You're hair loses it's color, turning gray. You have to cut down on all the things you enjoy - disgusting unhealthy meals, and all-night parties. Pretty soon you'll have no pleasures at all, and worse you're teeth start to fall out... deafness... arthritis... decrepitude... death. There's just tons of wonderful things to look forward too.

I don't remember who but someone important, or maybe they were a nobody... Anyway somebody, once said that you could achieve immortality through your words and deeds. Personally I would prefer achieving immortality by not dying. Or maybe not, it would get kind of boring, and without the expiration date there wouldn't be much reason to live in the now, would there? I mean the only reason we do, what we do, is because eventually we die, and we want to live as full a life as possible. Then again death being so endless, the final and last step. do we really want to take it? Nobody really knows what happens after that.
A part of me wants to fast forward five years, while another part just wants to press the pause button... Life should have a remote controller. Lewis Carroll once wrote "We are but older children dear, who fret to find our bedtime near." I think he pretty much sums up my despair. I guess the only good thing about growing old is you'll finally have the time to do the things you wanted to do, when you were younger. Only you'll be to old to do them. Life is screwed up. running from goal to goal, without living in the moment. No wonder death scares us, when we never really lived in the first place.
Døden er skummelt. Er ikke noe mer å si om det. Jeg gruer meg og gleder meg til å se hva det er alle snakker om.:p
Die with a friend.
Vi dør i 2012 uansett peeps. Dør før vi fatter at vi faktisk dør.
Høhø - jeg er optimist:D
MEN, bra innlegg Merete! Slutten var til de grader bra!;o
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