"Once upon a time there was a woman named Abigail, who was in love with a man named Gregory. Gregory lived on the shore of a river. Abigail lived on the opposite shore of the river. The river that separated the two lovers was teeming with man-eating alligators. Abigail wanted to cross the river to be with Gregory. Unfortunately, the bridge was washed out. So, she went to ask Sinbad, a river boat captain, to take her across. He said he would be glad to if she would consent to go to bed with him preceding the voyage. She promptly refused and went to a friend named Ivan to explain her plight. Ivan did not want to be involved at all in the situation. Abigail felt her only alternative was to accept Sinbad's terms. Sinbad fulfilled his promise to Abigail and delivered her into the arms of Gregory.
When she told Gregory about her amorous escapade in order to cross the river, Gregory cast her aside with disdain. Heartsick and dejected, Abigail turned to Sluggo with her tale of woe. Sluggo, feeling compassion for Abigail, sought out Gregory and beat him brutally. Abigail was overjoyed at the sight of Gregory getting his due. As the sun sets on the horizon, we hear Abigail laughing at Gregory."
I found this little story when I was searching for information about genetic mutations. Of course this only proves my lack of concentration. Anyfloor, it's originally an assignment, where the answer is supposed to say something about you moral compass. You read the text, them rate the five character on a scale from one to five one being the character you liked the least. I believe we did something similar in middle school, where five people were trapped in a cave with only one way out and water rushing in to seal their doom. In short you play god and decide in which order they get out. Keeping in mind the last ones may drown. Of course every character had a twist, for instance the genius how would later on find a cure for cancer was also a child molester, and so on and so forth. Anyway back to the story at hand. I give you my rating, and I hope you leave yours in the comments.
Time to use that noggen!
Tricky tricky. It's actually quite difficult because it's all about situational morality. One person is doing what they think is right for their situation, when others may think their crazy. It's always hard to take a step back from your own live and instantly know your faults. I mentioned in previous post a lack of human empathy, in the analysis of catch in the rye, and I think text is yet another example. All five character are basically doing what they believe is the correct thing to do, without considering how their actions will effect others. There's a possibility I would do exactly the same, or I maybe not. You never really know until you've experiencing it first hand. Since I don't know anything other than this short version of the story. A story that lacks inner thoughts, emotions and desire. I'll be judging five people's decision based on gossip. I think, I'll speak for myself, I normally forget that's there are two side to a story. It's always easier to judge others than it is to judge yourself. So without further ado I give you the list.
I decided to do the list backwards, and also try to explain my reasoning.
5. Gregory: I liked Gregory the most because, he reacted in a way I most likely would. Keep in mind we don't even know if he and Abigail are in a relationship. The story is extremely vague, which is probably the point. I mean Abigail could be some lunatic stalker that looks at him through a telescope and has a room full of pictures. She could be insane. Or she could be the love of his life. I don't know. It doesn't really matter because, according to my sources, the television, cheating changes the relationship completely. So I understand his reaction. Although one could ask the question, if they were together, why didn't Gregory try to cross the river as well? Why was he just waiting for her? Was he an incompetent little man?
4. Sinbad: He simply made a request, maybe more a condition, for the favour Abigail wanted, and he held up his side of the bargain. Now he may have been a complete toolbag for requesting sex. Still he, like the rest of the world, was in a position of slight power and decided to take advantage of it. Abigail didn't have to agree but eventually did. I'm not really sure where to put Sinbad since he abused his "power" for the greater good of his loins, but still he didn't really do anything criminal, of course had he been her boss and the boat ride had been a promotion? Either way you see it he abused his position and that's not okay. He's a lowlife Plain and simple, and I don't care for him at all. Do you see how difficult this is? There are so many parallels. Compared to the others he's my nr.4 least likeable.
3. Ivan: He didn't need to get involved, so he stayed out of it. Very often people get involved in things they don't necessarily need to be a part of. So to some extend it's commendable. Although he could have solved the whole problem, if he had just cared enough to help, or was willing to take a risk. Also the story didn't give any specific details of Abigail's side of the island. For instance, we don't know if there are any materials for building a raft, just that she can't swim over. Apparently Ivan's her friend and even if he didn't want to get physically involved he should have been given her advise or tried to console her. He should done something. You never know, even the smallest of efforts could turn to be fruitful. It comes down to the fact that indifference is just as bad.
2. Sluggo: It's says that out of compassion for Abigail he goes and beats up Gregory. First of all how did he get over the river? Sid he sleep with Sinbad as well? Or did he know another route? Anyway he let his anger get the best of him and went all Armageddon on Gregory's ass, who really hadn't done anything wrong. For all we know Gregory didn't love her back, and there's nothing commendable about violence. Pain breeds pain, and it all turns into a vicious cycle. If he really cared for Abigail, he would have stayed by her side and helped her through it. It really is between Abigail and Gregory. Even though it's great that he cared, his actions were completely wrong. it takes a really evil person to find something like that endearing or even to think that beating somebody up is a nice gesture. Which only proved that Abigail is a horrible person. To laugh at somebody's pain. Are you kidding me? She is hands down my nr 1 least likeable.
1. Abigail: At the beginning of the story I empathized with her situation. However as the story progressed a growing disdain accumulated towards her. To me she seemed very calculating. I think she manipulated the situation in order to get some sort of revenge towards Gregory. I don't know. The main reason for my disliking her is of course the ending where she laughs at Gregory's pain. Also why did she go to Sluggo and not her friend Ivan for support, after Gregory had cast her aside? Maybe it was because Ivan didn't care in the first place, or she knew that Sluggo had these kinds of violent tendencies. That is why Abigail came in last... Or first on the least likeable scale.
There really are no right answers, they all did good and bad things. Do you agree? Do you disagree? Leave you're thoughts in the comments, and don't forget your list. I'm curious to know your own moral compass.
Catch you on the flip side!
Your sincerely,
Awkward llama.