Friday, October 23, 2009

Smell It Properly

You know what the best gift you could possibly give is? Neither do I.

However I do know what the worst is, at least one of them. Soap. I realize the irony in me saying this, referring to my very real fear of germs. You would think soap was right up my alley. Oh how wrong you would be. I mean how many times can I be enthusiastic about bar of soap? Unless it turns you into frikkin Tinkerbell in the shower, and you have the ultimate Herbal Essences moment. Which by the way I'm still waiting for. Damn commercial more like Herbal's Empty Promises. Keep in mind that the gift you give also says something about your perception of that person. So when you saw a bar of soap you instantly thought of me? Am I not clean enough, is that it? Or do you just generally not care enough to give a something a little more original? I mean Jesus what's wrong with these people all soap smells the same. I don't know about you but I like neutral smells. Which is another thing, older women seem to drown themselves in perfume. Like they're trying to hide the smell of there body decomposing. I'm sorry but we can still see it. It's called ageing gracefully, you might want to try it.

I work incredibly hard to try and find presents I've heard others mention before. I stay up nights racking my brain to find something they'll actually like. So, if I give a bad gift it's not for lack of trying. I really do hope I give good presents. In my entire gift-giving life I have not once given soap to friends or relatives. Okay once I gave a bar of soap to a teacher I hated... strongly disliked. Don't ask my why, everyone was doing it. She said every time she used it she'd think of me. What sane adult says that to an ten-year-old? So now every time she's in the shower I'm the one she thinking about, while she scrubs down. Creeps. Me. Out! Soap has scared me for life. In my oppinion you can only buy soap in certain circumstances. One you're a kid with no money, and it's for you mom, and two you're a kid with no money and its for you grandmother. The instant you have money I don't understand why you buy soap. Even without money you could easily make something better. Arts & Crafts good times. Unless the person enjoys getting soaps in the shape of animals or sea-shells. It's like people who buy candles. Candles and soap, to me just say fuck you.

Question of the day. What's the most thoughtful gift you've ever received? Or just you're favorite? For me it's my precious little locket from my precious little bumble bee.

... and of course what you're mom gave me last night. Special.

Indecent Exposure:
Clutch - The Soapmakers
I know I've used this song before but honestly a post about soap needs a soapy-ish song.

Just because I like it.

1 comment:

Luka said...

Jeg kom nettopp på at jeg ga deg såpe en gang.(;
Jeg vet faktisk ikke helt hva den beste gaven jeg har fått er, for jeg har fått så mange fine ting.:)
Jeg husker at jeg ikke klarte å puste da jeg fikk Westlife-dvd av deg for hundre år siden.:p