Thursday, October 30, 2008
Age Is An Issue Of Mind Over Matter. If You Don't Mind, It Doesn't Matter...
You're hair loses it's color, turning gray. You have to cut down on all the things you enjoy - disgusting unhealthy meals, and all-night parties. Pretty soon you'll have no pleasures at all, and worse you're teeth start to fall out... deafness... arthritis... decrepitude... death. There's just tons of wonderful things to look forward too.
I don't remember who but someone important, or maybe they were a nobody... Anyway somebody, once said that you could achieve immortality through your words and deeds. Personally I would prefer achieving immortality by not dying. Or maybe not, it would get kind of boring, and without the expiration date there wouldn't be much reason to live in the now, would there? I mean the only reason we do, what we do, is because eventually we die, and we want to live as full a life as possible. Then again death being so endless, the final and last step. do we really want to take it? Nobody really knows what happens after that.
A part of me wants to fast forward five years, while another part just wants to press the pause button... Life should have a remote controller. Lewis Carroll once wrote "We are but older children dear, who fret to find our bedtime near." I think he pretty much sums up my despair. I guess the only good thing about growing old is you'll finally have the time to do the things you wanted to do, when you were younger. Only you'll be to old to do them. Life is screwed up. running from goal to goal, without living in the moment. No wonder death scares us, when we never really lived in the first place.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
It's a luscious mix of words and tricks
Caring is Creepy - The Shins
Every line is pure perfection, and don't even get me started on the melody. I'll never get tired of this song, or The Shins for that matter.
Yesterday, or was it yesterday.. My memory is deleting itself... Anyway the point is, I say Fame, the movie RECENTLY, and I had fairly high expectations. I mean it's Fame I expected something mindbogglingly awesome. Instead it was a major disappointed. the movie in itself was good, I loved the plot and the characters. I just felt i didn't get the closure i needed. What happens to Ralph Garcy, does he survive the industry? Does Leroy pass Mrs. Sherwood's class. What about Bruno, is the world ready for his music? Does Doris hit it big? And what about Montgomery the guy with all the monologues... My personal favorite. I need to know! The movie just cuts off, it leaves you empty and feeling cheated. Nonetheless I'm still going to watch it agian.
Monday, October 27, 2008
"Theater is so endlessly fascinating because it's so accidental. Much like life.”
So why the sudden outburst of me declaring my love for theater? Well I'm glad you asked, I happen to be apart of a little theater group called Effekt Ungdomstheater, I know what are the odds, it's like a freak-coincidence. Earlier this year we played “The Snow Queen” by H.C. Andersen and now it's time for “Nesegrevet - En Lek Med Eventyr” by Tor Åge Bringsværd. It really is a funny play overflowing with morality, but in a good way. I'll have to post some picture later, since I can't find the thingamagig that attaches to the duehicky and magically makes pictures appear on the computer screen. So far we've had three performances and five more to come. Here's a little poster for yah! The whole gang, well the instructor is missing, but not forgotten. I love them all<3>We've had about three days break and I believe I'm in withdrawal, experiencing extreme amounts of phantom pains. It's weird but acting is my life. I'm not necessarily any good at it, so don't expect to see me on television, crying my little heart out because I won an Oscar, while trying to thank every single person I've ever meet. It's just delightfully, humorous. I would do anything if it meant I could be an actor full-time. Well almost, a girl has got to have some sort of limit.
Now that I've shared my hot Latino passion for theater, I'll tell you about one I've mention before. Halloween! Gee golly gosh I adore Halloween, and the best part is it's right around the corner. Obviously with every up there is a down. This years downer is I don't have time to celebrate Halloween. I know SINNER! With two huge tests and several theater performances (I can't possible be angry at Nesegrevet) there just isn't any time left for ghouls and goblins. Naturally I am going to get down with the ancient souls of our prehistoric ancestors, just not on the 31 of October. I guess I'll need to do a seance or something to awake the spirits again, of course they might be angry, but that is a chance I am willing to take.
I just finished carving the traditional Jack-O-Lantern and I must say it's the first pumpkin I've really been satisfied with. I guess the apprentice has finally outgrown the master. This year I carved Jack Skellington the pumpkin king, fitting I know. I have to admit I like how he turned out.
Now here's something I find peculiar, America the land of hallmark, celebrates the Mexican Halloween 'Día de los Muertos' Day of the Dead. ( I googled it. Hey! If you want an encyclopedia, go to the library) But Halloween first originated in Ireland, this being the peculiar part, why doesn't the Norwegian people celebrate this Norse folklore. Let that fester in you're mind for a minute, a mental mindfuck does the heart good.
P.S. Today it snowed, I mean it really "poured" down. Everyone was about halv an hour late for class, but I don't care. Snow is filled with glee. I'm was as giddy as a school girl...
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Survivors manual
Nr 1. Never drink or do drugs. Unless you’re in a parody, in that case roll it, light it, and smoke it up!
Nr 2. Never say: “I’ll be back”.. You might as well cut of your own head right then and there.
Nr 3. When entering a room, flip the freakin’ light switch. Just because you can’t see them doesn’t mean they can’t see you!
Nr 4. If you are blonde, black or have a big breast… I’m sorry to say you’re doomed to die. You’re only there for comedic relief; you might as well give up now.
Nr 5. If you happened to find a book of demon summoning, or any other kind of scary looking book with incantations, especially if they are in a forgotten tongue, don’t and I can’t stress this enough… don’t read it aloud, not even as a joke.
Nr 6. Under no circumstances should you ever search the basement, especially if you are experiencing a blackout.
Nr 7. Prior to entering a vehicle, do yourself a favor and check the backseat for occupants.
Nr 8. This might be the most difficult. If at any time your pet or friend turns into a demon kill them. If for some reason they turn back into themselves, kill then anyway, just to be on the safe side.
Nr 9. We confronted by the masked killer, don’t run upstairs or into the backyard or in any other confined space. Run out the front door!
Nr 10. Never split up! You’re stronger in numbers and you won’t have to go back for the others.
Nr 11. If it’s still night-time, it’s not over.
Nr 12. When it appears that you’ve killed the monster, don’t take a closer look to see if it’s really dead, it never is. Don’t make an insult, just run in the opposite direction.
Nr 13. Never stand in, on, above, below, beside or anywhere near a grave, tomb, crypt, mausoleum or any other form of burial chamber.
Nr 14. Stay away from certain geographical locations. Such as: Amityville, Elm Street, Transylvania, or any small town in Maine.
Nr 15. Beware of strangers bearing tools such as chainsaws, staple guns, hedge trimmers, electric carving knives, lawnmowers, butane torches, smoldering irons, band saws or any (possibly deathly) device made from deceased companions. Just avoid them altogether, don’t speak to them, don’t even look at them.
Nr 16. Never watch a horror movie while you're in a horror movie. I can’t emphasize this enough.
Nr 17. When battling zombies or any other undead beings, sever the head or shoot them in the brain. If you they still want to eat you after that, just surrender. It’s easier... That actually goes for every bad guy trying to kill you. Aim for the head.
Nr 18. If you running down a street and you being chased by a vehicle don’t run in straight-ahead, go down a side road where the vehicle can’t follow.
Nr 19. Don’t have sex in a horror movie, being a virgin doesn’t hurt.
Nr. 20. If you’ve committed a deadly sin or you have some kind of horrible secret, you might as well shoot yourself now.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
The Labyrinth
I have two favourit scenes, the first is the masquerade. Up until then Jareth has spend his time taunting and eluding Sarah, making her quest fairly miserable. She's looking for him in a crowd of masqueraders and he brushes past her, laughing at her, even teasing her. Suddenly there she is standing right infront of him, and she's all he wants. He's hers onehundred percent. It's so romantic it makes my head swim.
OH! Let's not forget the little worm in the beginning, so much fun!
RaNdOm ThIs AnD RaNdOm ThAt...
Random Fact nr.1 when I was about 6 or 7 years old I saw The Labyrinth for the very first time and was completely taken by the goblin king (played by David Bowie) I saw it was a Disney movie and I thought if we left that instance, I could meet him. Well that was my first crush, and it wasn't even in a real guy or maybe it was. Anyway I guess I've always like Mr. Bowie (Even though I pronounced his last name wrong for a while)
Random fact nr.2 I sing the weirdest songs, in the most awful tones you have ever heard. Yes I am the worst jukebox known to man. You know what? Like it!
Random fact nr.3 I like reading useless facts, it's also the one thing I know will infuse itself to my memory as well, forget about when Benjamin Franklin was born, or for how long Norway was under Danish rule. The stuff I remember is for example; George Clooney's cousin, Miguel Ferrer, appeared as a guest star on ER. Fascinating right? Even his aunt Rosemary was on the TV series. Did you know that Christian Bale lost his voice three times during the filming of Batman Begins, due to altering his voice? You didn't know that did you? Here’s another useless film fact. Brad Pit chipped a tooth while filming Fight Club, but didn't have it capped until after the filming was over because he felt it added to his character. Now that dedication... There are tons more where that came from.
Random Fact nr.4 Google is my friend. It’s true I Google and re-Google everything, even things I already know. Hello, my name is Merete, and I'm a Google-o-holic. *tearage*
Random Fact nr.5 before I go to bed while brushing my teeth I normally spend stand in front of the mirror and make faces, and if I'm really bored I get out my eyeliner and draw on the mirror. It’s really is fun.
Random fact nr.6 this is probably more a "secret pastime" I watch Hanna Montana it's not like I run to the television set the second it's on. It's more that don't switch when the program starts.
Random Fact nr.7 Sometimes I run outside the second it's raining and don't go back inside until I'm downright soaking wet, I love the rain<3
Random Fact nr.8 On occasion I have a tendency to read Norwegian books in English and the other way around, it even takes a couple of seconds before I realize it.
Random Fact nr.9 I’ve always wanted to take a bath in a tub full of aloe vera, specially when I'm sun burnt, which is every summer...
Random Fact nr.10 I'm a serious pack rat, I mean it! Its and on-going battle, you should see my room. I struggle with throwing things out, but I am getting better.
Random Fact.11 I have this tick where I don't like to use things. For instance I just bought a new graphic novel by Neil Gaiman and it feels as though I'll die if I open it all the way or it gets scratched. This is also the reason I don't like lending things to others, the item always comes back looking like an old whore... *eye twitch*
Random Fact.12 I'm very paranoid! I think the whole world is trying to get me, and there are ninja-spies all-over the place. Who'll attack me the second I turn around. Okay I'm not that bad but I just heard a sound and I ran though the whole house with my teddy bear, Oh, the damage I could have done! You’d think that after all the horror movies I've seen, I'd have learned that one should NEVER go towards the sound...
Random Fact.13 I have a thing for bad guys. In every movie, book or comic book, the bad guy is always more appealing to me. Of course there are a few exceptions, for example L in Death note is better than Kira. This seems like a good time to tell you about my huge crush on Lestat, he's not really the bad guy but I just really wanted to mention him. A random fact within a random fact, can it get more random then that? I think NOT!
Lestat played by Stuart Townsend, in Queen Of The Damned
Lestat, played by Tom Cruise, in Interveiw With A Vampire
Random fact nr.14 I like sleeping in confined spaces... enough said.
... And that concludes my random babble of randomness!
Seeing as I've listened to this song the whole time I was writing this, it seems only fitting to post it as the soundtrack. I actually wanted it to be the song of the week but you know it's going to be both!
Song of the week/ Soundtrack:
I Kissed a Girl - Katy Perry