From my two bestest friends: - A Purple waistcoat (that TOTALLY rocked my pants!) and a heart shaped necklace with the letter M for murder.. I mean Merete.. he..heee...
From Green Ninja: - Purple soap, purple towel, purple everything! There was so much purple I nearly drown. Its was great, such greatness I've never known.
From Wenche, her Boo and their rat: - A pair of earring, they're so cute.
My Aunt, Uncle & Cousin: - A fleece blanket and money, ain't it honey!
My Grandmother x2: Christmas card, chocolate, and money. Yay! Oh, and a BIG hug! (Which is K. E. Y.)
My Uncle, his "fiance", and her kid: - Coins for my collection *giggle*, a book " Hvordan Sage En Dame I ToP?", and candy for my sweet tooth. Yummy.
My Brother: - Cube Zero, part three of The Cube "trilogy" he got me hooked. The thing is thou, they're out of production so I was lucky he found one.
My Parents: Drawing utensils; watercolor, acrylic, and charcole, (I can't wait to use them!) an external hard-drive, candy and some films; The Producers (with Gene Wilder, you know the one I talked about earlier), and Alice in Wonderland( I think I posted a link on my previous blog, gene wilder plays The Mock Turtle, and as The Mad Hatter we have Martin Short, can it get any better than that? I think NOT)
Tomorrow.. Or I should say today, is the celebration we've all been waiting for... Yes, New Years Eve. I've already asked about 5 other people what their plans are for this special, and yet somewhat over the top, exaggerated event... So I might as well ask you. Oh please, do share you're lives detail with my since I'm trying to live vicariously through you all. If you're sensing a slight hint of sarcasim, I can assure you that is not my intention. How do you plan to end this year, with a bang? Or perhaps a bottle of vino and you 99 cats, if I may be so bold?
I'm gonna hang out with my dear friends, and watch some fireworks. I think fireworks are best at wintertime. When it's dark, and cold, and everything's filled with mystery. The perfect time to light up the sky especially when with friends.
This time I decided not to make any New Year's Resolutions. I mean it's not like I'm going to follow-through on them anyway, so why even bother? Still I do like making lists and cheacking them twice. So here goes:
- Listen to more music
- Say Yes to everything for a whole day, atleast once in the upcomming year.
On second thought, maybe I'll be able to follow-through this time. For once in my life I think I've finally found something do-able.