From the first breath of air in our lungs, we begin to slowly decay. Worse of all.. Teeth fall out... Deafness... Arthritis.. Decrepitude.. Death... What a way to go. Is it too much to ask, to die with some dignity? What an adventure to look forward to! Woody Allen once said something like " One can achieve immortality through one's words and actions, though I'd prefer to achieve it by not dying" or something like that.
The fact that we all die in the end makes life so pointless. At least the whole 'Get an education then work yourself half to death.'-attitude. Why even bother? You can't bring it with you, and if you think you'll have the time to enjoy it.. Guess again. The material world is such a bother. Naturally I'm still going to strive for the big house with the white picket fence, the 2.8 children and a dog named Shadow. I' don't really think I'm cut out for the hippie lifestyle. But wouldn't it be incredible? If you were able to drop everything, and do whatever you wanted to do. No responsibilities, not a care in the world?

I would most defiantly travel. See the seven wonders, instead of reading about them. I would walk along the great wall of china, climb Mt. Everest (... Well maybe not..) The possibilities would be endless thou! Had we lived forever none of this would even matter, forget everything you know about the down sides of eternity, and just think. What would you do, had you lived forever?
It would most likely get boring after a while, once you've done all there is. But really the sky would be the limit, and we all know there's a whole bunch of sky up there. Alas, this is just some old hippie mumbojumbo. To be honest this whole entreaty sucks.
"We are but children dear, who fret to find our bedtime near." - Mr. Carroll
Helt enig, om vi bare kunne leve evig... Men det er jo en mulighet! Flere forskere forsker på nettopp dette, men det har jeg jo fortalt deg... Gleder meg masse til å komme ned! <3<3<3<3
Naww, jeg blir deprimert når du hele tiden skal ta opp ting som det.:} Derfor vil jeg gjerne være utslitt hver kveld sånn at jeg bare sovner med en gang jeg legger hodet på putA og slipper å tenke på at jeg skal dø.;) Når som helst. Hvor som helst. Skummeeeelt. Derfor er man heldig hvis man tror på noe mer enn seg selv.:)
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