I am so excited about finally leaving this boring place, where I have so much fugging responsibility, and spend a week at our cottage with my bestest friend, and only reader. It feels like I've been awake for three days straight on nothing other than red bull, although I've never actually tasted it, and coffee. My body's an earthquake of anticipation.
I can't wait to get lost in all the fun we'll have. All the insanity. You know I almost left last weekend. my thoughts: "I'm just-gonna-leave-now-and-to-hades-with-my-job-and-priorities-I-won't-even-pack-because-I-want-to-leave-this-instant” Then I realized I would be alone and alone crazy just isn't easy to explain, while as we're-two-girl-having-a-laugh. Is not only a get out of jail free card, but it is also a lot more fun. So damn it I waited for you to return, and now we're leaving.
I've had it up to here with responsibility and priorities. In just a simple week I've had a MAJOR life altering break though, packaged with several epiphanies, which could have really made my life extremely easier "growing up". I figure since I haven't grown any taller in at least a year, I am all grown up, and even though researcher say the brain is fully evolved between the ages 19- 20 years. I am guessing they mean human years and not ape years or donkey years or I-don't-give-a-rats-ass years. Since I am going with human years I am either finished or I will be in 1.5 months, or 47 days to be exact, not that I'm counting. I basically just pimped the numbers into my slut-calculator. Yeah, you could say I keep my pimp hand strong, and you'd be correct in that assumption, I just noticed assumption, said really fast sounds like "ass hump". I'm just pointing out the small subliminal messages of the English language. No wonder I thought my English teacher wanted me, not in a "I want you to deliver your pagers on time", but in a wantingly wanting need for me to just deliver.
So, I'm done growing physically, just not mentally. I don't really think that part ever stops. Now, I could sit here and debate whether or not it stops near the end of ones life, but that's just too flippin' depressing. Besides the body starts deteriorating the second there's something to break down.
Mmm. Long rant huh? Want a summary?
I'aint gon' grow no mo'
I had me sum' breakthou's
See you on the flipside!