Today a series of unusual events took place. Against all odds a black man has been elected, mostly because of the efforts of the media that had been disposed to his candidacy. It was long believed that the Republicans would have a much easier time to defeat him, therefore the spin cycle was set on full to change the public opinion. Money would be no issue.
Barack Obama made history today. History that for once, rubbed us all the right way. Obama's inaugural address was based on trying to create a new era of responsibility, where he urged the American people to step up to the plate, so to speak. "Given the crisis that we're in and the hardships that so many people are going through, we can't allow any idle hands," Obama said during his speech "Everybody's got to be involved. Everybody's going to have to pitch in, and I think the American people are ready for that."
... Well I guess only time will tell, if that last part will ring true.
As the next President of the United States, he was making a commitment to the people. That the government would not fail the people. But he can't do it alone, and neither can Michelle, he's wife. The government can only do so much. It's up to the people to get things started, instead of sitting around and complaining. If you spend you're life waiting for someone to fix the problem for you, it won't get done.

We see him now. Far too young, much like our hopes and dreams. Still there is a force in his eyes, caught by the camera lence, as he begins his speech. Looking out upon the sea of faces he exhales before he begins...
“My fellow citizens and citizens of every country in the world, I had a speech prepared for me today. It was filled with all of the rhetoric that I have been compelled to utter in these many months until this moment. I did not know until I looked at it in my hands that I could not in good conscience deliver it. Change and the presence of realized hope cannot depend on words for their accomplishment. Change and hope that are not real will never come to pass. We achieve instead… only some new variation on a theme. We merely paint the existing structure with a different face and nothing changes but the appearance...”
We watched Barack Obama being sworn in by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. The air overflowing of awe and expectancy. Everyone watching, listening and wondering. Is this the new Camelot? Has America finally turn a corner? Is hope real? Is change a possibility? Do dreams come true? Here in another moment of great national trial, with enormous challenges at home and abroad… Do dreams come true? Is change a possibility? Is hope real?
The monumental inauguration of the first African American president was covered like no other, not to mention the attendance that when throw the roof. Although it must be said, that Obama is living proof of how little the world has evolved. This been said I do believe that, even with all chaos inherited from the bush administration, Obama can fix some of the problems America faces to day, let alone the world. Although there is a shred of doubt lingering in the back of my mind. How will Obama be able to accomplish all he has promises, when he's neck deep in luggage from the previous administration. Four years isn't nearly enough time! Hopefully he'll have a second term, or maybe not, maybe Obama is a rock rapped in shiny paper. I think it's dangerous to idealize a man as much as people seem to do. He lifted our hopes, and in return we placed him on a pedestal. It remains to be seen if he'll keep on the beaten path of trail off, and get lost. I don't think our heart can take another let down.

Now that I have taken you to the dark side of the moon, let me bring you back into the light. I hardly doubt that Obama will fail us. There's too much riding on his presidency, and it doesn't seem like he's every failed in anything. I'm glad he won the election, McCain seemed to be somewhat of a hothead, who would have probably died within the year, leaving the brutal and moronic Sarah Palin in charge of the “Free” world. Something that still gives me nightmares at night. Can you even imagine what would have happened? It would be the beginning of the end of the world as we know it! Here is were I leave you, let me just make sure I have cross all my T's and dotted my I's. If Obama achieves even half of what he promises, that will be sufficient enough.
“I say to you today, my friends, o even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. IT is a dream deeply rotted in the American dream.”
- Martin Luther King Jr.
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Wow. Merete for prez!
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