didn't get into medical, instead I've enrolled into Bjørknes as an attempt in getting better grades. As for the Middle- East we all know or don't know what's going on over there, and the cure for cancer was just a movie I saw with my brother. I actually recommend it, two thumbs way up. The tittle is "Medicine Man" starring Sean Connery, seriously you should check it out.

I wonder how this school year's going to end. My classes are Biology 1 & 2, Norwegian, Chemistry 1, and social studies. Which I actually have high hopes for. I've always thought I've missed out on some vital information about how the world works, since I've only focused on numbers and molecular structures. Well not any more, society here I come. You know who else just came? I'm sorry I just can't help it, It's become an addiction I don't want to lose. I know you're probably sick of it by now, but tough!

You guessed it time for the knee-slaper of the day Two blondes walk into a bar, both seeming to be very happy. When the bartender asks them why they're smiling, the blondes simply reply "We just finished a 50 piece puzzle in three days"

"So?" The bartender asks still curious.

"The box said 8- 10 years"
Hohoho what a knee-slaper!

John Frizzell - My Little Box

Time for alittle R&R, Random & Recommendations
I was doing some browsing in a little bookshop one day and stumbled over "Vampire Diaries" by L. J. Smith I think, and I was intrigued enough to read the short summery on the back. Of course I didn't buy any but they reminded me of Twilight. So for all you Twilight fans out there I would recommend that you read "The Vampire Diaries". It's just recently been adapted as well so the series must have a good following. Now before I start my normal rant about how lame these kinds of vampire stories are I figured I should probably read them first. I figure I should give it a shot before completely slaughter someone elses work. Don't worry I'll let you know what I think later.

And of course the biggest and most important change of all. My Sandy has come back to me. I feel like Rose flying in the breeze on the front of Titanic, without the horrible ending. Here's a alittle summer time memory

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Oh, Blanche, Stop Blubbering.

Jeg sitter her og tenker på slutt scenen til Grease.

FRENCHY Oh, look! Oh, the gang's together!
MARTY But, what are we gonna do after graduation?
JAN Yeah. Maybe we'll never see each other again.
DANNY Nah, that'll never happen.

Jeg har alltid lurt på hva som skjer med karakterene videre når rolleteksten kommer. Blir Sandy og Danny gift? Hva skjer med French, kommer Rizzo og Kenickie til å vare? Hva skjer med gjengen nå som skolen, det som førte dem sammen, er over? Holder de kontakten eller er de egentlig så forskjellig at de vokser fra hverandre, nå som de ikke har en fellesnevner.

Uansett så har min personlige Sandy kommet inn på Tromsø og det fremkaller en fin blanding av følelser. Jeg er spent på hennes vegne, men Gud som jeg kommer til å savne å se henne hver dag. Alt vil forandre seg uten den lille sukkererten, men nå som jeg tenker over det har jo dagens samfunn lagt opp til lang distanse forhold. Istedenfor å vente en uke på et brev kan vi isteden plukke opp røret og taste nummeret. Jeg tror dette kommer til å bli et ganske så snasent kapittel. For ikke å glemme at dersom jeg blir klin kokos gal får jeg enda en grunn til å reise opp til den fremtidige psykologen vår. Vennerabatt er tingen.
Så da er det bare en siste ting å si...

A Womp Bom A Looma... A Womp Bam Boom!

We go together like ramma lamma lamma ka dingity ding de dong. Remembered forever as shoo-bop sha wadda wadda yippidy boom de boom. Chang chang changity chang shoo-bop that’s the way it should be.
Wa-ooh, yeah!


Monday, August 3, 2009

“I Was A Veteran, Before I Was A Teenager.”

Idag klokken 7.30 ville alle drømmene mine gått i oppfyllelse. Det var nemlig idag at jeg skulle endelig få bruke “The Golden Ticket” og slippe inn i verden til Michael Jackson. Dessverre vet vi alle hvordan det kapittelet ble omskrevet.

Likevel bestemte jeg at idag skulle være dedikert til engelen min, dermed så jeg på “Dangerous Tour” og “Moonwalker”, istedenfor å være en del av “This Is It”. Hver gang jeg ser på de dvd'ene får jeg rett og slett pustevansker. Hjertet mitt stopper bare jeg ser et bilde av han, tenk hva som skjer når han begynner å synge. Derfor er jeg rimelig sikker på at jeg hadde vært en av de som besvimer og må bæres vekk fra åstedet. Etter den private konserten var ferdig, tok jeg turen til Sandvika og kjøpte en konsert t-skjorte. Hva jeg ikke hadde gitt...

The Red Zone
Michael Jackson - One More Chance

“If you enter this world knowing you are loved and you leave this world knowing the same, then everything that happens in between can be dealt with.”

- Michael Jackson

Sunday, August 2, 2009

It's A Hang- Up Not A Break- Up

It actually irritates the hell out of me, when people try to add an extra bit of information on the phone, after you've said good-bye. (I actually do this all the time, so I'm not entirely sure if that makes me a hypocrite or a bigot.) You've just said good-bye and while you're lowering the phone, so to press the little red button, you hear a low mumble. Now you're left with two options, annoying as they are.

A. You just ignore it, they would have called back if it was life or death. Of course I feel rotten afterwards. I mean what if it was important, but can't call back themselves? (Speaking from personal experience Merete? ... Yes... *breaks eye contact* My blog really should be a vlog, I suck at writing...)
B. Call the person back, (something I'm guilty of doing, much to others annoyance).
You see where the problem lies? You never really want to call back and say it again, because then you'd be a complete moron if the person says " Yeah I know.. Heard you the first time..." Aaaawkwaaard....

Nevertheless I do understand the need to throw incoherent rubbish over the “line”. From personal experience, the brain doesn't really kick in until you're on the clock. (One fry short of a happy-meal I'm afraid) You could be having an ordinary conversation, and then right before the hang-up you suddenly remember something of the utmost importance. Your blood pores through your veins, your heart jumps, and your voice automatically gets louder, in hopes that they'll hear you out. (As if screaming will help further your cause) Naturally you get cut of in mid-sentence. Which by the way is a completely awful experience, that I've become quite accustomed too.


What do you do? A or B? Perhaps C. You ignore it, then casually call them back after a sensible time has passed? I did that this morning when mom called home. Everything she said was a blur, I don't even think I said good-bye before heading back to bed. Which really is worse, and something I hate even more. Because then you're left with the same options.
A. Calling them back. What if the phone cut out?
Or B. Ignoring it.
I mean maybe it's just me and I'm unusually insecure, but I do prefer finishing the chat properly. So I don't keep questioning myself. “Damn, what if they weren't done. Call back? No that's just stupid... I'll do it later.” Even though it happens all the time on T.V. And really isn't such a big deal. I guess it's just common curtsey to say good- bye, so you know it's over. I don't know maybe I'm overthinking it, or not thinking enough. Honestly I feel really pathetic because retarded as I am, I do say “But you didn't say good-bye”.

Still I wonder who many unfinished conversations there are? It's like you can't properly die until you've said good-bye. Aaand now that I drove into a graveyard, and left my post to die. I can't find anything else to say. Other than if you're going to Sandvika, meet me there this friday at the The cinema. I'll be in the back row of the morning session of "Public Enemies". I'll be wearing a fedora cap, overcoat, fake moustache and holding a brown paper bag. Sit on my left(MY left, don't get confused if you are facing me and not the screen thinking which left?) and say "The breeze is most refreshing today" and I will reply "Only as the gulls circle overhead". That way you will know it's me.

... I'm sorry, I've been locked up for WAY to long. Loneliness doesn't suit me well...

TheGr3yZon3 I really should find something better any suggestions?
Bert and Ernie – Bananaphone
I love those two.

P.S. I just realized I wrote four posts yesterday. What the hell is wrong with me? I really need to get a life. Pronto!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Commenting Comments

Jeg tenker det er nødvendig å forklare mitt lille personlige angrep på Twilight. Først og fremst tok jeg i ganske grundig på grunn av selve innlegget. Det var rett og slett ''too tempting not to go the whole extra mile''. Jeg mente det var den perfekte starten for innlegget, i ettertanke var det en smule mislykket skråstrek ironisk. Ettersom jeg skrev noe som skulle være en slem spøk, men som egentlig skulle være alvor (som tilfeldig nok var temaet til innlegget). Likevel er det her planen går opp i flammer, nemlig fordi jeg ikke mente det. Så jeg forstår om det oppsto forvirring. You know what I'm saying? A serious mouthful. Så annet enn at jeg liker Anna Rice sin verden bedre. Syntes jeg Twilight er underholdende, slik som så mye annet.

Jeg har med andre ord postet en del ting på bloggen min som burde forklares. Dessverre orker jeg ikke ta fatt i det. Hvis du føler deg truffet, må jeg si du sårer meg. For tross alt så er det ikke et personlig angrep, det er generell underholdning.

So If you'll excuse me I shall now attempt to complete a "Lord of the Rings" marathon - Special Edition.

Jeg vet ikke hva som skjer, men det meste jeg skriver virker aggresivt.
It's an accomplishment, much like your mom.

Michael McDonald - I Heard It Through The Grapevine

He laid her on the table, so white, clean and bare. His forehead wet with beads of sweat, he rubbed her here and there. He touched her neck and felt her breast, then drooling felt her thigh. The slit was good, all was set, he gave a joyous cry. The whole was wide... He looked inside, all was dark and murky. His rubbed his hands and stretched his arms... Then stuffed the Christmas turkey.

Times Are A' Changin'

I was watching "House of D", which is a completely awesome movie. Thanks for asking. Memo to self get a copy. But I realized a lot's changed in a short period of time. Most importantly I've entered the world! No... When I came out, the nurse actually screamed "Put it back!"

Any way... In the movie Pappass, played by Robin Williams my favorittest actor in the world says "I'm not retarded any more, I went from a retard to challenged. Who knows what I'll be next?" This is when it hit me, high five right in the face. The world is a living, breathing organism that is evolving right under our feet. Some changes happen quickly, these being the most uncomfortable and the ones when we feel it necessary to rebel. However most changes happen over time, and rarely do we ever notice them until we're sitting on a floating porch sipping acid out of a can saying, "Things were better before". Yes, you to will become one of those people. A grumpy old man or woman who complains about the fast pace, because you're to slow to hang on. Only it'll be some sci-fi version of you grandparents. I can't wait! Speaking of sci-fi, did you know that if it hadn't been for Star Trek the microwave wouldn't have existed, along with a whole bunch of other gadgets? Discovery channel doesn't lie, babe.
Where was I?
Evolving planet... Fast pace... Right! I don't like it.
Change is not something I like. Evolution go for it! There's just something about change that rubs me belly the wrong way. That's a weird saying, just stay away from my belly. It's never been the same after I saw Fat Bastard say, "Get in my belly!" Shivers down my spine. Since I don't want this to be yet another post where I complain about change I'm going to stop and start over with my original plan.
The most irritating change I noticed is that people have begun to change classic childhood memories, because they seem racist. So what, Astrid Lindgren wrote about "negerkonger, hottentotter og hvite prinsesser", it's called entertainment, and if you had any sense at all you would understand that. Censoring the childhood of generations should be illegal. In this day and age people should know better than to go around and change literature. Take a quick look at Korea, and you'll see the direction we're headed in.

Even though this debate began along time ago it feels as if they shoke thing up and left it all up in the air. I mean is "Tintin in Kongo" really that racist? I would rather say it shows a naive attitude towards a fairly unknown culture, at that specific time and place. I'd love to hear your thought!

There you have it. Change, not always our ally.
We should be protecting books not ravaging them. By the way you should also be protecting yourself. Unless you want a child that looks like me...
But seriously, if you can't find some, look at the top of your mom's draw. That's were I leave mine.

House of D (2004) Trailer

Sorry one last thing before you can go. I like that what used to be called stalking is now called social networking... Ah! How the times have changed. You see that's a change in a positive direction. Atleast for me any way...

Epic Fail

Jeg merket at de fleste innleggene mine er ekstremt lange, det må jeg bare beklage. Jeg vet hvor jævlig det er å måtte pløye seg gjennom en lang liste som aldri tar slutt. For ikke å glemme at innleggene er på engelsk, samtidig som språket har blitt en smule mer løsslupent. Agian I'm sorry if you don't freakin' like it.

Jeg så meg nødt til å dele denne lille klippen med dere skråstrek deg. Tårene renner og jeg ler så det gjøre vondt, hver gang jeg ser den.
Det som er interessant er at jeg ville reagert på samme måte. So more power to yah man!
Something else that make me really happy is this next clip right here:

The song is perfect if you ask me... Not that you did... How do they find him.
It's just too good. You know who else is too good...

Barenaked Ladies - In The Car
Sorry, fant ikke no bedre version.

A suicide bomber storms into a petshop and declares, "You have thirty seconds to leave before I blow this whole place up!"The tortoise at the back of the shop, "You bastard..."
... Too soon?
P.S. Do you think Sculpture is a dirty word? It sounds dirty... I feel slightly violated.

I'm Teething What's Your Excuse?

Yes at an age of 18. Very attractive, fully devolved my ass. Seriously I'm actually chewing on anything and everything I find, so to speed up the process, much like a dog. I guess I'll have to get my wisdom teeth removed pretty soon, but I'm holding it off cause it's probably going to hurt like Santa in a speedo. Still it'll probably hurt less than watching Twilight... Only kidding. But seriously the actors in that movie really sucked. I only like Kristen Stewart because she played the daughter in “Panic Room”. I loved that movie. I'm sorry if you're a fan, it had it's moments but not my cup of tea. LOL
“Say it!”
“Vampire”... Edward you couldn't be a vampire even if you tried. Lestat and Armand now we're talking vampires. The kind who actually die in agony when introduced to sunlight. Instead of turning into a “smouldering” diamond. I swear Meyer has some sort of sick fetish with that word. By the way Emma Frost does it better. Just kidding... Not really.

This actually opens up for today's topic...

There are two phrases I have a serious problem with; “Just Kidding” and “LOL”. Because it allows people to say the most ass- whole things, as long as they follow it up with a LOL. Such as... Cloe- "You're laugh IRL is so annoying... LOL" Sam- " 'You're' is for 'You are' as in you're a dickhead who can't spell... LOL" I'm feeling the love. Is it just me or do you also feel like vomiting everytime you hear slash read “lol”? Anyway back to the point. You never really know if the person actually means what they say, and are to much of a wuss to say it loud and proud. Or if they're only poking fun.

Personally I've never said “lol” but I do say “just kidding”. I do it all the time, without meaning anything of it. However lately I've realized there's a thin line between funny sarcasm and a cruel joke. You see for me “lol” is about as convincing as just kidding... Not really. It's like "Hey Merete, no one in our group likes you... just kidding" My internal dialogue thinks "It's true, it's so true. Nobody likes me." When using “just kidding” there's this line that should never be crossed, and that line depends on the person you're with and how well you both know each other. If you're really good friends you could get away with a lot of crap. Maybe ''get away with'' is the wrong word...s, but you could joke about almost anything and they would know you're not serious. Yet, if you tell a stranger the same thing you're most likely to get smack up the head or shot, depending on the nature of that person. A little tip, don't make fun of somebody with priors. That been say I think I'm going to check myself into, “Rehab - For Those Who think They're Funny”. Somethings are okay to joke about, whilst others can be interpreted as inhuman, and I keep forgetting, I'm not that one who chooses what's a good laugh.

... and just to clear thing up, I didn't slap you I high fived you face.
You know who else likes it in her face...

Falco - Rock Me Amadeus

There's a blonde and a brunette in a bar. They're watching the news with a man who's about to jump off a building. The brunette goes to the blond, “I bet you 50 he jumps.” The blonde says okay. He jumps, the blonde pulls out her wallet but the brunette says, " No, I can't take this money I saw the clip a earlier ago, I knew he was going to jump" and the blond goes, "Yeah, ME too but I never thought he'd do it again."

P.S. You might remember I asked for a hot non-hot line in a previous post. Just some line in a movie that's a little suggestive but unintentionally. Well I was watching “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” (the original, just had to point that out since I like it better) last night and I stumbled over something Violet says while chewing on the three-course gum, "It's hot and creamy. I can actually feel it running down my throat" I'm sure you can...

I'm sorry that's very inappropriate... Which is good because I'm about to be inappropriate with...