In about 4 days time I will be leaving this life for a temporary other. Sure, that sounds dramatic but it is how I can be describe how I feel about this epic journey. For it is not just a simple easygoing vaction with either family nor freinds. I shall be alone, making friends along the way. Hopfully social interaction will be easy to acheive. It will be a journey where I push myself, and with any luck grow as an inlightend individual completely reliant on myself. Atleast that is the sort of result I would like.
I've never traveled alone. In my younger days at camp or sleepovers, I wouldn't worry as much as the other kids for I knew I would see my parents soon agian. The only homesick I felt was when my lonliness became all to appearent. What can I say, kids are assholes. But those days are several identity crisis' away. I feel now that I'm almost complete as a person, acouple more years And I'll be finished learning the tough part about who I am, and more importantly who I wish to be. Which is part of why I wanted to join the exchange program to a land so far away it take two days by air travel to get there.
I figure if I can survive in on a continent that has evolved in an extremely poisonous way I think I can surive anything. We are talking about a country that has in an extreme attempt evolved some of the most poisonous species in the world. There of the box jellyfish, beautiful and deadly, having cause upto 5567 recorded deaths since 1954. It has a venom that attacks the heart, nervous system, and skin cells, and is overpoweringly painfull. I am presently reading a book by Bill Bryce, an author I recommened at the fullest, it is tittled Down Under, where he writes about a boy fullish enough to intentionally oversee the Box Jellyfish warning. Needless to say he was going to have a bad time, but the thing that really got to me was that eventhough he was unconsion he was still screaming out in the most horrific non-human cry. Now, I love a good horror story, slasher you name it I'll see or read it. These things frighten me however that story chilled me to the bone. I'm not loking forward to first hand interaction with all the dangerous speicies residing in Australia, aside form the cute cuddly koalas, and hopefully some quadruped reptilians.
I wanted to right down some of my expectations about the trip.
Firstly I think I'm going to die, I fear I won't be able to overcome the different obsticle that will arise. This is where I am turning to my extremely unreasonable fear of dying hoping my inate surviver's instinct will save me. I'll be fine because I have to be fine.
Secondly, I think all Austrlians are unreasonably nice, and easygoing all the time. Some being very into barbequeing the shit out of everthing and anything the come across. othes very crocodil dunde. I heard most Australians aren't used to iorny or sarcasim, that's going to be interesting. I shall have to be abit more cautious. Stereotypes are not always correct, and I looking forward to getting a feel of how Australians are. I'll probably still think they're awesomely awesome and awfully nice by the end of my stay.
Lastly, I think everyone at the different hostels I'll be staying in will be interesting divers. I'm hoping atleast. I'm going to try to jott down all the different nationalities I met along the way. They say one learns more when interacting with different people, and it will be interesting to hear about there take on thing.
I am extremly enthusiastic about every part of my stay, hopefully finding an apartment will be easy as pudding. I say apartment but all I need is a bed to sleep in, a desk for study, and access to a bathroom and somesort of kitchen. Typing this I realize that's a lot to ask for but it'll work out, it has to work out.
Here goes nothing...