Time: 00:26
Date:4th of may
Mood: Bleak, annoyed, above all tired, I'm tired. All in all horrible.
Do you want to know why? Well, of course not.
That doesn't mean I'm not going to tell you anyway though.
That damn russ.
I hate them.
Wait, hate is such a strong word, too bad it's not strong enough to describe my disapproval. I loathe them, they irk me, I'm vexed, irrate.
I'm kidding I'm actually very fortunate, you see they're having this huge mother of a party just a couple meters away from where I live. So, I get to listen to that wonderful, absolutly breath-taking music all night.
My goat, Captain Oats! No wonder they drink so much that music is crap with a capitol: PISS.OFF.
I have no problem with those little insects having yet another excuse to party, just don't do it so close to civilazation or at least be within range. That's all I ask. Don't keep me up all night without a good reason, not unless I can join in on the fun.
WAIT! it stopped! Oh, happy day! I have to fall asleep before they find the play button agian. Thank goat todays youth is so worthless.