Brian Molko as you may already know, is the lead singer in the alternative slash rock band, Placebo. Just thinking about him makes me melt, don't give me that! we all have our own personal vices. Born December 10, 1972 in Belgium. He often felt alienated and alone, since his family moved around most of his childhood. Fortunately, he finding comfort in the drama department.
His androgynous image began as a rebellion against his father and strict upbringing. Being well known for his appearance and sexual orientation since his youth. Along with Stefan Olsdal and Steve Hewitt he formed the band Placebo, formerly known as Prince... Juuust kidding they called themselves for Ashtray Hearts.
Today the bands attempts to challenge gender norm, Nancy Boy being an example, and draws attention to a the psychology aspect of humanity. Since their name refers to a drug with no therapeutic effects. So basically any reaction what so ever would be purely psychological. Their latest album is "Battle for the Sun" with the mindboggeling (Don't you just love that word?) song For What It's Worth, and naturally the video does not disappoint.
The end of the century
I said my goodbyes
For what it’s worth
I always aim to please
But I nearly died
For what it’s worth
Come on lay with me
‘Cause I’m on fire
For what it’s worth
I tear the sun in three
To light up your eyes
Placebo - English Summer Rain
Some artist just move your soul.
Omg. Cry me a river.
OH EMM GEE. THAT is ONE piece of HOTTT chickImean... guy. Ofc. Jeg liker måten hu..an har kontakt med, ikke bare sin feminine, men også hele spekteret av deep emotional horror and distaste for the utterly broken world. Dette er en dyp forbindelse Merete. Jeg vet jeg har joinet fanklubben, har du?
Link til fanklubb: https://www.thaultimateshemale-fanclub4u.com
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