Okay so very recently, about 2 minutes ago I stumbled across this fine mix of letters lmao, and embarrassed as I am, I'm utterly clueless as to what this means. I realize that acronyms are supposed to be a nice quick way of jotting down your thoughts and comments, however not for the person (
ME) who has never in her life seen them, let alone taken the time to remember them all. I use maybe a whole five minutes extra on the internet because of this. Trying to decipher the evil little codes, such as SO and NRN.
In the end I just gave up and made my own definitions. NRN= Nerd ran North, SO= Sort Of. Oh boy was I wrong! It really stands for No Reply Necessary, and Significant Other. imCO! That's short for I mean COME ON! See I know you're lingo, I'm hip to the pip. But honestly if you don't have the time to write significant other. That person really isn't that significant.
(Break it off. I'm just saying...) So next time you're about to use an abbreviation, please think of the poor bastard who's going to be sitting there with his or her head up their ars.

Here's a little dictionary I put together. they really should sell these things. Of course no one would bother buying it now that it's on my blog. Beat yah to it again. *Stickin' it to the man*
AFAIK =» As Far As I Know
AFK =» Away From Keyboard
ASAP =» As Soon As Possible
BAS =» Big A$$ Smile (I little sensorship never really hurt anyone...)
BEG =» Big Evil Grin
BF =» Boyfriend
BFF =» Best Friends Forever (do you see what a little typo could do to your baby boo or friend? awkward...)
BRB =» Be Right Back
BTW =» By The Way
CRBT =» Crying Real Big Tears (and for you emo's out there, CRBTOB =» Crying Real Big Tears of blood)
DLTBBB =» Don't Let The Bed Bugs Bite
FTBOMH =» From The Bottom Of My Heart
FYI =» For Your Information
FWIW =» For What It's Worth
GAL =» Get A Life
GMTA =» Great Minds Think Alike
IMNSHO =» In My Not So Humble Opinion
IOW =» In Other Words
IRL =» In Real Life
LOL =» Laugh Out Loud
LSHMBB =» Laughing So Hard My Belly is Bouncing
LSHTTARDML =» Laughing So Hard The Tears Are Running Down My Leg (that was INSANLY LONG)
LTNS =» Long Time No See
LTS =» Laughing To Self
LUWAMH =» Love You With All My Heart
MTF =» More To Follow
NRN =» No Reply Necessary
OTTOMH =» Off The Top of My Head
PDS =» Please Don't Shoot ('cause you really need to WRITE that down.)
QT =» Cutie
ROFL =» Rolling On Floor Laughing
ROFLMAOWTIME =» ROFLMAO With Tears In My Eyes (I think people are just having fun with it...)
ROFLUTSROFL =» Unable to Speak that's jut wrong....
RTFM =» Read The F****** Manual!
SHID =» Slaps Head In Disgust
SO =» Significant Other
TGIF =» Thank God It's Friday
TOY =» Thinking Of You
WB =» Welcome Back
Hopes this helped you as much as it helped me, gotta stay in touch with the youngin's.
Are you having trouble with the nice word? Do they look like a big cluster of letters to you? Well lucky for you I have decided to take the time to translate them into a more understandable... language.
Sorry just proving a point. By the way... I was almost done before I realized my pinky was holding down Shift... I figured “Well I've come this far...” and kept at it. Caps lock is utterly useless! We should just throw it away. Still the reason I don't is much like why I collect loose screws and what not. I think this came from somewhere important and I should hold on to it.
Any way... Key stoke this key stoke that. I stoke my keys daily... God that was perverted.
... and to think this little outburst started over a few letters.
He can stoke my keys any day of the week, maybe not...
But seriously you know who does stokes my keys? Your mom.