Tuesday, December 30, 2008

This Years Christmas Harvest

Once every full moon families come together, and reap what they sow. It's so beautiful you could cry! Anyway... This year's crop harvest was rather plentiful. I received.... and that's quite a lot!

From my two bestest friends: - A Purple waistcoat (that TOTALLY rocked my pants!) and a heart shaped necklace with the letter M for murder.. I mean Merete.. he..heee...

From Green Ninja: - Purple soap, purple towel, purple everything! There was so much purple I nearly drown. Its was great, such greatness I've never known.

From Wenche, her Boo and their rat: - A pair of earring, they're so cute.

My Aunt, Uncle & Cousin: - A fleece blanket and money, ain't it honey!

My Grandmother x2: Christmas card, chocolate, and money. Yay! Oh, and a BIG hug! (Which is K. E. Y.)

My Uncle, his "fiance", and her kid: - Coins for my collection *giggle*, a book " Hvordan Sage En Dame I ToP?", and candy for my sweet tooth. Yummy.

My Brother: - Cube Zero, part three of The Cube "trilogy" he got me hooked. The thing is thou, they're out of production so I was lucky he found one.

My Parents: Drawing utensils; watercolor, acrylic, and charcole, (I can't wait to use them!) an external hard-drive, candy and some films; The Producers (with Gene Wilder, you know the one I talked about earlier), and Alice in Wonderland( I think I posted a link on my previous blog, gene wilder plays The Mock Turtle, and as The Mad Hatter we have Martin Short, can it get any better than that? I think NOT)

I might post some pictures... who am I kidding? we all know I'm to lazy for that nonsense...
What Did You Guys Get?

Tomorrow.. Or I should say today, is the celebration we've all been waiting for... Yes, New Years Eve. I've already asked about 5 other people what their plans are for this special, and yet somewhat over the top, exaggerated event... So I might as well ask you. Oh please, do share you're lives detail with my since I'm trying to live vicariously through you all. If you're sensing a slight hint of sarcasim, I can assure you that is not my intention. How do you plan to end this year, with a bang? Or perhaps a bottle of vino and you 99 cats, if I may be so bold?

I'm gonna hang out with my dear friends, and watch some fireworks. I think fireworks are best at wintertime. When it's dark, and cold, and everything's filled with mystery. The perfect time to light up the sky especially when with friends.

This time I decided not to make any New Year's Resolutions. I mean it's not like I'm going to follow-through on them anyway, so why even bother? Still I do like making lists and cheacking them twice. So here goes:

- Watch more films
- Listen to more music
- Say Yes to everything for a whole day, atleast once in the upcomming year.
-Instead of planning to be spontaneous, I just do it. Oh my.. What a paradox that one is...
- Worry less, and have more fun...
On second thought, maybe I'll be able to follow-through this time. For once in my life I think I've finally found something do-able.
How about you? Dish out the goods, I challenge you all to a duel. Muhahahaaa!

1 comment:

Luka said...

10hi. Du er litt søt da.
Du vet hva jeg gjorde på nyttårsaften, hva jeg fikk til jul så det er egentlig ingenting her for meg å svare på.;o
Gleder meg til å se deg i morgen!!!