Happy New Year! Let's hope it's as awkward as the previous one.
After a good long x-mas holiday it's back to business, and when I say business I mean posting my life here. So, what's new you ask? Well, The year may be young but already it's been filled to the brim with awesome experiences. So, gather around childeren for I have a tale to tell, about a little girl and her family, and their wondrous trip to London.

As you may already know London is one hell of city, which is why we didn't get to see all the sights, fortunatly we saw them last time. This years trip consisted of Madame Tussauds wax museum, where I was finally given the chance to meet Micheal Jackson. My little ol' heart almost imploded.

We visited The London Aquarium, with some pretty nifty fish. I even found Nemo.

The next day we saw the Micheal Jackson Exhibition at the O2, and somehow ended up in the London Dungeon, where I became one of Jack's victims. Yes, we're on a first name basis. Let's not forget Harrod's and Hamleys.

This is actually beginning to sound like a very borring list, which is why I'll add some flavour. When we stopped by Starbucks, my favourite coffee place. I quite literally drool all over myself at just the mere thought of their amazingly tasty coffee! Anyway, after I toweled off and had finish my order, the lid fell off and the contents decided to pour itself over my hand. Painful would be an understatement, however it was hilarious walking around London with a mummified hand. I fit right in with Harrods' Egyptian escalator. Before we went to bed I even tasted Pimm's. You would not believe how good it is even after I've told you. Needless to say I got my hands on a bottle at the airport. We spent the last day visiting family in Gravesend, cheerful name! So there wasn't really any time for shopping, although I did manage to spend some punds and the airport. Naughty little me. All in all it was a delightful trip, and I hope to come back soon! Everything's so tiny and adorable in there, the buildings and cars, nothing at all like America where the word ginormous is an understatement, and the word small simply doesn't exist.
London Calling - The ClashThis version isn't actually sung by Strummer, it's more an ode to, but I like Elvis Costello so it ain't no thang but a chicken wang.
Pimms er rågodt! Jeg må si du poset bedre enn meg på Madame Tussauds.;(
Hørtes ut som en bra tur.;D
Den fisken var utrolig snål forresten, but I like it!
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